From 2011 to the present, the educational programs of the department occupy leading places in the national ratings of specialties of pedagogical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Since 2012, for the first time at the Department of Biology and Geography, the first multilingual groups of the specialty "Biology" have been opened, since 2014 "Chemistry", "Geography" have been taught in 3 languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. The department has a program of academic mobility of students and teachers (Norway, Great Britain, Portugal, Germany, Slovakia, Poland).
Students study according to individual educational programs, participate in academic mobility. The department maintains creative relations with the universities of Kazakhstan and Russia, schools and educational institutions. Agreements on cooperation with schools of Kostanay city, Kostany region and other regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been concluded.
In 2007 and 2019, Professor Bragina T.M. became the owner of the state grant "The best university teacher".
In 2017, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Bragin E.A. received the title of "Best University Teacher".
In 2019, a license was obtained to carry out educational activities in the direction 7M015 - training teachers in natural sciences.
Field practice of students, undergraduates of the department is organized on the basis of hospitals in the Ara-Karagay forest in the Altynsarinsky district, with. Karamendy Naurzum region.
The field hospital of the Naurzum region is used for research work in the field of biology, ecology, geography and nature conservation, as well as for joint work with foreign partners (GEF, World Wildlife Fund, ACBK).
In 2020, the educational programs "Geography" (I place), "Chemistry" (pedagogical direction) took the 2nd place according to the rating of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken".
From among the teaching staff, over the past 5 years, they were awarded badges of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For success in the development of science in Kazakhstan” (Bragina T.M., Perezhogin Yu.V.), badge “Y. Altynsarin" (Abdykalikova K.A.), badge "For merits in the development of the university" (Abdykalikova K.A., Vazheva N.V.), Certificates of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Bragina T.M., Borodulina O.V., Kozhmukhametova A.S., Baubekova G.K., Vazheva N.V., Taurbaeva G.U.), diplomas of the Akim of Kostanay region (Bragina T.M., Chernyavskaya O.M.), medals of the university "Umirzak Sultangazin" and “Honorary Professor of KSPI” (Bragina T.M.), Abdykalikova K.A., Vazheva N.V., Taurbayeva G.U., Zhumagalieva B.M., Perezhogin Yu.V. are listed in the Book of Honor of the KSPU.
Teaching staff of the department Baubekova G.K., Chernyavskaya O.M., Suyundikova Zh.T., Ruleva M.M. participate in the virtual academic mobility program with the State Humanitarian and Technical University (Russia, Orekhovo-Zuyevo) under the bachelor's program teacher training in natural sciences.
Since 2021, a double-diploma program has been developed with the GSTU (Orekhovo-Zuevo, Russian Federation) according to the code "7M01501-Biology".
The teaching staff of the department annually organizes and conducts methodological seminars “Teaching natural sciences within the framework of three language education”, etc., scientific seminars “Innovations in the development of sustainable agricultural environmental management techniques in a changing climate in the dry steppe regions of Kazakhstan and south-west Siberia ( ReKKS)”, “Study of the biodiversity of the Kostanay region for 2015-2016”, etc.
Every year, teachers of the EP publish educational, teaching aids: Bragina, T.M. "Soil biota and methods of its study", Borodulina, O.V. "Practical course of taxonomy of lower plants", Suyundikova, Zh.K. "Adam ecology of the son of the non-natural", Bragin, E. A. "Course of Lectures on Zoogeography", A.S. Kozhmukhametova, Zh.T. Suyindikova, Zh.T. Bozhekenova, G.A. Shaimerdenova.- "Histology of the Negizder", Bragina, T.M. "Introduction to Entomology. Part 1: External Structure of Insects”, Baubekova G.K., Omarova K.I. etc. "Workshop "Collection of case - assignments in geography" in the discipline "Methods of teaching geography", etc.
In 2018, the specialty "Chemistry" turned 50 years old.
Graduates work in general education and innovative schools in Kostanay, Kostanay and other regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Department of Natural Resources of the Akimat of Kostanay Region, the Department of Land Relations of the Akimat of the City of Kostanay, the Department of Ecology of the Kostanay Region, the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance, RSE "Kazgidromet", OJSC " Agromashholding", LLP "SaryarkaAvtoProm", JSC "Varvarinskoye" Polymetal International and other organizations and firms.
On the basis of the laboratories of the department, experimental rounds of city, regional and republican (2011) Olympiads in chemistry among students in grades 8-11 are annually held.
For the educational process and scientific work of teaching staff and students, there is a spectrophotometer, photoelectric colorimeters, ionometers, laboratory electronic scales, a computerized educational and laboratory complex (ULK) "Chemistry", multimedia complexes and other devices. All rooms of the department are equipped with new modern furniture.
To conduct classes on the methodology of teaching chemistry and the methodology of conducting a school chemical experiment, a chemistry room was purchased, which contains a complete set of equipment, utensils, reagents, tables, DVDs.