Ruchkina Galiya Adgamovna
Associate professor Position
Candidate of Biological Sciences Scientific degree
- 1980-1985 Kostanay Agricultural Institute, qualification “Zoo engineer”.
- 2000-2003 Postgraduate studies at the Ural State Veterinary Academy, Russian Federation). Based on the research materials, she defended her PhD thesis in specialty 03.00.13 – “physiology”.
- Academic degree – Candidate of Biological Sciences (Defense of the Russian Federation 2003, Diploma of the Russian Federation 2003, Diploma of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2008). Passed the procedure for re-certification of the academic degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences in the Committee for Supervision and Certification in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Academic title Associate Professor, Associate Professor (Associative professor of Biology – 2011).
Subjects taught
- Human ecology
- Cell Biology
- Physiological basis of physical education and sports
- Human and animal physiology
- Age physiology and hygiene
- Basics of life safety
- Fundamental problems of human and animal physiology
Work Experience
- 1985-2001 lecturer, senior lecturer, deputy dean of the Faculty of Zooengineering of KSHI-KSU.
- 2001-2003 Senior Lecturer, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Agro-technology of M.Dulatov KINEU.
- 2003-2016 Associate Professor, Head of the Department of "Standardization and Certification of Food Products". M.Dulatov Institute of Power Engineering and Certification.
- 2016-2017 Associate Professor of the Department of Biology and Chemistry, Baitursynov KSU.
- 2017-2018 Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Natural Sciences of the Natural and Mathematical Faculty of KSPU.
- 2018-2019 Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences of KSPU named after. U. Sultangazina.
- 2019 to present Associate Professor of the NJSC “Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynuly”.
Certificates of professional development
- In April 2019, took part in the international refresher courses “successfully completed refresher courses on the topic: “Technology of Empirical Research for Writing a Research Paper”. (KSPU - Bulgaria).
- Certificate of participation in the scientific and methodological seminar “Issues of biodiversity conservation (Ramsar Convention, rare species). Results of the preparation and implementation of competitive research work for grant financing of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan."
- In May 2019, she completed international advanced training courses “Current trends in the assessment of global and local changes in natural ecosystems and teaching disciplines of the biological and geographical cycle.” (KSPU - Germany, Hannover). Certificate received – 72 hours.
- Publisher courses. “Methodology for developing a textbook and improving the professional skills of authors.” Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Almaty. June 18, 2020 – July 19, 2020. (Certificate – 72 hours).
- "Solving the problems of modern biology and ecology in a changing climate." Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. October 31 to November 26, 2022.
- "Protection of biological and landscape diversity". “Biological and landscape diversity and their protection” Forestry University (Sofia, Bulgaria), From October 31 to November 18, 2022.
- October 1, 2022 - January 31, 2023, Professional development activities within the framework of the project “Strengthening the Capacity of Teacher Education KZEMP-QCBS-03”, coordinated by Hime University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- In October 2023, she completed international advanced training courses “Innovative approaches and modern trends in working with international scientometric databases and publishing houses for pedagogical specialties in Kostanay, NAO KRU named after A. Baitursynuly (Kazakhstan), Uludag (Turkey). Certificate received – 72 hours
- October 2023. Completed international advanced training courses for Soft skills of university teachers. Development of universal skills. Kostanay NAO KRU named after A. Baitursynuly (Kazakhstan), Tenchin University named after A. Dubchek (Slovakia). Certificate received – 72 hours.
- From 30.10 to 24.11. 2023 Courses Methodology and techniques of pedagogical process management in the sphere of physical education and sport. Kostanay, NAO KRU named after A. Baitursynuly (Kazakhstan), PND BURGARS FREE UNIVERSITY. Certificate received – 72 hours.
Membership in professional organizations
- Member of the TC (technical committee) for standardization “Agro-industrial complex – Agribusiness”, created on the basis of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after. S.Seifullina. Order No. 147 of 04/02/2019.
- Member of the environmental council at the branch of the AMANAT party. Extract from order No. 010 NQ dated May 29, 2023. “On approval of the composition of regional councils”.
Awards and prizes
- Letter of gratitude from NC DARYN addressed to the rector of KRU named after. A. Baitursynov. June 07, 2023.
- Gratitude for active participation in the work of the Regional Environmental Council at the Kostanay regional branch of the AMANAT party. January 12, 2023.
- Ruchkina, G.A. Problems of intensive use of highly productive sows in connection with their physiological state: Monograph / Ruchkina, G.A. – Kostanay: KInEU, 2013. - 102 p. ISBN 9965-13-683-1.
Training manuals
- Ruchkina G.A. Problems of intensive use of highly productive sows in connection with their physiological state: A textbook for university students / Ruchkina, G.A. – Kostanay: KIPU, 2007. - 79 p. ISBN 9965-851-18-2.
- Ruchkina, G.A., Vakhitova, R.Z. Camel husbandry: A textbook for students. universities / Ruchkina, G.A., Vakhitova R.Z. – Kostanay: Kostanay Printing Yard LLP, 2008. - 144 p.: ill. ISBN 9965-851-13-1.
- Ruchkina, G.A. Technology of production, storage and processing of livestock products: A textbook for students. universities / Ruchkina, G.A. – Kostanay: KInEU, 2008. - 102 p. ISBN 9965-851-16-2.
- Ruchkina G.A. Ways to use the reproductive qualities of highly productive sows: A textbook for university students / Ruchkina, G.A. – Kostanay: KIPU, 2009.- 80 p. ISBN 9965-00-355-6.
- Ruchkina G.A. Food safety: A textbook for students. universities /Ruchkina, G.A. – Kostanay: KInEU, 2013.- 204 pp. ISBN 978-9965-851-49-0.
- O.N. Babenko, G.A. Ruchkina. Collection of test tasks in the discipline “Fundamentals of Safety and Life.” Textbook – Kostanay, 2017. – 192 pp. ISBN 978-601-80635-5-8.
- Ruchkina G.A. Collection of test tasks in the discipline “Age-related physiology and school hygiene”: textbook / G.A. Ruchkina. – Kostanay: KSPI, 2018. – 99с ISBN 978-601-7934-69-9.
- Ruchkina G.A. “Didactic materials on the discipline “Human Anatomy””: textbook / G.A. Ruchkina. – Kostanay, 2019. ISBN 978-601-7601 – 16 – 4.
- K.K. Zhanabayeva , N.O. Ongarbayeva , G.A. Ruchkina , G.K. Yesseyeva and V.L. Smolyakova. Features of Technological Properties of Triticale Grain of Kazakhstan's Selection. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences .Year: 2018 | Volume: 13 | Issue: 10 SI | Page No.: 8292-8299 DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2018.8292.8299.
- Ruchkina G.A. Rating system of evaluation in the University... Collection of articles: Industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan: Problems and perspectives. 2005 – С. 21-22.
- Ruchkina G.A. International standard in education Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Prospective directions of scientific research of young scientists of the Urals and Siberia": Collection of scientific papers (17-19 November 2006) Troitsk: FGOU VPO URAVM, 2006.-Page 34-36.
- Ruchkina G.A. Modeling the environment of personality education Materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of education". - Chelyabinsk: IIMC "Education", 2007. - – С. 326 - 329.
- Ruchkina G.A. Introduction of the system of safety of agricultural products in accordance with the requirements of international standards based on the principles of HACCP system. Materials of the International scientific-practical conference "High technologies and innovations in education, science and production", April 17,18, 2008: - Kostanay, 2008. - – С. 454- 456.
- Ruchkina G.A., Gaidai I.I. System of Hazards Analysis in Food Quality and Safety Provision. Collection of scientific papers on the materials of the international scientific-practical conference: Scientific research and its practical application. Modern State and Ways of Development 2008. October 1-15, 2008. T.3 Technical sciences. С. 75-76 - Odessa; NIPKMFU, 2008. IN 966-555-152-3.
- Muratov A.A., Naymanov D.K., Ruchkina G.A., Go Tin-Shin A.N. Development of technological and veterinary and sanitary requirements for the organization and operation of quarantine export and fattening sites with a one-time delivery of cattle from 1 to 5 thousand heads and small cattle - from 5 to 10 thousand heads. On state purchases of services on normative and methodical support of development of branches of agroindustrial complex under the budget program 046 "Normative and methodical support of development of branches of agroindustrial complex" in the field of cattle breeding. Ministry of Agriculture of the RK 2008.
- Ruchkina G.A. The importance of standards in ensuring food safety. UGAVM Troitsk Collection of scientific papers on the materials of the international scientific conference: Scientific research and its practical application. Current state and ways of development 2014 . October 1-15, 2014 . T.3 Technical sciences. С. 46-47
- Ruchkina G.A. Directorial and active learning in the context of pedagogical technologies. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Methodical Conference "INNOVA - 2017". January 15, 2017. KSU named after A.A.Baitursynov. С.252-255. BN 978-601-7387-62-4.
- Ruchkina G.A. On teaching biological disciplines in the university. Collection of materials of II International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Methodology, Theory and Practice of Modern Biology". Kostanay - March 10, 2017. С. 313-317. UDC 543.2. ISSN 978-601-301-645-0.
- Ruchkina G.A. Role of biological education in the humanities and engineering faculties of the University. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ualikhanov Readings - 21" Kokshetau State University n.a. M.A. Kokshetau. Sh. Ualikhanov State University of Kokshetau, April 18, 2017, vol.4 S. 111-114. ISBN 978-601-261-336-0.
- Atembekova Zh.E., Muratov A.A., Ruchkina G.A. Research of methods for detection of radiation-treated meat dose. Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Standardization - a tool to improve the competitiveness and integration of Kazakh products in the world economy. Nur-Sultan, 2019.- 147 p. S.Seifulinskie readings 15. С.27-32. ISBN 978-601-257-193-6.
- Ruchkina G.A., Rafalchuk E.P. The problem of forming a healthy lifestyle as a value orientation of youth. Collection of materials of IV International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Methodology, Theory and Practice of Modern Biology". March 15, 2019 Kostanay. UDC 57.022 P.256 ISSN 978-601-301-645-0.
- Chernyavskaya O.M., Ruchkina G.A. Student-centered education as a system-forming factor in higher education. The international scientific journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan" ISNN 2073-333X. 4/1 2020 p. 260.
- Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Biochemical Characteristics Of Triticale Flour Formed From Separate Fractions On Grinding Grain Of Kazakhstan Selection. 709 DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201084 *Corresponding Author: Karina Zhanabayeva, Email: e-mail: Article History: Received:Mar 14, 2020, Accepted: June 17, 2020. Issue-06 , 2020.
- Comparative characteristics of the cardiovascular system indicators of high school students living in urban and rural areas. Ruchkina G.A., Rafalchuk E.P. III International Pedagogical and Humanitarian Scientific Readings - 2020. Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University, protocol No. dated December 29, 2020
- TECHNOLOGIES FOR ATTRACTING THE ATTENTION OF APPLICANTS FOR NATURAL SCIENCE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS OF THE UNIVERSITY. Ruchkina G.A., Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of BiH Chernyavskaya O.M., Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of BiH. International scientific and methodological conference "Innova - 2021".
- SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics 55 (3) 864-876. PRODUCTIVITY ASSESSMENT OF VARIOUS PLANT COMMUNITIES AT URANIUM MINE SITES IN CENTRAL KAZAKHSTAN / Assessment of the productivity of various plant groups at the sites of uranium deposit mines in central Kazakhstan. A. BUGUBAEVA1,2, A. KUPRIJANOV 3 V. CHASHKOV1*, S.KUANYSHBAEV1, K. VALIEV1, S. MAMIKHIN6, A. SHCHEGLOV6, A. NUGMANOV6, A. BULAEV4 G.SULTANGAZINA1 K. NANBAYEV5 O. CHERNYAVSKAYA1 G. BAUBEKOVA1 G.RUCHKINA1 O. SAFRONOVA6 M. UXIKBAYEVA1 , and Y. SOKHAREV7. 864 -876. 2023.