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Department of History of Kazakhstan

Anasova Ainash Bektursynovna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of History Academic degree


  • Kostanay State University Bachelor's degree in History. (Diploma JB-II 0047213. from 22 06.1995).
  • Kostanay state University-Master of history (Diploma of MTB № 0000125. 16.07.1997).

Subjects taught 

  • Modern history of Kazakhstan
  • Professional orientation of the teacher
  • Medieval history of Asia and Africa
  • New time of Asia and Africa
  • New time of America and Europe
  • Technologies of criteria assessment

Certificates of professional development 

  • Certificate. Springer. Springerlink User Training. 21. 05. 15. Irina Alexandrova. Licensing manager Kazakhstan.
  • Training courses for trainers under the program of additional professional education for graduate students of higher educational institutions that train teachers, developed on the basis of level-level programs for improving the skills of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the amount of 232 academic hours. 29.01.2016. (000117) center of pedagogical skills of AOO "Nazarbayev intellectual schools".
  • This is to certify that has passed the courses of qualification development on the theme «Modern directions in education» in amount of 72 hours. Western-Hungarian university. 26.11.2016.
  • "Actual problems in modern philological research". For participation in the Republican scientific and practical conference. Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin. On 23 February. 2017.
  • For participation in the Altynsarin readings "Modern education-a key factor in the success of spiritual modernization of society". Of the University. Kostanai. 09.02.2018.
  • Of the University. Social and humanitarian faculty. Methodological seminar "standard curriculum of updated content on the subject" History" for classes of basic secondary education". 2019. March 1.
  • The course "content of the educational environment in the development of inclusive education" of advanced training. 2020 05.01. -10.01. the volume of 40 hours. JSC national center for advanced training " Orleu "(registration number №0308794).

Awards and prizes

  • 2015 Letter of thanks. For the professionalism and high responsibility shown in the organization and conduct of testing. National centertestings. Astana.
  • 2015 . - Honorary diploma. For significant contribution to the development of the education system and the education of students. KSPI. Kostanai.
  • 2016-Thank you letter. GU Department of archives and documentation of the akimat of Kostanay region "for participation in the regional competition Commission of educational and research works", "Zhas archivist", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 80th anniversary of the Kostanay region.
  • 2016 letter of Thanks. For the professionalism and high responsibility shown in the organization and conduct of testing. National centertestings. Astana.
  • Letter of thanks. For active participation in the process of organizing and conducting the work of the jury of the subject section of the V Regional scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren named after T. E. Dauletbayev "Intellectual potential of the younger generation-the key to successful industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan", held on February 20, 2016. Physical and mathematical Lyceum of Kostanay.
  • 31.10. certificate of Appreciation. For conscientious creative work in the field of education. Regional testing center "Ustudu".

Аctivities in the service sector

  • From 2014 to 2019, the representative of the Ministry for the UNT in the organization and conduct of testing of the National testing center, Nursultan.
  • 2015 - work in the jury of the subject section of the III Regional scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren at the FML state University of Kostanay.


  • Economic and cultural relations of the nomadic and sedentary population of the Middle Zhuz in the XVIII Century. Recional Socio-Humanitarian Researches: History And Contemporaneity. Materials of the V international scientific conference on January 25-26.- Prague, 2016.-C.14-18.– ISBN 978-80-7526-075-8). – co-authors Isenov O. I.; A. B. Taskuzhina.
  • The colonial policy of tsarism in the Junior and Middle zhuzah in the first half of the XVIII century (European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Scientific journal № 2. Vienna, 2016.-С.21-25. ISSN 2414-2344).-co-authors Isenov O. I.; A. B. Taskuzhina.
  • Polyethnic Population Structure of Northeast and West Kazakhstan in the Eighteenth Century to the 1860 s (Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia, vol. 55, no. 02, 2017, pp. 1–12. 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.ISSN: 1061-1959 (print)/ISSN 1558-092X (online).-соавторы Aiqulm. Balzhanova, Tolkyn a. Erisheva, Otegen I. Issenov, Ainash B. Anasova and Zamzagul B. Shakhaman.
  • Polyethnic Population Structure of Northeast and West Kazakhstan in the 18th – to the 60s of the 19th Centuries as a Potential Experience in Addressing the Problem of Illegal Immigration in the Mediterranean Region (Annals of the University of Craiova. History (Scopus). Румыния. Nr. 1 (31) 2017, pp. 25-38. ISSN 1224-5704).-соавторы Балжанова А.М., Еришева Т.А., Исенов О.И., Анасова А.Б., Шахаман З.Б.
  • Comparative Analysis of Migration Policy of 18-19th Century Kazakhstan and 20-21st Century Italy(Словения ж-л “International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies” (Scopus) ISSN 1855-3362.Nr.1, 2017, vol.10).-  соавторы Aiqulm. Balzhanova, Tolkyn a. Erisheva, Otegen I. Issenov, Ainash B. Anasova and Zamzagul B. Shakhaman.
  • Tastekova G, Erisheva T. defining the borders between the Republic of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan / / Kazakh history. No. 4. (141), 2016, May-June, 32-34 p.
  • Source of the history of the Turgay region "" reviews of the Turgay region" / / history of Kazakhstan. No. 5. (141), July-August 2016. 34-35 pages.
  • Cultural and spiritual development of the Turgay region of the late XIX and early XX century based on the materials of the periodical press. International scientific-practical conference" Kazakhstan and the Eurasian space: modernity and prospects", devoted to 25-anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan. collection of materials. Section II. Astana, 2016.ENU named after L. N. Gumilyov. 41-43B.
  • Esengazina B. A. history of the Kazakh epic. Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference with international participation "Actual problems of modern philological research". Section 1. General provisions-Moscow: Publishing house of the Kirov state University. On 23 February. 2017 Arkalyk.
  • The problem of social development of the Kazakh society in the works of Barlybay Sultanova S. B. Tasmaina, Ereseva etc. Scientific and methodological journal. MPU statements. № 2, 2018. December. OO 12-17.