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Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Special Education

The science

The research work of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology and Special Education is carried out in accordance with the approved plans of the research activities of the Institute and the Department and is closely related to the educational process and solves many topical methodological problems. Research is fully included in the individual work plans of the teachers of the department.

The department is working on the formation of effective tools for the integration of the educational process and science, the inclusion of students and undergraduates in research activities. Among the types of research work carried out by the department, it should be particularly noted the publication of scientific papers, participation in scientific conferences, in professional development programs, cooperation with universities in the country and abroad, scientific and methodological support for schools in the city and region.

The main areas of work of the department's staff in this area are:

  • Updating the subject of scientific research by attracting students and undergraduates to research activities engaged in scientific circles under the guidance of teachers of departments;
  • Increasing the publication activity of teachers, primarily in terms of improving the scientific status of publications;
  • The introduction into the educational process, both within the framework of classroom and extracurricular work, of a variety of methodological guidelines and the results of scientific research activities of teachers, as well as materials of diploma projects;
  • Participation of teachers of the department in funded research projects on programs and grants;
  • Development of the research initiative and activity of students, attracting them to participate in scientific conferences and seminars;
  • Expansion of the participation of the teaching staff in scientific activities. The problems of scientific research at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology are conditioned by modern urgent problems of educational development, the breadth of scientific interests of teachers.

In 2023, the number of publications amounted to 73, the total volume was 62.57 pp.l. Teachers of the department actively publish articles in international peer–reviewed scientific journals with an impact factor according to JCR (JSR) data or indexed in CiteScore (Scor website) in the Scopus database, in journals from the list of the KKSON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc. Teachers of the department annually take part in conferences, seminars of various levels, where they make presentations and presentations, participate in discussions, and are also organizers.

With in the framework of the program "Invitation of a foreign professor", from October 30 to November 25, 2023, a professor of Trenchinsky University named after him worked at the department. Dubcek (Slovakia), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, PhD Eva Smetanova. During her stay at the university, the professor gave lectures to students, conducted advanced training courses for teachers of the Pedagogical Institute. Sultangazina on the topic "Soft skills of university teachers:development of effective universal skills", conducted consultations for undergraduates of the Department of "Pedagogy, Psychology and Special Education", the Department of "Foreign Philology" on the implementation of dissertation research, prepared joint publications with teachers of the PPiSO department, and also gave valuable suggestions for the development of educational programs "Pedagogy and Psychology" and OP "Special Education.

On February 23, 2024 the traditional international scientific and practical conference «Altynsarin Readings-2024» was held.

«Innovative technologies in modern education: strategy, objectives, implementation».

More than 700 participants of the conference presented their works in five main areas:

  1. Spiritual and moral education of the individual on the basis of basic national values.
  2. The integration of science and practice is a modern strategy for the innovative development of teacher education.
  3. Digitalization of the educational process: implementation experience.
  4. Modern formats and technologies of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of students' personal potential.
  5. 5.Innovative strategies of teaching and upbringing in inclusive education.

Teachers of the department R.A.Nazmutdinov and O.V. Kalinichenko took part in the International competition of scientific papers of the All-Russian Society for Scientific Research (Moscow), where their scientific work "The meanings and content of the concept of marginality" was awarded a Diploma of the 1st degree.

The results of research are constantly used in the educational activities of teachers of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Special Education, which is reflected in the Curriculum for disciplines in the list of basic and additional literature. The results of research are also used in the development and conduct of elective courses, special courses (for students and undergraduates).

Students actively participate in international conferences, publish scientific articles, including in collaboration with teachers.

The staff of the department regularly opposes and reviews diplomas, dissertations and other scientific products. The research work of the teachers of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Special Education has been awarded with diplomas and certificates.

The staff of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Special Education participated in the organization and holding of the following conferences, symposiums and sections:

  • International scientific and practical conference Altynsarin readings "Innovations, knowledge, experience – vectors of educational tracks"
  • Online seminar for college teachers of Kostanay region;
  • Dialogue platform "Interaction with special and inclusive organizations and institutions as a condition for training in-demand specialists: experience and prospects";
  • International online seminar with schools of Russia and Lyceum No. 1 in Kostanay;
  • International flash seminar "Theory and practice of training specialists in the higher education system to work in a special and inclusive educational environment";
  • Student scientific and practical online conference "Psychology and Defectology: a practical aspect";
  • Student scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of special and inclusive education";
  • Round table "Professional development of the future teacher of special education";
  • Round table "Neurofitness in the work of a teacher" together with students of the advanced training course "Orleu" (kstorley).
  • Abdirkenova A.K., Acting Associate Professor, PhD became the winner of the competition of the grant project of young scientists "ZhasGalym" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • The OP "Pedagogy and Psychology" entered the top 10 OP of the National rating "Atameken".
  • Teachers of the department became participants of the international PISA project
  • Teachers of the department participated in the preparation of the inclusion of the scientific journal "3i" in the list of journals recommended by COXON RK.
  • In the 2023 academic year, the teaching staff of the department published 2 monographs, 4 textbooks and 2 teaching aids.

An important indicator of the research culture of students and undergraduates is their participation in external scientific events organized by third-party organizations:

  • V Republican online Olympiad of undergraduates 7M01-Pedagogical sciences. Organizers of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, M. Kozybayev SKMU (Petropavlovsk, May 5, 2020). Diploma, 1st place. Undergraduates 7M01101-Pedagogy and Psychology.
  • ΧΙV International Student Work Competition. Academy of Education and Upbringing (02/01/2020 Chelyabinsk, Russia): Nurgalieva Kamila Ermekovna, student, 5B050300 – Psychology, 2nd year, Diploma of the 1st degree.
  • XXV International competition of scientific research works "The way to science-2022" D. K. Sansybai, student, Diploma of the 3rd degree. Scientific supervisor: Kalinichenko O.V. FuturTehnologies, Moscow, 2022.
  • III All-Russian (with international participation) competition of research, design and scientific and methodological works of students and students. Igisenov A.T. Diploma, 2nd place. Scientific supervisor: Nazmutdinov R.A. Organizers "Altai State Humanitarian Pedagogical University named after V.M. Shukshin" (V.M. Shukshin AGSPU), 2022.
  • Republican Olympiad for schoolchildren and students on the subject of "Psychology" Pashina A. S., student, Diploma of the 1st degree. Almaty city , 2022.
  • Republican contest "New Century-new faces", organizer: kaznpuim. Abaya, awarded: head of the team-Alipbaeva G. A., Diploma of the III degree (Kabenova G., Kaidarova B., Nagyzkul G. – students of the 3rd year OP 6b01901-Defectology). City of Almaty, 2022
  • 2nd year undergraduate student of the OP "Pedagogy and Psychology" Marchenko I. S. II place in the Republican Pedagogical Olympiad "Talented teacher for gifted children", RNPC "KostanayDaryny", 2022.
  • XIV Republican student subject Olympiad in the field of 5B010500 (6B01901) Defectology, organizers: NAO "North Kazakhstan University named after M.Kozybayev", awards: Letter of thanks to the head of the team – Alipbaeva G.A., Certificate for participation in the Indigo team (Kaparova M., Kaidarova B., Nagyzkul G. – 3rd year students of OP 6B01901-Defectology). Petropavlovsk city, 2022.

Participation of 4th year students of the OP "6B01902 Special pedagogy" in the international competition of scientific works by Seregin A.M. - Diploma of the I degree, Derevyanko E.V. - Diploma of the III degree. The organizers are the Ural State Pedagogical University, the Institute of Special Education, the Department of Speech Therapy and the Clinic of Dysontogenesis. The city of Yekaterinburg, 2023.

The positive dynamics remains in the research activities of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. Teachers began to improve their qualifications more often, participate more actively in conferences of various levels, and the participation of teaching staff and students in scientific events increased.