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Department of Physics, Mathematics and Digital Technology

Information to the applicant

Dear applicants!

Welcome, as you will receive a quality education and, of course, exciting, full of interesting events student life!

Why us?

  1. You can easily study for free. Every year there are educational grants for OOP.
  2. You can study abroad as part of academic mobility.
  3. You will definitely get the job of your dreams. Your state diploma will be preferred by employers.
  4. You can continue your studies and get a degree. The university provides training on educational programs of master's and doctoral studies.

Distinctive features of the educational programs:

  • "6B01510-Informatics, Robotics and Design": study of modern programming languages Python, C++, Java and operating systems, organization of computer systems and networks, development of Smart applications using computer graphics, Web and mobile programs, database and knowledge management; design of IS.
  • "6B01501-Mathematics": Practicum in solving alebraic problems.   Mathematical Analysis. Differential equations.  Analytic geometry.  Algebra and number theory. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Logic.  Solution of Olympiad problems. Solving planimetric and stereometric problems. Solution of logical problems. Differential geometry.
  • "6B01502-Physics": sequential study of courses in general and theoretical physics, block of mathematical disciplines, astronomy; study of modern methods and technologies of teaching physics in schools and peculiarities of teaching children with OOP.

What are the jobs of the graduates of these programs?

  • Teachers in secondary schools, as well as teachers in colleges, vocational secondary schools, etc.;
  • Specialists in research centers, research institutes, public administration organizations, the field of computer design, robotics, methodologists and specialists in educational organizations.

For admission to the EP «66B01510-Informatics, Robotics and Design»:

  • Profile subjects of the UNT: Mathematics, Computer science
  • Passing score: 75

For admission to the OP «6B01501-Mathematics», «6B01502-Physics»:

  • Profile subjects of the UNT: Mathematics, Physics
  • Passing score: 75

Dear applicants and all those who are interested in receiving a prestigious education, acquiring professional skills and competencies, ensuring a stable career growth, we are waiting for you and assure you that the department has all the conditions to achieve your goals

IT-education-a step into the future. Make the right choice!

Our contacts:
118, Tauelsizdik str., office 419 (department)

Phone: +7 705 403 5386

Instagram: kafedra_mif
