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Department of Theory of Languages and Literature

The Science

The scientific activity of the department is determined by the general priorities in philological science, the interests of teachers and students.

The teaching staff of the department take part in the implementation of the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Virtual foresight laboratory as a means of developing meta-competencies in the humanities” (master Brimzhanova K.S., Ph.D. Pchelkina T.R.). 

Scientific developments of teaching staff are actively used in the preparation of educational materials that ensure a high-quality educational process. 

Teachers of the department Brimzhanova K.S. and Pchelkina T.R. are the authors of the collective monograph “Virtual Foresight Laboratory as a means of developing meta-competencies in the humanities” and the manual “Modern Humanitarian Technologies” Brimzhanova K.S., Pchelkina T.R., Segizbaeva K.K. are authors of articles in domestic journals recommended by the Committee for Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and journals included in the Scopus database.

The teaching staff of the department take part in the work of the Regional Terminology Commission under the Akimat of Kostanay (Ph.D. Segizbaeva K.K.). 

The teaching staff of the department is successfully engaged in research work with students. Every year, students of the department take part in olympiads, conferences at various levels, and research competitions.

Under the leadership of Segizbaeva K.K. a student's work was prepared for the Republican competition of scientific research works of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2023 - 2nd degree diploma). 

Students of Degen Valeria and Lifintseva Daniela (n.r. Segizbaeva K.K.) took part in the International competition “Charm of the Eyes: Russian language as a means of depicting architectural landmarks of Russia” (Nizhny Tagil October - December 2022).

According to the results of the competition, Lifintseva D. reached the finals and became the laureate of this competition.