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Department of History of Kazakhstan

Baidaly Rauan Zhomartovich
Head of the department Position
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Scientific degree


  • Kostanai state University A. Baitursynov estate – qualification "Historian and lecturer".
  • The doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree 6Д020300-History, (Decision of Committee on control in education and science Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of may 28, 2018, order No. 834), the academic title of associate Professor in the Department of history of Kazakhstan.

Subjects taught

  • Archeology
  • History of the Turkic peoples
  • Local History
  • Modern history of Kazakhstan

Certificates of professional development 

  • Certificate no. 51-28/734, during the period from November 2 to December 25, 2015, he completed an internship at the Omsk state pedagogical University.
  • Certificate, from April 12, 2016 to may 21, 2016 passed a research internship at the Leningrad state University named after A. S. Pushkin.
  • Certificate, "Modern pedagogical technologies in higher education in the context of the updated content of education", national center for advanced training Orleu 06. 2018 №0281438.
  • Certificate, Courses on the educational program of professional development of teaching staff of higher educational institutions that train teachers, within the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed By the center for pedagogical excellence of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools" in the volume of 80 academic hours. "15" March 2019 BJ №100177.
  • Abay Kazakh national pedagogical University "Organization of educational work with students with special educational needs".12.12.2019. КРНТД 00539.

Membership in professional organizations

  • Member of the Congress of historians of Kazakhstan, Astana, 2018.

Awards and prizes

  • Thank you letter and program. International round table: "XX anniversary of Neutrality - historical choice of Turkmenistan". Astana-2015. ENU named after L. N. Gumilyov.
  • Diploma of Baidaly R. Zh, round table "Mangilik El-the beginning of the future, the basis of unity". E. A. Buketov KarSU, 2016.
  • Baidaly R. Zh. Diploma of the III degree. Republican contest "EXPO 2017: values of Mangilik El". winner of the contest of scientific projects. -Astana. 2016.
  • Gratitude for the contribution to the organization of the jury of the 7th regional conference of schoolchildren named after T. E. Dauletbayev. February 9, 2019 FML Kostanay.
  • Letter of thanks. Member of the jury of scientific and practical Conf. secondary school № 10 Kostanai's. Two thousand nineteen
  • Letter of thanks from the rector of KSPU named after Umirzak Sultangazin 2019


  • Ethno-cultural content of the concept of Baidaly October R. G. / / Actual problems of archeology of Eurasia. Ze. Mat. intl. scientific and practical conference, 2016). - Almaty: Institute of archeology named after A. H. Margulan, 2016. -734 P.
  • In 2017, an article was published in the journal included in Scopus (co-authored): Civil and Legal Activities of the Lawyer А. Turlybayev in Siberia at the beginning of the 20th century // Published in the Russian Federation Co-published in the Slovak Republic Bylye Gody Has been issued since 2006. ISSN: 2073-9745. E-ISSN: 2310-0028 Vol. 44, Is. 2, pp. 597-607, 2017 DOI: 10.13187/bg.2017.2.597
  • Alash kayratkeri Aidarkhan Turlybayev (the main stages of his life) / / Kazakh history # 2, 2017. 2-3 P.Aidarkhan Turlybayev-leader of the Alash movement //Otan of a tarikha No. 3 (79)- 2017. (co-authored).
  • Aidarkhan Turabajuly (1877-1937) / / the Kazakh history №7 (154), 2017. 12-13.
  • Political activity of A. Turlybayev during the civil war // Materials of the IV all-Russian scientific and practical conference-Omsk, 2017. -469 p.
  • Kazakh representative office in Sibrevkom. Aidarkhan Turlybayev-authorized representative/ / Interd. scientific and practical Conf. New time science: preserving the past-creating the future 2017. Saint-Petersburg
  • Monograph. Kazakh statehood and Alash Orda. Collective monograph.-Almaty: "Litera-M", 2018. - 720 p. ISBN 978-601-80725-4-3. (CH. 2.2.3;5.5.15.), (co-authored);
  • Traditional Kazakh society and personality researcher / / Kazakh history №10 (177), 2019.-17-19 b.

New scientific developments

From 2015-2018, he carried out research work under the project grant funding for scientific research from the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan on the topic:

  • "Saki Turgay: ethnoarcheological research" in field seasons 2015 -2016 The certificate is attached.
  • "Ancient cauldrons of the Kazakh steppes: analysis of one category of an object in time and space" from 01-03. 2016-31. 08. 2016.
  • " Alash in the history of Kazakhstan's statehood: ideas, destinies, heritage (in the context of spiritual modernization of society)". with 02.05.2018-31.10.2018.