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Department of Language Theory and Literature

Segizbaeva Kenzhegul Kunusbaevna
Acting Associate Professor Position
Candidate of Philological Sciences Scientific degree
  • 1979-1984 Poltava State Pedagogical Institute. V.G.Korolenko - specialty - Russian language and literature, pedagogy.
  • 2007 - defense of a dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences in the specialty 10.02.01. - Russian language at the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov.
Subjects taught
  • The study of phonetics and vocabulary in a modern school
  • The style of the modern russian language and the language competence of a teacher
  • The study of general linguistics in a modern school
  • The syntax of the modern russian language
Work experience
  • 2020 - to the present time Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of Languages ​​and Literature of Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2012 - Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Kostanay State University / Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute (formed after the separation of the university) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Certificates/certificates of professional development
  • 2019 Courses "Distance learning, massive open online courses: development, promotion and application" 10/19/2019 (72 hours), KSPU.
  • 2020 NIS courses as part of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, February 28, 2020 (80 hours), Branch of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence.
  • 2020 Courses “Fundamentals of work in the distance learning system Moodle. Introductory course", December 2020 (36 hours), KRU2020 Courses "Designing a Moodle Curriculum", December 2020 (72 hours), KRU.
  • 2020 Courses "Designing a test in the Moodle distance learning system", December 2020 (36 hours), KRU.
  • 2022 - Courses "Modern Research in Linguistics and Language Teaching", (72 hours), St. Petersburg, Russia.
  • 2022 - NIS courses "Methodology for conducting applied research" from 19.09 to 30.09. (80 hours), NIS, Center for Teaching Excellence.
Membership in professional organizations
  • Member of the regional terminological commission under the department for the development of languages ​​of the Kostanay region of the Akimat of Kostanay.
  • Member of the international research group for joint research with specialists from the West.
Awards and prizes
  • Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Diploma of the Regional Maslikhat of Kostanay region.
  • Letter of thanks from the Ural State University PS.
Activities in the service sector 
  • Member of the jury of city and regional competitions of scientific projects of students in philological disciplines.
  • Member of the jury of the city and regional stages of the Olympiad for schoolchildren.
  • Preparing students for regional and republican Olympiads at the Regional Scientific and Practical Center "Kostanay Daryny", at the KSU "Lyceum-boarding school "BILIM-INNOVATION" for gifted children", at the State Institution "School-gymnasium No. 3 of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay" , gymnasium Lisakovsk.
  • "The originality of the individual author's picture of the world in a literary text" - Studying and teaching the Russian language in Russia and abroad. Book. 1: Collect. monograph. / state ped. un-t, Center it. method. lit. them. I.V. Goethe; Support Center for Learning and Teaching Rus. lang.; under total ed. prof. S.L. Suvorova. - Shadrinsk: ShSPU, 2017 - C 148-162.
Training manuals
  • Electronic textbook "Techniques for using lexical units in the text"// Computer program. KSPU, Kostanay, 2018 Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright No. 235 dated 10/19/2018Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright No. 235 dated October 19, 20182.
  • Stylistics of the Russian language // Educational and methodological manual for students of the specialty "5B011800 - Russian language and literature" / K.K. Segizbaeva - Kostanay: KSPU, 2020. - 98 p. Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright No. 15783 dated March 25, 20203.
  • Electronic textbook "Functional style" / Computer program. KRU, Kostanay, 2022 Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright No. 26115 dated March 30, 2022.
  • Issues on regional variation of languages in the epoch of globalization through participative approach / European Journal of Science and Theology - December 2014 Vol. 10 No. 6. - С 175 – 184. ISSN 1841 - 0464  (G.K.IsmagulovaV. V. Danilova).
  • The Problem of Gender and Sensitive Use of the Language in Kazakhstan / The Case of German «International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature» Vol. 5 No. 5; September 2016. С 246-251 ISSN 2200-3592 (Print), ISSN 2200-3452 (Online) (Исмагулова Г. К., Данилова В.В., Утегенова Б.М.).
  • Features of the use of regional slang vocabulary / Bulletin of the Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualikhanov. Series Philological №2, 2017 – С 85-91 ISBN 1608-2206.
  • The study of jargon in the linguistic and cultural aspect of the region / The world of man in the space of language / otv. Ed. M.V. Pimenova, O.N. Morozova, K.T. Utegenov. - St. Petersburg, 2017. - 368 p. (Series "Conceptual and lingual worlds". Issue 13). – P 145 – 151 ISBN 978-5.
  • Understanding the mentality through keywords / Linguistic and cultural aspects of conceptual research: a collection of scientific articles for the 70th anniversary of the Doctor of Philology, Professor V.A. Maslova / otv. ed. M.V. Pimenov. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2018. - 248 p. (Series "Conceptual Research". Issue 16). – C 112-117 ISBN 978-5.