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Department of Arts

About the Department
Aisina Sulushash Temirtaevna Full name
Acting Head of the Department of Arts Position
Master of Pedagogy Scientific degree

In 1991, the Department of Music was created at the Faculty of Education of KSU named after A. Baitursynov, where specialists were trained in the specialty “Music and Singing”. In 1993, the department grew into the Faculty of Music. The first dean was Honored Worker of Culture Mukanov Kh.M. (1991-1996). Next, the music department was headed by a graduate of the Almaty State Conservatory. Kurmangazy, Ph.D., Associate Professor Zhakaeva S.A. (1996-2009) In 2002, with the opening of the specialty “Fine Arts and Drawing,” the faculty was renamed the Faculty of Arts, which included two departments: musical instruments, theory and art history. In 2010, as a result of the merger of two departments, the Department of Arts was formed, and Ph.D. was appointed head of the department. Sapieva M.S. (2010-2020). In 2020, Master of Pedagogy Aisina S.T. was appointed to the position of head of the department. Thanks to the close cooperation of teachers of the department, in the 2021-2022 academic year a license was obtained to carry out educational activities in the field of “Leisure”.

Currently, the department is working in the following areas: “Acting and organization of theatrical performances”, “Cultural and leisure activities in choreographic performance”, “Visual art, artistic work, graphics and design”, “Music education”.

The Department of Arts teaches the fundamental principles of music and art education. Training of specialists is conducted in the state and Russian languages. The implementation of educational programs at the department is ensured by teaching staff who have a basic education corresponding to the profile of the disciplines taught, and who are engaged in scientific and scientific-methodological activities. The Department of Arts is equipped with special classrooms with instruments, choreography classes, a sewing class for sewing and making festive costumes and attributes, there is a music laboratory, and a costume room. In 2020, a named auditorium named after Honored Artist N. Moldakhmetov and Honored Cultural Worker A. Amirkhanov was opened.

In order to develop and strengthen scientific, methodological and scientific ties, the department of arts has concluded an agreement on international scientific, methodological and creative cooperation with the Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture (Chelyabinsk); the department also maintains creative ties with a number of regional, republican, scientific institutions and universities: Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after. Abay (Almaty), Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after. Y. Altynsarina (Arkalyk), South Ural State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University (Chelyabinsk). Memorandums were concluded with the regional Kazakh drama theater named after I. Omarov, the regional Russian theater, the regional puppet theater, and the Miras State House of Culture.

As part of advanced training, teaching staff of the Department of Arts undergo training both within the country and abroad. Teachers carry out advanced training by attending seminars, master classes, round tables of invited scientists from far abroad, participating in scientific and practical conferences, and publishing articles in various scientific journals. The Department of Arts continues to work on performing training of specialists. During the training, students develop skills in playing the main musical instrument (piano, button accordion, accordion, dombyra, kobyz), choral conducting, and vocals.

There are 15 teachers working at the department: candidate of pedagogical sciences Zhakaeva S.A.; artists Shambetov B.R., Supataeva A.I.; senior teachers, masters of pedagogy: Aisina S.T., Zadorozhnaya S.N., Amirkhamzin N.K., Arkhipova K.G., Babich S.S., Artemyeva E.V., Zhakaeva K.A., Esmaganbetova Sh .K., Zhusupova D.Zh., teachers: Khizbulaeva E.V., Sumambaeva S.A., Syzdykov A.A.

In addition to educational and educational work, the department is actively involved in concert and performing activities, in which both teachers and students take part. Close cooperation with practice bases allows students to participate in events on a city and regional scale. The purpose of the department is high-quality performing training of highly qualified personnel in the field of art and culture.

The teaching staff of the department have been repeatedly awarded with Certificates of Honor for fruitful work in the field of education, high professionalism, creative and performing activities, for preparing student laureates in various Republican and International competitions.

Holder of the title “Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2000), a badge named after. Y. Altynsarina (2011) “Excellence in Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2021), is a candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department Zhakaeva S.A., awarded the “Madeniet kairatkeri” sign, senior teacher Shambetov B.R., badge “75 years of KSPI” awarded to: senior teacher Aisina S.T., Zhakaeva K.A., Zadorozhnaya S.N., Akbuzhurova S.Zh., Esmaganbetova Sh.K., Zhusupova D.Zh., Babich S.S. accompanist Islyamova L.S.. The badge “For contribution to the development of the university” was awarded to: senior teacher Aisina S.T., Zhakaeva K.A., Zadorozhnaya S.N.

Students of the department take part in International competitions and festivals of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a choir competition (Almaty), a competition for university students (Karaganda), and an International Festival (Astana) and take prizes.