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Department of Physics, Mathematics and Digital Technology

Professional practice

Types of internships:

  • Educational
  • Pedagogical
  • On-the-job 

Practice bases

Students have their educational, pedagogical and industrial practice on the bases of educational institutions of Kostanay city, region and republic, such as

  • NAO KRU named after A.Baitursynov.
  • The Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics of the city of Kostanay/
  • Physical and mathematical lyceum" State Educational Institution of the Department of Education of the city of Kostanay
  • KSU "Specialized boarding school - lyceum of information technologies "ОZAT"

Industrial practice is carried out with the purpose of studying of industrial activity according to a view of professional activity, acquisition of experience in performance of the basic industrial processes, adaptation of students at the enterprises and the organizations as qualified experts.

 Branches of the department:

KSU "The specialized lyceum-league-boarding school of information technologies "Ozat" of the Department of Education of the akimat of the Kostanay region

Forms of cooperation with branches of the department:

  • Practical and laboratory classes on the basis of enterprises
  • Out-of-classroom forms of educational process organization: research work of students, professional practice etc;
  • Meetings, round tables with representatives of enterprises;
  • Collegial discussion of curricula, working programs and other educational and normative documentation in order to take into account the wishes of employers to future specialists.