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Department of Foreign Languages

About the Department
Solovyova Natalya Anatolyevna Full name
Head of the department Position
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Scientific degree

The department was founded in 1966 and is one of the leading departments of the institute. Its significance in the process of preparing bachelors of the specialty 6B01705 Foreign language: two foreign languages ​​is determined by the role that foreign language skills play in the modern world.

Academic direction

Educational and methodological work occupies the main place in the activities of the educational program (training teachers of a foreign language). The teaching staff of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​is constantly working on the development of educational and methodological complexes in the disciplines of the department in all undergraduate specialties, educational and educational publications, including on electronic media, necessary to ensure the educational process.

The teachers of the department introduce innovative teaching technologies and new teaching methods into the educational process, which allow intensifying cognitive activity, strengthen self-training, and improve the quality of the educational process.

Classes are conducted using modern technical means, educational and educational literature from the world's leading publishers (for example, Oxford, Hueber, Longman, etc.).

Teachers constantly improve their professional skills by participating in regional, republican, international conferences, seminars and trainings, which are held by the Embassies of France and Germany in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also actively participate in the work of language seminars. The teaching staff of the center develops international cooperation with the Goethe Institute, the French Alliance.

Educational work is carried out in accordance with the plan of educational work of the department of foreign languages ​​and the university. Plans of educational work of curators were approved at a meeting of the Council of the Institute. In the process of education, various forms and methods are used: individual conversations, meetings with parents, exchange of experience between senior students and first-year students.

The activity of curators is of great importance in the organization of educational work.

For example, curators conduct activities in groups in the following areas:

  • ideological and civil-patriotic education;
  • moral and legal and family education;
  • fostering a culture of labor and professional activity;
  • formation of a healthy lifestyle and safe life skills, ecological culture;
  • education of ethical, aesthetic culture, culture of everyday life and leisure.

In addition, issues of the policy of academic honesty, the code of corporate ethics of teaching staff and university students, issues of current academic performance and attendance are discussed during curatorial hours.

Teachers and students participate in the Health Day event, in a festive concert dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan; visit the Russian Drama and Puppet Theater, the Kazakh Drama Theatre, the Regional Museum of Local Lore; take part in preventive measures related to elements of the manifestation of religious intolerance; participate in events held by the Tolstoy Regional Library.

Our prospects

Over the years, teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​in the direction of "Training of teachers of a foreign language" prepared many famous humanitarians of the Kostanay region for creative work. Our graduates are deputies, scientists, business people, school directors, teachers, excellent students of education in Kazakhstan, Russia, winners of creative competitions, laureates of various festivals.

Our future students are waiting for interesting lectures, creative discussions, trainings, business games, studying abroad and in the Republic of Kazakhstan under the academic mobility program in countries such as Turkey, Slovakia, France, Poland, Hungary and others, and thanks to dual education, students can study and work on the basis of an educational organization. In our future students, we will develop the qualities of a creative, initiative, educated, intelligent, intellectual personality. This is facilitated in addition to the educational process by regularly held events such as: student scientific and practical conferences, internships for students of the Department of Foreign Languages-volunteers in the American corner of L.N. Tolstoy library as an English language volunteer teacher.