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Department Of Physical Culture, Sport And Tourism

Ogienko Nadezhda Anatolevna
Acting Associate Professor Position
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Scientific degree

Subjects taught

  • Tourism Management
  • Event Management
  • Planning and Organization of Tourism Business
  • Organization of Events in Active Types of Tourism
  • Complex Control and Methods of Mathematical and Statistical Analysis in Sports
  • Management of Physical Culture and sports
  • Fundamentals of research activities

Certificates of professional development

  • 2019 Refresher course on the topic "successfully completed refresher courses on the topic: "Technology of Empirical Research for Writing a Research Paper". (KSPU - Bulgaria). April (90 hours)
  • 2019 Advanced training courses "Distance learning, massive open online courses: development, promotion and application", October (72 hours) KSPU.
  • Training seminar "Strategic management and risk management" 01.04 - 23.04, 2021 (72 hours) A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University.
  • "Methodology and technology for conducting webinars and video conferences (Etutorium, BBB)" 14-12-2020 10-04-2021 (36 hours) A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University.
  • Courses on the educational program for advanced training of teaching staff of universities that train teaching staff, as part of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed by the Center for Pedagogical Excellence AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" February 2020 (80 hours) Organizer - AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools", branch of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence in Kostanay.
  • Training course on the rules of first aid in case of emergency 02.04-28.04 2018 (96 hours) Organizer - Kostanay branch of the Red Crescent Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Advanced training courses on the program "Modern information technologies in physical culture, sports and tourism" 05.02 -17.02 2018 (90 hours) Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism.
  • Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region: "Organizational and methodological foundations and content of active leisure activities of students in the framework of the implementation of the system of additional education" - 03.04 - 20.04, 2021. (72 hours) KSU "Regional center of physical culture and youth tourism".
  • • "Ensuring the safety of the educational, educational and training process, sports and entertainment events in the organization of physical culture and sports activities in a higher educational institution" April 2021 (40 hours) A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University.
  • Quality assurance processes of Technology Enhanced learning 10/19/21 - 02/19/22 (95 hours) KUTEL-Kazakh Universities to foster quality assurance processes in Technology Enhanced learning Rome, Italy.

Аctivities in the service sector

  • Developer of educational programs "Tourism", "Physical culture and sports", "Basic military training and physical culture"
  • 2020 - developer of test items for the Republican State Enterprise "National Testing Center" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • 2011-2020 Member of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council in the direction of training "Tourism"
  • 2015-2021 Member of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council in the direction of training "Physical culture and sports"
  • Actively participates in public life at the regional and republican levels.
  • From 1999 to 2019 - Coordinator for the dissemination of knowledge about International Humanitarian Law of the Kostanay Regional Red Crescent Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Judge of the national category for sports tourism. Engaged in active social activities in the federation of sports tourism and orienteering of the Kostanay region.