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Department Of Physical Culture, Sport And Tourism

About the Department
Safargalieva Gulfiya Nadimovna Full name
Acting Head of the Department Position
Master of Pedagogical Sciences Academic degree

The department was established in 1968 and was called the Department of Sports Disciplines; currently it is called the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Among the teachers: 3 have the title of "Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 2 – "Honored Instructor of Tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 3 - "Master of Sports", 4 - "Coach of the highest national category", 3 - "Judge of the international category", 5 teachers have the title of "Judge of the national category". Many teachers have government awards: "For merits in the development of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Kazakhstan", "For merits in the development of tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan", Honorary badge of the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science and Akimat of the region.

Teachers of the department work closely with the Regional Center for Physical Culture and with the Olympic Training Center on the development of physical culture and sports in Kostanay region, professional development of teachers and coaches of youth sports schools. On the issues of personnel training in the field of tourism with the leading travel companies of Kostanay region and the Republic.

The main directions of educational work are:
  • fostering a responsible attitude to study,
  • assistance to the professional development of future specialists,assistance to the professional development of future specialists,
  • improving the legal culture,
  • formation of Kazakhstan patriotism,
  • development of creative abilities and collectivism of students.
Priority areas of scientific activity of the department are related to the development of the problem:
  • «Improving physical education and sports training of students»
  • «Innovative technologies for the development of the tourism industry»

In recent years, more than 100 scientific articles, abstracts, and methodological recommendations have been published. Based on the materials of scientific research on this topic, a doctoral dissertation was defended in 2009 on the topic: "Management of the training of highly qualified weightlifters based on integrated control of training activities" (Sivokhin I.P.).