Borodulina Olga Viktorovna
Acting Professor Position
Candidate of Biological Sciences Scientific degree
- 1982 Graduated from Kostanay Pedagogical Institute named after 50th anniversary of the USSR.
- 1993 Postgraduate studies at the Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Disciplines taught
- Anatomy and morphology of plants
- Plant taxonomy
- Cytology
- Plant Physiology
- Algology
- History and methodology of biology
- Methods of teaching biology in higher education
- Zoology of vertebrates
Work experience
- 1982-1985 Teacher of biology and chemistry of Zatobolsky secondary school No. 2.
- 1985-1987 Teacher of the Kostanay Pedagogical Institute. 50th anniversary of the USSR. 1987- 1989 intern researcher at the Laboratory of Algology, BIN, USSR Academy of Sciences.
- 1990-1993 Postgraduate student, BIN RAS.
- 1993-1997 Senior Lecturer at Kostanai State University named after Akhmet Baitursynov.
- 1997- 2019 Associate Professor of Kostanai State University named after Akhmet Baitursynov, since 2004, Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, respectively.
- 2019-2022 Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences of the Pedagogical Institute of the KRU named after A. Baitursynova.
- 2022-currently Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences of the Pedagogical Institute KRU named after A. Baitursynuly.
Certificates of advanced training
- 2020-2021 “English language courses for teachers of disciplines of non-linguistic specialties” (01.10.2020-30.04.2021) for 72 hours.
- 2023 “Current issues of modern geography” May-June, 72 hours.
- 2023 “Innovative approaches in pedagogical research in teaching professional pedagogical disciplines” September-October, 72 hours.
Awards and rewards
- In 2019, she was awarded a diploma from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Activities in the service sector
- Since 2021 Member of the competition commission for securing hunting grounds in the Kostanay region.
- 2023-2024 Member of the commission on landscaping and improvement of the city of Kostanay.
- 2023 Chairman of the competition commission of the second stage of the republican competition of scientific student works.
- 2022-2024 Expert in educational programs of higher and postgraduate education at the National Center for the Development of Higher Education.
- Пережогин Ю.В., Бородулина О.В., Букубаева, А.Р., Досекин, А.Б. К вопросу эндемизма отдельных родов семейства астровые Республики Казахстан // Вестник КГПИ №3 (63), 2021. – С.13-16. ISSN 2310-3353.
- Пережогин Ю.В., Бородулина О.В., Тарасов М.С. Ревизия родов Astragalus L. u Oxytropis DC. флоры Костанайской области // Вестник КГПИ №1-2 (61-62), 2021. – С. 89-96. ISSN 2310-335.
- Бородулина О.В., Кубентаев С.А., Избастина К.С., Алибеков Д.Т., Жумагул М.Ж., Идрисова Ж.Т. Эколого-фитоценотическая характеристика ценопопуляций редких растений Национального парка «Бурабай» //Казахский национальный университет экспериментальной биологии им. Аль-Фараби. №4 (93). 2022, – С. 14-23. ISSN 1563-0218; eISSN 2617-7498.
- Пережогин Ю.В, Бородулина О.В., Курлов С.И. Дополнение к флоре Наурзумского заповедника // Вестник КГПИ №4 (68), 2022– С. 76-80. ISSN 2310-3353
- Пережогин Ю.В., Бородулина О.В., Ерохин Н.Г., Кубентаев С.А. Новые местонахождения видов рода Astragalus L. в Казахстане // Вестник Карагандинского университета, Серия «Биология. Медицина. География». № 2(110). 2023, – С. 107-112.
- Пережогин Ю.В., Бородулина О.В., Ерохин Н.Г., Кубентаев С.А. Флористические находки на территории Казахстана // Вестник Карагандинского университета. Серия «Биология. Медицина. География». № 3 (111), 2023. – С.138-146. ISSN-L 2518-7201 (Print). ISSN 2663-5003 (Online).
- Пережогин Ю.В., Бородулина, О.В., Курлов С.И. Аннотированный список дикорастущих растений Костанайской области // Вестник КГПИ №4 (72), 2023. – С.34-54. ISSN 2310-3353.
National projects
- 2023-2024 Member of the working group of the national grant project BR18574125 “Study of the current state of research on the species diversity of vascular plants in Kazakhstan using modern methods of botany, molecular genetics and bioinformatics" 2023-2024.
Regional projects
- State Natural Reserve "Altyn Dala". Participant in the project "State Natural Reserve "Altyn Dala"