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Department of Natural Science Disciplines

Information to the applicant

Dear friends, we are glad to welcome you to the Department of Natural Sciences of the A.Baitursynov KRU!

Before you is one of the most important stages in your life, the choice of a future profession, which will serve as a platform into adulthood in the future.

Choosing a pedagogical education, you will always be in demand.

The main priority of the Department of Natural Sciences is the high quality of training of specialists, based on the requirements of the market and rapidly developing production.

Bachelor's and master's degree programs are developed with the involvement of employers and students.

In order to increase the competitiveness of graduates, the teaching staff trains students using the latest specialized software technologies, involving them in research projects.

The department has three levels of education: bachelor's degree, Master's degree and doctoral degree. The training of specialists is conducted in the state and Russian languages.

Educational programs - 6B01504 Chemistry, 6B01511 Chemistry-Biology

The degree awarded - Bachelor of Education in the educational program 6B01504 Chemistry; 6B01511 Chemistry-Biology.

Types of professional activity:

  • pedagogical - teacher of chemistry / biology at school, lyceum, gymnasium, college; in educational organizations of general, secondary vocational education;
  • research - performing auxiliary professional functions in scientific activity (preparation of research objects, selection of technical means and test methods, conducting experimental studies according to a given methodology, processing experimental results, preparation of a report on the work performed);
  • production and technological - performing professional functions in the branches of the economy related to chemistry (management of high-tech chemical equipment, work with information systems, preparation of reports on the work performed);
  • organizational and managerial - planning and organization of the work of a structural unit (a small workforce) to solve specific production and technological tasks of chemical orientation.

For admission:

  • Profile subjects of the UNT: Chemistry and Biology
  • Passing score: 75

Educational programs 6B01505 Biology, 6B01512 Biology-Chemistry

The degree awarded - Bachelor of Education in the educational program 6B01505 Biology. 6B01512 Biology-Chemistry.

Types of professional activity:

  • educational - biology/chemistry teacher at school, lyceum, gymnasium, college;
  • scientific research - performing scientific research in specialized disciplines;
  • production and management - in government structures of various levels (education departments, akimats, laboratories of biological and chemical directions, etc.);
  • organizational and technological - at biological profile productions.

For admission:

  • Profile subjects of the UNT: Biology and Chemistry
  • Passing score: 75

Educational programs - 6B01506 Geography, 6B01513 Geography-Biology

The degree awarded - Bachelor of Education in the educational program 6B01506 Geography; 6B01513 Geography-Biology.

Types of professional activity:

  • educational - geography teacher at a secondary school, lyceum, gymnasium, college;
  • research - in research, academic institutes and higher educational institutions;
  • production - as engineers in environmental monitoring systems, employees of environmental organizations, in tourist and local history and environmental institutions, etc.;
  • organizational and technological - at industrial and social infrastructure facilities, etc.

For admission:

  • Profile subjects of the UNT: Geography and World History
  • Passing score: 75

In any case, join us and start your journey to a successful and promising career in science and technology!

Dear applicants, if you have made your choice, we are waiting for you at:
Kostanay, Tauelsizdik str. 118, office 712

Phone: 54-24-09 ext. 222 (department)