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Department of History of Kazakhstan

About the Department
Baidaly Rauan Full name
Head of the department Position
Доктор PhD Scientific degree

The history of the department is connected with the names of GalikhanDzhanturin and KenzhekeyTaskuzhina, who in Soviet times spoke about the need to study national history. The words of G. Dzhanturin became prophetic: "The time will come and the history of Kazakhstan will be studied in all educational institutions."

After the collapse of the USSR in December 1991, the process of transforming the existing departments of the history of the CPSU into departments of the history of the Kazakh SSR began. In 1992, the Kostanay Pedagogical Institute named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR was transformed into the Kostanay State University. Since September 1, the Department of History and Culture of the Kazakh SSR has been functioning at the Historical Faculty of KSU. The first head of the department was Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor Malik Alshurazovich Augan.

In September 1994, the Department of the History of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay Agricultural Institute was established, headed by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A.Kuzembayuly. Prof. Zadorozhny G.K., associate professor Mukhametov F., and others. In connection with the merger of this institute with Kostanay State University in 1999, the departments of the same name merged.

At various times, Doctors of Historical sciences, professors - Z. Aldamzhar, G. Zadorozhny, Candidates of Historical Sciences, associate professors K. Taskozhina, K. Dutbayev, F. Mukhametov, A. Mukhtar, N. Zhumabayev, L. Mukatayeva, S. Koldybayeva, U. Zhanatayeva, A. Aitmukhambetov, U. Akhmetova, L. Ordabayeva, G. Asanova.

The department trains highly qualified historians, and also provides teaching of the history of Kazakhstan in non-historical specialties.

The Department of History of Kazakhstan provides the study of modern history in the first courses of all specialties of the Institute.

The department has all the necessary educational and methodological documentation for all forms of education: state mandatory education standards, standard curricula, working curricula, standard, working programs in disciplines, working programs (syllabuses) in all disciplines. Working curricula for the specialty "History" are compiled in accordance with standard curricula, include all disciplines of the compulsory component, as well as disciplines of the component by choice and by content, meet the requirements of the State mandatory Standard of Education. The trajectory of students' education is built consistently and logically.

Teachers of the department use the opportunities of their disciplines in the education of Kazakhstani patriotism, the formation of active life positions among students. Many teachers, undergraduates and senior students actively participate in the public life of the institute, the city, the region and the republic. They give lectures to the population, on regional radio and television on the pages of regional and central newspapers on topical issues of the history of Kazakhstan and modern politics.

The department maintains contacts with schools in Kostanay and the region. Teachers participate in various events, conferences, Olympiads as a jury in the city's schools, lyceums and gymnasiums.