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Department of History of Kazakhstan

Information to the applicant

Dear applicants, we are glad to welcome you to the Department of History of Kazakhstan of the A. Baitursynov KRU!!

History is a science that studies the laws and patterns of human society development.

A historian is a specialist who studies the past of mankind, guided by knowledge of already known historical processes and facts. The task of such a specialist is to recreate the picture of the life of the country, people and people in different periods.

The profession of "historian" is associated with the study of archival materials and the definition of links between events.

The department has two levels of education: bachelor's degree and Master's degree. The training is conducted in the state and Russian languages.

The main goal of our department is to train a highly qualified history teacher who has personal, fundamental, social, linguistic, entrepreneurial, economic, computer, professional, special, educational competencies and is able to effectively perform teaching, educating, methodological, research, social and communicative work functions.

For admission:

  • Profile subjects: World History and Geography
  • Passing score: 75

The objects of professional activity of graduates are:

  • organizations of secondary and post-secondary education, including lyceums, colleges, gymnasiums,
  • research institutes and organizations,
  • institutes of advanced training,
  • publishing houses,
  • libraries,
  • methodical offices. 

If you have made your choice, we are waiting for you at:
Kostanay, Tauelsizdik st., 118, Office No.202

Phone: +7-775-143-39-35 Байдалы Рауан Жомартұлы 

+7-771-213-83-91 Туребаев Азиз Омарович