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Department Of Physical Culture, Sport And Tourism

Ageeva Svetlana Vasilievna
Senior Lecturer Position


  • 1991-1995 Kostanay State University, specialty «Physical culture», qualification: teacher of physical education.
  • 1993 Kostanay State University. «Business School», specialty «commercial accountant».
  • 2000-2003 Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, postgraduate studies in the specialty: «Theory and methods of physical education and sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture».

Subjects taught

  • Gymnastics with teaching methods
  • Athletics with teaching methods
  • Swimming with teaching methods
  • Psychology of the highest sporting achievements
  • General physical training and health gymnastics

Work experience

  • From 1995 to the present-senior lecturer of Kostanay regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynov.

Certificates/certificates of professional development

  • 2016 Certificatehfs passed the courses of gualification development in the themt «Modern directions in education» in amount of 72 hours. (26.11.2016).
  • 2016 Certificate No. 0540 upgraded her qualifications at the National Scientific and Practical Center for Physical Culture in the specialty 530108 Physical culture and sports in the amount of 72 hours. (November 16, 2016).
  • 2017 Certificate of the training seminar «Updated content of education: theory and practice.» (April 20-21, 2017).
  • 2017 Certificate. Educational program of advanced training courses for teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities «Modern pedagogical technologies» (240 hours). Orleu, date of issue: (21.10.2017).
  • 2017 Clarivate Analytics Resources for Scientific Research Workshop Certificate. (April 19, 2017).
  • 2018 Certificate «Modern information technologies in physical culture, sports and tourism» (90 hours). SUSU. (17.02.2018).
  • 2018 Certificate «Basic principles of effective financial management» (72 hours). Medialife, 2018.
  • 2019 Certificate in the course Instructor of group programs (basic level). INTERNATIONALFITNESSSCHOOL. (22.12.2019).
  • 2019 Certificate within the framework of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed by the Center for Pedagogical Excellence AEO «Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools», (80 hours), (April 5, 2019).
  • 2019 Certificate in Financial Literacy and Economic Awareness Program. (72 hours), 2019.
  • 2019 SEMINAR for University teachers on «TECHNOLOGY OF EMPIRICAL RESEARCH AND RESEARCH PAPER WRITING» amount of 36 hours (April 15-20, 2019).
  • 2019 Certificate «Zamanui kezede balalar men zhasaspirimder sport mektepterinin zhumysyn uyymdastyru» takyrybyndagy seminar-kees. Kostanay. (04/12/2019).

Membership in professional organizations

  • A member of the local trade union.
  • Member of the ISS Faculty of Physics and Culture. Awards and prizes.

Awards and prizes

  • Badge of KSPU for services to the development of the University certificate No. 95. (26.11.19).

Training manuals

  • Lesson planning of physical culture lessons (co-authors AA Samoilov, NV Fomenko). Study guide. Kostanay; KSPI, 2017 - 197 p. UDC 796799 (075.8), ISBN 978-601-7839-96-3.


  • Methodology and technology of teaching disciplines // ZHARSYSHY KMPU - BULLETIN of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. - No. 1 (53), January, 2019. - P. 44 - 47. UDC 796. ISSN 2310-3353.
  • Development of flexibility in students through physical exercises // ZHARSHYS KMPU - BULLETIN of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. - No. 1 (53), January, 2019. - P. 145 - 147. UDC 796. ISSN 2310-3353.
  • Physical training of female students with the predominant use of fitness means (Turlubekova R.S. - student 1 class "Mathematics") // ZHARSHYS KMPU - BULLETIN of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. - No. 1 (53), January, 2019. - P. 22 - 25. UDC 796. ISSN 2310-3353.
  •  Features of management of a team of young footballers (Ilyasov OA - student 3, FFKSiT) // ZHARSHYS KMPU - BULLETIN of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. - No. 2 (54), April, 2019. - P. 79 - 85. UDC 796. ISSN 2310-3353.
  • Features of psychological training of long-distance track and field athletes at various stages of the training cycle (Belgibaeva R.S. - student of the 4th grade of FFKSiT) // ZHARSHYS KMPU - BULLETIN of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. - No. 2 (54), April, 2019. - P. 129 - 134. UDC 796. ISSN 2310-3353.
  • The influence of stretching exercises on the development of flexibility // ZHARSHY KMPU - BULLETIN of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. - No. 2 (42), April, 2016. - P. 140 - 145. HLS 378.18. ISSN 2310-3353.
  • Features of physical training of skiers-racers 13-14 years old for sprint distances // ZHARSHYS KMPU - BULLETIN of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. - No. 4 (56), October, 2019. - P. 50 - 58. UDC 796. ISSN 2310-3353.
  • Features of training athletes involved in short track speed skating at the competitive stage (Rebik E.V. - 4th year student of FFKSiT) // ZHARSYSHY KMPU - BULLETIN of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. - No. 2 (58), April 2020. - S. 94 - 100. ISSN 2310-3353.