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Department of Arts


One of the most important aspects in the formation of a specialist's personality, the development of his professional and creative qualities, the formation of competitiveness is given to the organization and the passage of practice. In the course of pedagogical practice on the basis of educational organizations in Kostanay and Kostanay region, students have the opportunity to practice various methods of music education and fine arts. Also, students have the opportunity to pass various types of practices, such as: educational , educational (plein-air), educational, pedagogical, and industrial practices.

The content of the practice includes organizational measures. The student will take part in the installation conference, which is held 3-5 days before the start of the practice, get acquainted with the program of practice, methodological guidelines for practice, with all the requirements for the intern, get all the necessary documents, including the diary of the training practice of the approved sample. During the internship period, students must conduct classes and extracurricular activities. Following the results of the practice, a final conference is held to summarize the results of the practice. At the end of the internship, the department receives letters of thanks from the practice bases.

The department receives applications from employers with a request to send our graduates to work, as well as letters of thanks for training specialists who meet modern trends and requirements of modern society.Graduates of the educational programs 6B01402 "Music education", 6B01403 "Visual art, art work, graphics and design", 5B010700 "Fine art and drawing" are in demand, which corresponds to the annual personnel monitoring of graduates of the department. They work in general education institutions (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, etc.).); teachers ' colleges, children's music and art schools, art schools, studios, clubs of the system of additional education, preschool institutions of all types, advertising agencies and other institutions (according to the received specialization).

The department receives applications from employers with a request to send our graduates to work, as well as letters of thanks for training specialists who meet modern trends and requirements of modern society.

Agreements with practice bases