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Department of Arts

Aisina Sulushash Temirtaevna
Head of the Department Position
Master of Pedagogical Education Academic degree


  • 1989-1994, Almaty state University.Abai qualification: teacher of music, teacher of the accordion.
  • 2011-2014 master's degree of Omsk state pedagogical University.

Subjects taught

  • Music theory
  • Harmony
  • History of Kazakh music
  • History of world music
  • Musical performance

Certificates of professional development

  • 2003 «Theory and methodology of music education», Kazgoszhenpu.  Refresher course (Almaty).
  • 2005 «Internal audit of quality management system». Kazakhstan quality organization (Kostanay).
  • 2015 «Criteria assessment: from principles to practice». Training seminar.  (Kostanay).
  • 2016 «Modern directions in education» . Refresher course. (Kostanay).
  • 2017 «Pedagogical innovations in education» Training seminar. (Omsk).
  • 2018 «Modernization of modern education – the most important factor of modern educational space». Refresher course. (Karaganda).
  • 2018 «Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions within the framework of the updated content". Advanced training courses  «Orleu» (240 h., Almaty).
  • 2019 «Distance learning, mass open online courses: development, promotion and application» (72 h., Kostanay).
  • 2019 «Online program for the development of special skills of teaching staff in an uncertain learning environment» (72h., Kostanay).
  • 2020 «Development of curricula and training programs» (36 h., Nursultan).
  • 2021 «Strategic management and risk management» (72 h., Kostanay).
  • 2021 «Development of students' meta-subject competencies in the learning process» (72h., Omsk).
  • 2021 «Topical issues of teaching theoretical musicology disciplines» (72h., Almaty).
  • 2021 « Some problems of tolerance pedagogy» ( 72 h., Turkestan).

Awards and prizes

  • 2001 Diploma of the rector of KSU  A. Baitursynov.
  • 2006 Diploma of the rector of KSPI.
  • 2011 Diploma of the rector of KSPI.
  • 2014 Medal to the 75th anniversary of KSPI.
  • 2016 Diploma pedagogical Institute rector.
  • 2017  Letter of appreciation From the Department of youth policy of Kostanay region akimat.
  • 2017 Letter of Thanks from the «Nur Otan» Party.
  • 2019 Medal "For Services to the University".
  • 2021 Diploma of the rector of the KRU named after A.Baitursynov.

Training manuals

  • Textbook «Music Theory». Textbook for students of the Educational program "Music education" / Aisina S.T., Zhakaeva S.A.; KSPU. – Kostanay: KSPU 2019, 155., ISBN 978-601-7601-11-9.


  • "Cultural and mass work as a direction of extracurricular educational work of a music teacher". Materials of the III International scientific-practical conference "Traditions and innovations". Prague.Czech Republic. 21.10.2013 ISBN 978-80905-519-3-0.
  • "Musical education of children in modern life". Proceedings of the VI International scientific-practical conference. Prague.Czech Republic. 21.10.2014 G. ISBN 978-88005-05-6.3. Technology of readiness formation of the future teachers to professional and pedagogical cooperation. ж.Journal of Psychological and Educational Research. ( Saltanat Jakaeva, Kunsulu Zhakaeva ).
  • Development of the piano performing school in the Republic of Kazakhstan (1980-2016) // «Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências» (2017) 89 (2): 1360-1371 (Saltanat Jakaeva, Kunsulu Zhakaeva, Sulushash Aisina and Liliya Sayatulekova).
  • Piano music by Kazakh composers at the turn of the century // «Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências» (2017) 89 (3): 1974-1988 (Saltanat Jakaeva, Kunsulu Zhakaeva, Sulushash Aisina and Liliya Sayatulekova).
  • "The role of musical culture in the formation of personality." Materials of the international scientific and practical conference Altynsarin readings "Modern education-a key factor in the success of spiritual modernization of society, KSPI, 09.02.2018" ISBN 978-601-7108-01-4.
  • "Integrated music and visual arts lessons at school." Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, Kyoto, 26-28 February 2018, ISBN 978-601-267-055-4.
  • «Development of value-driven basis of prospective music teachers personality as a factor of multicultural interaction». Journal "Bulletin of Kostanay State Pedagogical University», №4, 2018г.
  • «Patriotic upbringing of student youth in the context of the programme "Rukhani zhangyru"» Journal "Bulletin of Kostanay State Pedagogical University»  №4, 2018.
  • «Some directions of formation of professional pedagogical knowledge among university students". Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Continuing Education for Sustainable Development: New challenges", Kostanay, (06.12.2018.), ISBN 978-601-7353 -23-0, С.47-50.
  • «Formation of a multicultural personality of schoolchildren in a music lesson». Materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the USSR.Altynsarina readings "Continuing education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of modern challenges to the educational system", Kostanay, (19.02.2021г.), ISBN 978-601-7640 -88-0
  • «Music therapy as a method of psychological correction». Materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Art technologies in Modern education: theory, practice, prospects" (Chelyabinsk, 22.03. 2021). ISBN 978-93162-471-6.
  • «Differentiated approach in education on the subject of "Music"". Materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the USSR.Altynsarina Altynsarina readings "Educational ideas".Altynsarina: origins, development, modernity", Kostanay (19.09.2021.), ISBN 978-601-356 - 073-1.