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Department of Arts

Arkhipova Ksenia Gennadyevna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of pedagogy and psychology Scientific degree


  • 2004-2008, KSPI, qualification: bachelor of fine arts and drawing, design.
  • 2009-2011 Graduate of the pedagogical Institute, master of pedagogy and psychology.

Subjects taught

  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Basic design and color studies
  • Basics of decorative and applied arts
  • The basics of drawing and perspective
  • The principles of decorative composition
  • Advertising and print graphics

Work experience

  • 2008-2011 Kostanay state pedagogical Institute, laboratory assistant of the Department of arts, faculty of history and arts.
  • 2011-present senior lecturer of the Department of arts of Kostanay state pedagogical Institute/ Kostanay state pedagogical University named after U. Sultangazin.

Certificates of professional development 

  • 2013 Advanced training Courses for teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the program: advanced training of teachers of pedagogical specialties of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Branch of JSC NCPC "Orleu", in the amount of 240 hours, Almaty.
  • 2017 "Methods of developing critical thinking" "Modern approaches to assessing students 'achievements" Training seminar, 40 hours, Kostanay, KSPU named after U. Sultangazin
  • 2018 Advanced training Courses under the program "Modernization of modern education – the most important factor in the modern educational space", in the amount of 72 hours. Karaganda.
  • 2018 Certificate of the course "technology of empirical research for writing a research paper", Kostanay, KSPU named after U. Sultangazin.
  • 2019 Certificate of the course "Academic writing", Kostanay, KSPU named after U. Sultangazin.
  • 2019 Advanced training Courses under the program "Organization of educational work with students with special educational needs", KNPU named after Abai, in the amount of 72 hours.
  • 2020 Courses on the educational program of professional development of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions that train teachers, within the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed By the center for pedagogical excellence of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools", in the amount of 80 academic hours.
  • 2020 Advanced training Courses on the topic "Online program for the development of special skills of teaching staff in an uncertain learning environment", in the amount of 72 hours.

Membership in professional organizations.

  • 2018 Regional competition of decorative and applied children's art "Zhas Daryn", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the capital of Kazakhstan – Astana, member of the jury.
  • 2018 International competition "INSPIRATION-SHABYT", member of the jury.
  • 2020 April-Republican competition of NIRS on the basis of KSPU named after U. Sultangazin, specialty 5B010700-Fine arts and drawing, member of the jury.
  • 2020 June-online drawing contest "Para Zhok!" KSPU named after U. Sultangazin, member of the jury.
  • 2020 October-regional drawing contest "I was inspired by Abai" according to the plan of the methodical Cabinet of preschool and General secondary education of the state institution "Department of education of the Kostanay region akimat" organizer of the contest "Kostanay daryny", member of the jury.
  • 2020 October - regional environmental contest of drawings and crafts "DARYN ECOART" organizer of the contest "Kostanay daryny", member of the jury.
  • 2020 November-regional contest illustration of drawings organizer of the contest "Kostanay daryny", member of the jury.

Awards and prizes

  • Letter of thanks for assistance and cooperation in the regional competition of decorative and applied children's art "Zhas Daryn", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the capital of Kazakhstan – Astana, as a member of the jury, 2018.
  • Letter of gratitude for the preparation of the winners of the international competition "INSPIRATION-SHABYT", member of the jury, Kostanay, KSPU named after U. Sultangazin 2018.
  • Diploma of design Stroy plus for training qualified personnel in the specialty "Fine arts and drawing", 2019.

Activities in the service sector 

  • 2018-2020 Teacher of the course "art Studio-Shabyt" in the framework of the FPC program, KSPU named after U. Sultangazin.
  • Modern Kazakhstan, as a visual embodiment of the idea of the party "Alash" printed Scientific conference. KSPI, September 2017 0.3
  • About the education of patriotism innovative methods of students of creative specialties "Musical education" and "art and drawing" in Kostanay state pedagogical Institute printed the III international scientific-practical conference "Quality management: search and solutions" in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 27 to 29 November 2017 0,4 Zhusupova D. Zh., K. A. Zakaeva
  • Frida Kahlo "Genius born through pain" print Magazine "vanguard of Science" # 1 (1) 2018. ISSN 2519-4895, ISSN 2521 - 6511 0,3 Badenova A. 1st year o/o OUT
  • Formation of a holistic perception of color and tone among students of creative specialties print Magazine Vestnik YUGSPU, Chelyabinsk, March 2018 0,3
  • Integrated music and ART lessons at the print school III international scientific and practical conference "Integration of the scientific community in the face of global problems of our time" in Kyoto (Japan) February 26-28, 2018 0,4 Zhusupova D. Zh., Aisina S. T.
  • Kazakh national decorative and applied arts in extracurricular classes at school printed Magazine "vanguard of Science" No. 4 (4) 2018. ISSN 2519-4895, ISSN 2521 - 6511 0,3 Geshu M. 2nd year s/u Every.
  • Forming of integral perception of color and tone for the students of creative specialties print Magazine "KMPI Zharshysy" # 4 (52) October 2018. ISSN 2310-3353 0,3 Danilova V. V. Doctor of philosophy (PhD), PhD, associate Professor of the Department of foreign languages of KSPU.
  • Integration of Kazakhstan into the world economy in the context of globalization printed Republican scientific and practical conference "KAZAKHSTAN IN the WORLD community of CIVILIZATIONS" December 20, 2018, Kostanay, KSPU named after U. Sultangazin ISBN 978-601-7934-65-1 pp. 443-448 0,3 Baudenova A. 2kurs Izo o/o.
  • Innovations and modern pedagogical technologies in the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan printed Republican scientific and practical conference "KAZAKHSTAN IN the WORLD community of CIVILIZATIONS" December 20, 2018, Kostanay, KSPU named after U. Sultangazin ISBN 978-601-7934-65-1 pp. 163-166 0,3 Barannikova T. 2kurs Izo o/o.
  • Patriotic education of youth as a factor of modernization of public consciousness printed Magazine "vanguard of Science" April 2019 ISSN 2519-4895, ISSN 2521-6511 0,3 Kareva T. I. 2kurs Izo z/y.
  • Formation of fine arts of Kostanay region printed Magazine "vanguard of Science" April 2019. ISSN 2519-4895, ISSN 2521- 6511 0,3.
  • Styles and directions in materials of the International student scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the KSPU named after U. Sultangazin and The year of youth in the Republic of Kazakhstan. April 2019 ISBN 978-601-7934-77-4, pp. 145-148 0,3 Barannikova T. 2kurs Izo o/o.
  • Fundamentals of design and color science printed Fundamentals of design and color science: educational method. stipend. Kostanay: KSPU named after U. Sultangazin, 2019-P. 1-135. ISBN 978-601-336-852-8, UDC 745/ 749, BBK 85.12 7.