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Department of Natural Science Disciplines

Koval Victoria Vladimirovna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Geography Academic degree
  • 2002-2006 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of History, specialty "History and Geography", qualification teacher of history and geography.
  • 2006-2008 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Master's degree in Geography, Master of Geography.
  • 2015-2017 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Bachelor of Education with a degree in Foreign Language: two foreign languages.
Subjects taught
  • Geographic databases
  • Natural-territorial complexes of the world
  • Fundamentals of meteorology and climatology
  • Toponymy
Work experience
  • 2022 to present Senior lecturer of the department of natural sciences, Pedagogical Institute named after U. Sultangazin, KRU named after A. Baitursynuly;
  • 2021-2021 Acting Head of the Department of Natural Sciences, Pedagogical Institute named after U. Sultangazin, KRU named after A. Baitursynov;
  • 2020-2021 Senior lecturer of the Department of Ecology and Geography of the KRU named after A. Baitursynov;
  • 2010-2020 Senior lecturer of the department of natural sciences, KSPU named after U. Sultangazin;
  • 2008-2010 Lecturer at the Department of Natural Sciences, Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute;
  • 2006-2008 Teacher of social disciplines at Kostanay Socio-Technical College.
Certificates of professional development
  • 2011 Advanced training at the Karaganda State University named after academician E.A. Buketov under the program "Professional-oriented English for specialties in the natural sciences."
  • 2012 Advanced training at the Republican Institute for Advanced Studies of Managers and Scientific and Pedagogical Workers of the Education System of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty.
  • 2016 Student of Dr. Michela Tramonti "Multimedia didactic environment: how to use innovative technologies applied to teaching".
  • 2017 Full-time participation in a practical seminar (conducted by James Tomas, M.A. (Appl.Ling.)) under the program “Educating students trained as teachers by native and foreign professionals following international standards in the field of management and personnel training in “Trilingual Education””.
  • 2017 Advanced training at the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages. Abylai Khan of Almaty city on the course "Foreign Language for Teacher Training Specialties".
  • 2018 Advanced training at the Eurasian Technological University in Almaty on the course "Intensive English Language Training Program".
  • 2019  «Current trends in the assessment of  global and local changes in natural ecosystems and teaching disciplines of the biological and geographical cycle»,КSPI, 72 hours.
  • 2021 «Ecology of the Green Transition Era: a Eurasian View», Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ural State Forestry Engineering University”, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 72 hours
  • 2021 «Current problems of modern science and education», KSU named after A. Baitursynov, 72 hours.
  • 2023 «Innovative approaches in pedagogical research and teaching professional pedagogical disciplines», KRU named after A. Baitursynov, 72 hours.
  • 2023 «Current issues of modern geography», KRU named after A. Baitursynov, Kostanay, 72 hours.
Awards and prizes
  • 2019 Badge "For Merit in the Development of the University" Kostanay State Pedagogical University.
Activities in the service sector
  • Member of the jury of city and regional subject Olympiads in geography and competitions of scientific projects for students in the natural sciences and humanities.
Training manuals
  • Baubekova G.K., Omarova K.I., Koval V.V. Organization of SRS in the course "Economic and social geography of Kazakhstan" / Educational and methodological manual, Kostanay: KSPI, 2010.- 210.ISBN 978-601-7198-35-0.
  • Baubekova G.K., Omarova K.I., Koval V.V., Guryanova O.N. Geography of mineral deposits of Kostanay region" / Educational and methodical manual". Kostanay: KSPI, 2011. – 91.
  • Baubekova G.K. Baimaganbetova K.T., Omarova K.I., Koval V.V. Geographical nomenclature for physical and economic geography./ Educational and methodical manual. Kostanay, KSPI, 2011, - 146c. ISBN – 978-601-7198-95-4.
  • Baimyrzaev K.M. Baubekova G.K., Omarova K.I., Koval V.V. Geography of economic regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, KSPI, 2013 / Textbook. KSPI, Kostanay, 2013, p. 255. ISBN 978-601-7371-72-2.
  • Omarova K.I., Zhusupova A.U., Baubekova G.K., Koval V.V. Laboratory workshop on physical geography / Textbook. KSPI, Kostanay, 2014, p. 115, ISBN 978-601-7305-38-3.
  • Baimyrzaev K.M., Baubekova G.K., Omarova K.I., Koval V.V., Dmitriychuk V.V., Sukhov M.V.Geography of Kostanay region (computer program) / Electronic textbook, copyright certificate No.007199.
  • Koval V.V., Dmitriychuk V.V. Laboratory workshop on the course "Fundamentals of meteorology and climatology"/ Textbook. KSPI, Kostanay, 2017, p. 119,ISBN 978-601-321-361-3.
  • Koval V.V. Nomenclature of the world's physical geography/ Textbook. KSPI, Kostanay, 2018 – p. 87, ISBN978-601-7934-43-9.
  • Workshop on the economic geography of the world: a textbook / G.K. Baubekova, K.I. Omarova, V.V. Koval.- Kostanay: A. Baitursynov's cruise, 2022.
  • Koval V.V., Baubekova G.K., Derlein V.E. Toponymic analysis of oikonyms of Kostanay region.//XI International Scientific and practical Conference "Actual problems of mathematics and natural sciences" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of PhD, Associate Professor V.L. Rabinovich, Petropavlovsk-Baku-Surgut, 2023.
  • Omarova K.I., Koval V.V. Analysis of climatic indicators of the city of Kostanay, Kostanay region.//IV International Scientific Conference biological diversity of the Asian steppes, Kostanay, 2022.