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Department of Natural Science Disciplines

Professional practice

Types and bases of practice

The professional practice of students, which has a certain potential for the development of students' research competencies, is of paramount importance in the formation of the personality of a specialist and the formation of his professional qualities and competitiveness in the labor market.

Students of the specialty "5B060700-Biology" have the opportunity to go to field practice in the Burabay State National Natural Park. Annually up to 30 students under the guidance of Professor Sultangazina G.Zh. travel to the Akmola region to get acquainted with the flora and fauna, to collect collection and herbarium material, which is further used in the educational process.

In the course of practical training on the basis of the institution "Kostanay fruit and vegetable state variety plot", students of the specialty "5B060700-Biology" under the guidance of senior teacher Braginets L.A. study the acclimatization of new varieties of vegetable and fruit crops, observe the processes of variety testing, get acquainted with the methodology of variety expertise.

In the course of research practice on the basis of NaTsEx JSC, SAPA K Firm LLP, Research Institute of Applied Biotechnology KRU named after. A. Baitursynova undergraduates of EP 7M05101 Biology, 7M05302 Chemistry under the guidance of Ph.D., Associate Professor Dryuk O.V., Ph.D., Professor Sultangazina G.Zh. acquire skills in the use of classical methods: electrochemical methods of analysis (voltammetry, polarography, etc.), chromatographic methods of analysis (TLC, GLC, HPLC, etc.), optical methods (spectrophotometry). They form skills in the field of modern research methods (stripping voltammetry, ICP MS, etc.), for mastering the methods of analyzing environmental objects.

On the basis of the Kostanay branch of the Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and Quarantine and the Department of Land Cadastre and Technical Inspection of Real Estate (branch of the non-profit joint-stock company "State Corporation" Government for Citizens "in Kostanay region), undergraduates of OP 7M05101 Biology, 7M05302 Chemistry consolidate theoretical knowledge and practical skills of sampling, sample preparation, determination of the chemical composition of soils and plant products.

On the basis of NaTsEx JSC, SAPA K Firm LLP, Research Institute of Applied Biotechnology of KSU named after. A. Baitursynov, Kostanay branch of the Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and Quarantine and the Department of Land Cadastre and Technical Inspection of Real Estate, undergraduates of EP 7M05101 Biology, 7M05302 Chemistry have the opportunity to form and develop the following competencies: qualitative and quantitative analysis of environmental objects, sampling and sample preparation, decomposition, separation and concentration of samples, processing of analysis results.

The concept of dual training is implemented in the activities of the branches of the department. In order to strengthen the practice-oriented focus of educational programs 6B05101 Biology, 6B05302 Chemistry, practical and laboratory classes in basic and major disciplines are held on the basis of the branches of the department.

Branches of the department:

  • GU Department of Natural Resources and Regulation of Nature Management of the Akimat of Kostanay region
  • LLP "KostanayZelenstroy"
  • LLP "Kostanay Research Institute of Agriculture"

Forms of implementation of cooperation with branches of the department:

  • Practical and laboratory classes on the basis of enterprises
  • Extracurricular forms of organization of the educational process: research work of students, professional practice, etc.;
  • Meetings, round tables with representatives of enterprises;
  • Collegiate discussion of curricula, work programs and other educational and normative documentation in order to take into account the wishes of employers for future specialists.

At field lessons in the branches of the Department of State Institution "Department of Natural Resources and Regulation of Environmental Management of the Akimat of Kostanay Region", "TOO KostanayZelenstroy" students of the specialty "5B060700-Biology" under the guidance of senior teacher Braginets L.A. explore the dendroflora of the region, acquire practical skills in landscape construction, design and construction of dendroplanes and landscape compositions.

On the basis of the branches of the department for students of the specialty "5B060700-Biology" (OP 6B05101) under the guidance of a senior teacher Braginets L.A. practice-oriented classes are held. The disciplines "Dendrology", "Forest growing", "Forest and park management" are held on the basis of the forest nursery "Prigorodny" in the State Institution "Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of the Akimat of Kostanay Region". Such disciplines as "Landscape Design" and "Forest Park Management" are held on the basis of the landscape design service "Avtodom-Kostanay" and LLP "KostanayZelenstroy". In the first half of the 2019-2020 academic year, 106 hours of practice-oriented classes (5B060700-Biology) were held. During such practical classes, students had the opportunity to consolidate knowledge in a specific practical situation, to form professional skills and abilities.

The educational process of OP 6B01505 - Biology involves stationary practice bases in Sosnovy Bor and at the Naurzum State Nature Reserve (NGNP). In hospitals, all conditions for living and conducting research work are provided. Students of EP 6B01505 - Biology on data bases undergo educational field practices, lay experimental blocks of term papers and theses. On the basis of the hospital at the NGPP, students of the faculty carried out work on scientific small grants initiated by the scientific center for problems of ecology and biology of the faculty under the guidance of Doctor of Biological Sciences Professor T. Bragina. and faculty at the University of West Virginia (USA).