The Department of Preschool and Primary Education provides guidance on professional practice in accordance with the working curriculum and academic calendar of the Kazakh and Russian departments of Educational Programs:
- 6B01201"Preschool education and upbringing";
- 6B01301 "Pedagogy and methods of primary education";
- 6B01202 "Preschool education (IP)";
- 6B01302 "Primary education (IP)".
Students undergo educational, psychological and pedagogical, pedagogical and industrial practices in the following organizations:
- KGKP "Nursery school No. 7 of the Education department of the Akimat of Kostanay city";
- KGKP "Nursery school No. 13 of the Education department of the Akimat of Kostanay city";
- KGKP "Nursery school No. 15 of the Education department of the Akimat of Kostanay city";
- KGKP "Nursery school No. 61 of the Education department of the Akimat of Kostanay city";
- Aigerim-ai School Garden LLP;
- KSU "Physics and Mathematics Lyceum" of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay city;
- KSU "Lyceum School No. 1" of the Education department of the Akimat of Kostanay city;
- KSU "Lyceum School No. 2" of the Education department of the Akimat of Kostanay city;
- KSU "Gymnasium School No. 5A" of the Education department of the Akimat of Kostanay city;
- KSU "Secondary School No.23 named after M. Kozybayev" of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay;
- KSU "Gymnasium School No. 24 A" of the Education department of the Akimat of Kostanay;
- KSU "Secondary School No. 20 named after Mariam Khakimzhanova" of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay city;
- KSU "Gymnasium School No. 28" of the Education department of the Akimat of Kostanay city.
The head of the practice conducts an introductory and final conference, distributes students in the educational organization, introduces them to the requirements, conducts instruction, including safety techniques
The methodologist in the organization of education is responsible for the formation of subject competencies of the student-intern during the entire period of practice.
The methodologist of the practice base:
- observation and analysis of classes and educational activities;
- providing methodological assistance in the planning and development of classes and events;
- familiarization of the intern with current and prospective planning , with the basic normative preschool documentation, with the rules of maintaining preschool documentation;
- assistance in conducting scientific and pedagogical research by the student (if necessary).
The department implements elements of a dual training system, carries out planning and organization of educational activities based on a combination of theoretical training with industrial training directly on the basis of an organization corresponding to the profile of personnel training.