Ibraeva Rakhima Zhaudanovna
Associate Professor Position
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Scientific degree
- 1972-1976 Kostanay Pedagogical Institute - physical education.
- 2008 - Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - associate professor in the specialty of pedagogy.
- 2008-2009 Ural State University of Physical Culture - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
Subjects taught
- Ensuring safety in organizing physical culture and sports activities
- Athletics with teaching methods
- Physical education
- Improving professional coaching activities in selected sports
- Applied athletics with teaching methods
- Skiing with teaching methods
- Psychology of physical culture and sports
Work experience
- 1976-1983 Kostanay region, Uritsky district Mayak secondary school - physical education teacher
- 1983-2000 Kostanay region, Altynsarinsky district, Shcherbakovskaya secondary school - a teacher of physical culture and the Kazakh language
- 2000-2015 Kostanay Engineering and Economics University named after M. Dulatov - director of the sports complex
- 2015-2023 Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baytursynov - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Certificatesof professional development
- 2019 Distance learning, mass open online courses: development, promotion and application, (72 hours).
- 2020 An online program for the development of special PPP skills in the context of the uncertainty of the training environment, (72 hours).
- 2020 Training Workshop 2 Moodle Course Design, 72 Hours, 12.08.2020-04.11.2020
- 2020 Training seminar 3 "Designing the test in the Moodle distance learning system," (36 hours).
- Training seminar "Methodology and technology of conducting webinars and video conferencing" (Etutorium, BBB), (36 hours).
- 2021 Training seminar 1 "Basics of work in Moodle. Introductory course, "(36 hours).
- 2021 Online advanced training course under the program "Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education at the university," (72 hours).
- 2021 Anti-doping program in sports, (72 hours).
- 2021 Online course "School of Pedagogical Excellence," (72 hours).
- 2021 Ways to solve the problem of social and physical condition involved in health physical education and sports, (36 hours).
- 2021 Ensuring the safety of the educational, educational and training process, sports and entertainment events in the organization of physical culture and sports activities in a higher educational institution, (40 hours).
- 2021 Rules of competition on Presidential tests and Presidential all-around, (72 hours).
- 2021 Theory and methodology of training by types of Presidential all-around, (72 hours).
- 2021 Seminar of judges in curling in the specialty "Judge in Sports" with the participation of foreign specialists, (72 hours).
- 2021 "Kazakhstan Federation of Curling, Floor Curling and Petang," (72 hours).
Awards and prizes
- 2016 Diploma was awarded for the great contribution to the preparation of the prize-winner in competitions and the holding of the VI National Winter Universiade dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ibraeva R. Zh. Trainers, Almaty.
- 2017 Diploma awarded for preparation of KSPI winners at the IX-Summer Universiade of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty.
- 2018 The diploma was awarded for preparing the KSPI winner for the VII - Winter Universiade of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Pavlodar.
- 2019 Diploma awarded for preparation of the KSPI winner in athletics for the X-Summer Universiade of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktobe.
- 2020 Diploma awarded for preparing the winners of the winter presidential all-around for the VIII Winter Universiade of Kazakhstan, dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi, Ust-Kamenogorsk.
- 2021 The trainer of Almaty was awarded a diploma for the preparation of the winners of the presidential all-around KNU named after A. Baytursynov at the XI-Summer Universiade of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Training manuals
- R.J. Ibraeva, N.A. Zhabarin, Baltabay D.Ө. Футбол терминдерінің үш тілдегі сөздігі, 2021. - 43 p. - (in kaz., Rus and English). ISBN 978-601-356-057-1.
- Ibraeva R.J., Askarova Z.K. Жас жеңіл атлетшілерді дайындау барысында жаттығу кұрылғыларын қолданудың ерекшелеліктері.
- Materials of the intercollegiate student scientific and practical conference «Priorities of modern science and education» within the framework of the «Program for the modernization of public consciousness Рухани жаңғыру» № editions R87- 2018 Pp.113-117 Kostanay.
- Ibraeva R. J., Bөltіrіk O.B.Болашақ дене тәрбиесі мұғалімінің кәсіби құзыреттілігін қалыптастырудың педагогикалық шарттары. Т. Рысқұловтың 125 жылдығына арналған «Педагогикалық білім берудің заманауи трендтері» атты Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференциясының еңбектері- 18.01.2019. P.59-63 Taraz t.
- Ibraeva R. J., Коnonenko А.О.Применение метода «Круговой тренировки» на занятиях по легкой атлетике среди учащихся 15-16лет. КSPУ ЖАРШЫСЫ журнал №3. 13-07-2019y. p.48-55 Kostanay.
- Bekmukhambetova L.S., Ibraeva R. J.,.,Dosmuhamedova М.М. Қостанай қаласының оқушы жастардың салауатты өмір салтының әлеуметтік-педагогикалық аспектілері(статья) Materials of the international scientific and practical conference «Altynsarin Readings – 2020» aқpan 7, 2020 Zhyl «Improving the quality of education in the conditions of social and spiritual modernization of society» p..463-467 Kostanay
- Каirova B.К. Ibraeva R. J., Sатgаngulоvа G.J. Студенттердің оқу мотивациясының гендерлік ерекшеліктері(статья). «Жаршысы» KSPI №1-2 (61-62)қантар-сәуір 2021ж. Свид. № 5452-Ж Kostanay.
- Таsbulатоvа G.S., Ibraeva R. J. Bekmukhambetova L.S.Морфофункциаональные различия детей и подростков различных конституциональных типов.The journal publishes scientific studies report and reports about achievements in different scientific fields. Journal is published in English, Hungarian.Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, German and French. (Budapest,Hungary) № 102 ,2022. ISSN 9215-0365.
- Baymukhambetova,R. Ibraeva N. Ogiyenko, L.Nurmagambetova, N. Kovsh, I. Shilov. Study of the influence of mass media on the formation of suicidal thoughts among adolescents(статья). Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences International magazine 89(3), 11-10-2017y. P.1989-1998. City of Brasilia.