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Department of History of Kazakhstan

Kuzembaiuly Amanzhol
Professor Position
Doctor of Historical Sciences Scientific degree


  • Higher education (Kazakh state University, faculty of history, 1969).
  • Doctor of historical Sciences (1993).
  • Professor (1996).

Subjects taught

  • Theory and methodology of history
  • Theoretical source studies
  • Historiography
  • Theoretical and methodological problems of the history of Kazakhstan

Certificates of professional development

  • By the profile of educational programs and disciplines taught. Orleu-2017.

Awards and prizes

  • In 2006 and 2015, he twice won the "Best teacher of the year" competition».
  • 2015 winner of the best University teacher grant.
  • 2017 became the winner of the award of "Kazna" patrons.
  • 2015 became the "Person of the year" of the radio-TV company Kazakhstan-Kostanay.
  • 2018 certificate of Honor of the Governor of the North Kazakhstan region.
  • 2015 A. Baitursynov Medal for merits in training specialists.
  • 2019 "Kozybayev" medal.

Training manuals

  • Tarihnama. Textbook. MPI. - Kostanay: "tsentrum" ZHSHS, 2015, 206 b.
  • Historical toponymy of Kostanay region. Part 5, Monograph. Kostanay, tsentrum 2013. 215 p.
  • Life without regret. - Kostanay: tsentrum LLP, 2015, -262 p.


  • Periodization of the history of Kazakhstan: problems of criteria and content. "Integration of the Scientific Community to the Global Challenges of Our Tine": materials of the international scientific - practical conference-Sharm el-Sheikh. Arab Republic of Egypt: RegionalAcademi of Management. 2016 001.18; BBK 72; M33
  • The medieval Kerey khanate. « " electronic scientific journal #1 (05)19.04.2016
  • The concept of rebellion, movement and war. Bulletin of the Eurasian humanitarian Institute. 2018. # 3.
  • The founder of Kazakh political science. Bulletin of Kostanay state pedagogical Institute. Kostanay, 2018.№2.
  • Some problems of the national liberation movement in Torgay at the beginning of the twentieth century. Bulletin of the Eurasian humanitarian Institute. Astana 2018. No. 4.
  • A new look at the history of the Golden Horde. «The Europe and the Turkic world: Science, Engineering and Technology»: Materials of the III International Scientific-Practical Conference. May 2-4, 2018 (Alanya, Turkey). Alanya, 2018
  • On the question of the early history of the kereys. Materials of the IV international scientific and practical conference "Kozybaev readings-2019: Spiritual modernization and trends in the development of scientific and educational space in the modern world". Peter and Paul.