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Department Of Physical Culture, Sport And Tourism

Safargalieva Gulfiya Nadimovna
Acting Head of the Department Position
Master of pedagogical science Scientific degree


  • In 1997, he graduated from the Turgai humanitarian college. N. Kulzhanov on the specifics of Physical Culture and sports.
  • 2004 G.Special Teacher of Physical Culture and sports of the Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute. I. Altynsarina.
  • 2016 G. University "Turan-Astana", master of pedagogical science.

Subjects taught

  • Theory of Physical Culture; Methods of preparation of Physical Culture
  • Pedagogy of Physical Culture and sports
  • Inclusive education in the sphere of Physical Culture and sports
  • Innovative and interactive technologies in the sphere of Physical Culture and educational activities

Experience work

  • 1994-1995 Teacher of physical culture of Turgai Kazakh middle schools I. Altynsarina.
  • 1997-1999 Coach of the Youth Basketball Center "Zhasulan" G. Arkalyk.
  • 1999-2000 Teacher of physical culture of the middle school named A. Baitursynova. Karasusky Selsky district.
  • 2000-2003 Teacher of physical culture of middle schools N. G. Ivanovoy S. Torgay
  • 2003-2005 Chief specialist for sports apparatus Akim Dzhangeldinsky district.
  • 2005-2008 Chief specialist on public education of Zhangeldinsky district.
  • 2008-2010 Senior teacher of the Department of Physical Culture and sports of the Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute.I. Altynsarina.
  • 2010-2019 The Department of Physical Culture and sports of the Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarina.
  • 2019-2020 Senior teacher of Kostanay State Pedagogical University is. U. Sultangazina.
  • 2020-2022 Kostanay regional university named after A. Baitursynova, Pedagogical Institute named after. U. Sultangazina, senior teacher of the Department of theory and practice of Physical Culture and sports, master of pedagogical science.
  • With September 2022, the established Department of theory and practice of Physical Culture and sports of Kostanay regional university is. A. Baitursynova, Pedagogical Institute im. U. Sultangazina.

Certificates/certificates of professional development

  • 2015 International Academy of management and technology Alt-Pempelfort 15 40211 Dusseldorf Deutschland / germany from 25.11 to 04.12.2015 took part in the internship " innovative methods and technologies of practical orientation training in universities in Germany.
  • In 2015, the center of pedagogical master'S degree of JSC "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" completed courses in 232 academic hours on the program of training trainers with participation in the teaching staff of the University, trained on the basis of the urovnevoy program of increasing the level of training of teachers in the field of training of teachers in the field of training of teachers in the field of Education in the field of qualification of pedagogical workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed jointly with the Faculty of education of Cambridge University.
  • 2016 Successfully completed the Philosophy of Education in the context of Globalization and European integration processes.
  • In 2016 The independent agency for accreditation and rating took part in the seminar-training "development of the intrauterine system of Education Quality".
  • 2016 Attended and participated in the seminar Education for Sustainable Development: Theory and Practice across Higher Pedagogical Education.
  • 2016 The ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Thus sertificate is issued to confirm successful achievement of English level Beginner;
  • 2017 Full course "Higher School of Management" Institute of improvement of qualification and additional education of the Kazakh National University Al-Farabi Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 72 academic chapels.
  • In 2019 The course of increasing financial certificates and achievements in the economy, organized training of Strategic Communications JSC "media agents "(72 hours).
  • In 2020 The course was completed in 80 chapels under the educational program to improve the qualification of higher educational institutions for training pedagogical personnel in the framework of the middle education center of the Republic of Kazakhstan pedagogical master's degree "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools".
  • 2020 (36 chapels), training seminar 1 "the basics of work in Moodle. Vvodny course".
  • 2020 Training seminar 2 "construction of a training course in Moodle" (36 Chapas).
  • 2020 Training seminar 3 "designing a Test in the Moodle system of distance learning" (36 Chapas).
  • 2021 Online Course "School of psychological care" (72 Chapel).
  • 2021 Online Course "School of pedagogical mastery" (72 Chapel).
  • 2021 International online course "quality Assurance of Technology Enhanced Learning" in Rome, Italy (95 chapels).
  • 2021 Online Course improvement of qualifications under the program "psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education in the University" (72 Chapas).
  • In 2021, the course of improving the qualification for ensuring the safety of the educational, educational and training process, sports and mass and regional events at the organization of Physical Culture and sports activities in the highest educational institution.
  • 2022 Course improvement of qualifications in the educational program improvement of qualifications of teachers of higher educational institutions and colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan "methodology of practical studies" (80 hours).


  • Psychological aspects of technical training of volleyball players during the training process / / international scientific and practical conference "modern trends in pedagogical education" dedicated to the 125th anniversary of T. Ryskulov Kazakhstan, Taraz, December 26, 2019.
  • Methodological basis of physical training of young athletes / / International Scientific and practical conference "modern trends in pedagogical education", dedicated to the 125th anniversary of T. Ryskulov, Taraz, Kazakhstan, December 26, 2019.
  • Formation of the mental quality, character and qualities of the individual in the process of Physical Education / / International Scientific and practical conference "modern trends in pedagogical education", dedicated to the 125th anniversary of T. Ryskulov Kazakhstan, Taraz, December 26, 2019.
  • Formation of the mental quality, character and qualities of the individual in the process of Physical Education / / International Scientific and practical conference "modern trends in pedagogical education", dedicated to the 125th anniversary of T. Ryskulov Kazakhstan, Taraz, December 26, 2019.
  • Age-related features of improving endurance abilities of judokas at the preparatory stage / / " improving the quality of education in the context of social and spiritual renewal of Society "International Scientific and practical conference" Altynsarin readings - 2020 " February 7, 2020.
  • The problem of choosing methods and means of developing special physical qualities in mixed martial arts / / international scientific and practical conference" scientific potential of modern youth " May 14-15, 2020.
  • Methods and approaches to the organization of criterion-based assessment in physical education lessons / / international scientific and Practical Conference "Education and science: a modern approach" (12.04.2022).
  • Possibilities of using the asyk game in the development of physical qualities of adolescents / / international scientific and Practical Conference "Education and science: a modern approach" (12.04.2022).
  • Possibilities of using the asyk game in the development of physical qualities of adolescents / / international scientific and Practical Conference "Education and science: a modern approach" (12.04.2022).
  • Means and methods of forming students ' interest in physical education lessons / / Republican scientific and practical conference "actual problems of the development of Physical Culture and sports in the education system:experience and prospects for development".
  • The need for sports facilities for the implementation of the Physical Culture program in higher education / / Republican scientific and practical conference "actual problems of the development of Physical Culture and sports in the education system:experience and prospects for development".
  • Ways and conditions of strengthening the role of professional orientation in the framework of Physical Education / / International Conference "current problems of modern science".
  • Improving intellectual abilities in togyzkumalak / / international scientific conference "Science and innovation: discoveries, problems and achievements".