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Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Special Education

Information to the applicant

Dear friends, we are glad to welcome you to the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Special Education of the A. Baitursynov KRU!

Educational program - 6B01101 Pedagogy and Psychology

The profession of a teacher-psychologist is considered one of the most popular among young people all over the world today. The demand for the profession of a teacher-psychologist is always relevant and this relevance only grows from year to year.

The educational programme "6B01101-Pedagogy and Psychology" is developed in accordance with the State Educational Standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Professional Standard of a Teacher, the National Qualification Framework, and is aligned with the Dublin Descriptors and the European Qualifications Framework.

During the study period, students will master the following profile disciplines: pedagogical psychology, psycho-pedagogical diagnostics of personality, school of emotional intelligence development, stress management skills, the art of time management, theory and practise of psychological counselling, conflictology in education, gender psychology, practical psychology in education, technology of social-psychological training, art therapy, psychology of health and suicide prevention, and many.

The educational programme "6B01101-Pedagogy and Psychology" is implemented by teachers who have extensive professional experience and are constantly improving their qualifications at regional, national, and international levels.. 

The department implements an educational programme at two levels: bachelor's and master's degrees. Education is conducted in Kazakh and Russian.

The educational programme is implemented in close collaboration with the MPI "Regional Educational and Methodological Centre "Kostanay Daryny" of the Education Department of the Kostanay Region Akimat, the Public Foundation "Association of Practising Psychologists of Kostanay Region", the Psychological Centre "Empatiya" and the MPI "Youth Resource Centre of Kostanay Region" of the Public Development Department of the Kostanay Region Akimat.

You will be able to work:

  • in preschool organizations of all types;
  • in general education schools, including lyceums, gymnasiums, small schools, sanatorium schools, sports schools, children's homes;
  • in special correctional organizations (boarding schools, classes for children and teenagers with special educational needs);
  • in initial vocational education institutions (lyceums);
  • in secondary professional educational institutions (colleges).

For admission to full-time department - 4 years (based on general secondary education):

  • Choose profile subjects for the Unified National Testing (UNT): Biology and Geography.
  • Score a passing grade - 75.
  • Submit documents for a grant to the admissions committee.

For admission to the shortened full-time department - 2 years or 3 years (based on pedagogical professional education):

  • Take exams in two disciplines: the fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology, and the theory and methods of educational work.
  • Pass a special exam in pedagogy (solving a pedagogical situation).
  • Pass an interview.
  • Apply for a grant (if grants are available)

For admission to the shortened full-time department on a fee basis - 2 years or 3 years (based on pedagogical professional education):

  • There is no need to take exams.
  • Admission to the university is carried out by the admissions committees.

For admission to the shortened full-time department - 2 years (based on higher education):

  • Submit an application.
  • Pass an interview.
  • Pay a part of the tuition fee according to the contract.

Educational program6B01902 Special pedagogy

In Kazakhstan, only 14 universities graduate specialists in the field of training - 6B019 Special Pedagogy (Defectology).

The Department of Special Education of Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynov is the only one in the region that trains specialists in special pedagogy (Defectology).

Special (correctional) pedagogy is called such a branch of it, where they deal with the education of people with mental or physical development disorders.

How is the training of students?

In the course of training, students are taught a number of disciplines, such as "Special Pedagogy", "Inclusive education", "Fundamentals of speech therapy", "Special psychology", "Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children with special educational needs".

Students gain knowledge in the field of special pedagogy, psychology and inclusive education.

Terms of study: 4 years (on the basis of secondary education), 2 years, 3 years (On the basis of HE or VET).

Degree awarded: Bachelor of Education in specialty 6B01902 — "Special Pedagogy".

Our specializations

Position: Special Teacher

Specialization: Oligophrenopedagogics - Special teacher (teacher-defectologist, defectologist, oligophrenopedagogue).

Specialization: Speech therapy - A special teacher (teacher-speech therapist, speech therapist).

Students practice on the basis of secondary schools of Kostanay and the region, as well as in correctional offices, special schools: KSU OSH named after Alikhan Bokeikhan of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay region, KSU "Basic Secondary School No. 14 of the Education Department of Kostanay" of the Education Department, KSU OSH No. 9, KSU OSH No. 19, KSU OSH No.22 of the Department of Education of the city of Kostanay of the Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region, KSU "Cabinet of psychological and pedagogical correction of the city of Kostanay" of the Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region.

The student volunteer club "Kind Heart" is organized and operates at the department, which includes students of 1-3 courses of the Department of Special Education. The main activity of the volunteers is aimed at supporting the children of the KSU "Support Center for Children in difficult life situations in Kostanay" and the Correction Center "Amanat and K" for children with special needs.

For admission:

  • Specialized subjects of the UNT: "Biology and Geography"
  • Passing score: 75

Where can a special teacher (Defectologist) work?

Organizations of special and general education that implement programs of integrated and inclusive education and training of children with OOP:

  • Child Development Centers
  • Children's homes
  • Rehabilitation centers
  • Centers of psychological-pedagogical and medical-social support
  • Psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions and consultations
  • Psychological and pedagogical correction offices
  • Special preschool institutions for children with OOP
  • Special schools for children with OOP
  • Inclusive Education Support Services

A graduate of the Department of Special Education has such a wide range of knowledge and skills that he can easily find their application in practice.

By enrolling in our educational program, you will be a highly qualified and highly paid specialist, get solid and stable knowledge in the field of special education.

Dear applicants, if you want to master a profession that is the present and the future, we are waiting for you at the following address:
Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street 118, office № 626

Phone numbers of the reception committee: 8 (7142) 54-28-49