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Department of Natural Science Disciplines

Chernyavskaya Olga Mihailovna
Associate professor Position
Candidate of pedagogical Sciences Scientific degree
  • 1986 Рigher education – Kostanay Pedagogical Institute, diploma with honors, qualification – teacher of biology and chemistry (IV 337905)
  • 2006 Вiploma of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (DKN 022059 VAK MES RF, GGA 0000225 KKSON MES RK)
  • 2010 Academic title of associate professor in the specialty pedagogy (diploma DC 0001391 KKSON OF THE Ministry OF Education and Science OF THE Republic OF Kazakhstan
Subjects taught
  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Chemistry of elements of the periodic table
  • Ecological chemistry
  • Physical and chemical processes of the environment
  • Chemistry of dispersed systems
  • Methods of teaching chemistry
  • Professional guidelines for teachers
Certificates of professional development
  • IInternational advanced training courses "Innovative approaches and modern trends in working with international scientometric databases and publishing houses for pedagogical specialties in Kostanay, NAO KRU named after A.Baitursynuly (Kazakhstan), Uludag (Turkey). October 2023, certificate – 72 hours.
  • Modern problems and applied aspects of chemistry. Laboratory of Organ Synthesis of the National Research Tomsk State University. 09/22/2022 - 10/24/2022, 72 hours Russian Federation, Tomsk.
  • International Summer School "Greening the activities of educational organizations", June 2-18, 2020, Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan. Certificate No. 244 , 72 hours
  • "Methodology of the project approach in the educational process: opportunities and prospects", International Scientific and Methodological Center of NRU MEPhI, certificate dated 06/10/2020.
  • "Ensuring the unity of the educational, developmental and educational environment is the main task of the teacher." Good luck. MN-10101637/75; "Creativity as an integral component of the personality of a modern teacher." Good luck. MN-10101638/110, Pedagogical Media Center 25.01.2019, (Educational portal "Znanio". Znanio LLC, INN 6732141723, St. on state registration No.017705391).
  • Continuing Education Certificate "Agriculture, Innovations and Food Science", Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences /Certificate of continuing education "Agriculture, Innovation and Food Science", issued by the Swedish University of Agrarian Sciences, Department of Food Science, in in the amount of 18 hours, November 7-11, 2016.Certificate of attendance from Universite de Bourgogneon.
  • Certificate of the international online training seminar "Experience of implementing e-Learning tools in the educational process", Bishkek-Kostanay, 2016
  • Internationalseminar 'Training HEREs and Universitystaffin UsingICTintheTeachingandLearningProcess', Halykaralyk seminar "Akparattyk-communicationalyk technologiyalards (ACT) bilim beru urdisinde paidalan", "Training of experts on higher education reform and university staff on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process". Center for the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility, Department of Higher Education. Postgraduate Education and International Cooperation, National Office of Erasmus+ in Kazakhstan, Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual Media and Culture of EASEA, 2016
  • Organization of educational work with students with special educational needs - Modern approaches in inclusive education/ Resource Center for Inclusive Education, 12.12.2019, certificate KRNTD 00516
  • Astana, Central Research Center of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools"Courses on the educational program of advanced training of teaching staff of higher educational institutions within the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (CPM AOO NIS). 80 hours, October 12, 2018г.
  • Kostanay, NCE RK "Atameken". Training on the Project "Business Advisor" of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and NCE "Atameken" within the framework of the Unified Business Support and Development Program "Business Roadmap 2020". 72 hours, 10/23/2018, cert. No.029918
  • Advanced training courses for university teaching staff within the framework of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" - 72 hours, October 1-14, 2018
  • Training seminar on the development of professional standards. Astana, NAO RK "Atameken", 2017
  • Advanced training in the field of Higher School Management, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Institute of Advanced Training, 2016
  • Advanced training in the direction of "Okytudagi innovationalyk technologyalar/Innovative technologies in education", Non-governmental Center for Quality Assessment, 2015.
  • School of Professional Development, 2023, A.Baitursynov KRU, 72 hours
  • "Modern problems of chemistry", August 2023, A.Baitursynov KRU, 72 hours
  • "Development of teachers' research skills". Workshop, Kostanay,CF CPM March 29, 2019, 2 hours
  • Courses of the intersectoral training center for admission to work at hazardous production facilities, 2017
  • Training seminar "Integration of subjects of the educational environment in the process of formation of students' research competencies", A.Baitursynov KSU, 2017
  • Course of improvement of the qualification "creation of educational video content", 72 hours, 2017
  • Training seminar "methodological aspects of the implementation of credit technology: resource provision of distance learning", 2016
  • "Actual problems of Personnel Training in the context of globalization "at the base of the Kostanay polytechnic college, 2016, Diploma in the nomination"actual work".
  • Training in the regional seminar "introduction of the management system in enterprises", 2016
  • Certificate "implementation of international standards" ISO 14001-2015 "Environmental Management System" and ISO22004:2014" Food Safety Management "at Enterprises", Kostanay, 2016
  • The course "New approaches in teaching and learning in the field of natural sciences" within the framework of virtual academic mobility for students of the State Humanitarian University of Technology (Russia, Orekhovo-Zuyevo) in the amount of 5 ESTS credits (20.02.2021-30.04.2021 г.)
  • Certificate 01767 on completion of the international online internship "University 4.0. Digital Transformation", April 7-23, 2021, 72 hours (in the program: Using academic programs and research to support global development 4.0. Experience of the Swinburne Technological University (Australia), Dublin City University (Ireland); Danish Technical University (Denmark); Polytechnic University of Catalonia; Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic); Turin Polytechnic University (Italy), University College London (UK), Swansea University (Wales, UK), Hamburg Technical University (Germany)
  • Member of the technical Committee TC 44 "Technologist", the international technical Committee of the MTC 534 "Securing agricultural products and food raw materials on the basis of HACCP principles" for the development and harmonization of Standards ST RK (chemical safety products)
  • Corresponding member of International Academy of agricultural education (Moscow, MACAU, March 18, 2011)
  • The subject of scientific and scientific-technical activities. Accreditation certificate. MK series # 002808, Astana, September 27, 2012
  • Member of the training and methodological Council of the regional center for retraining and advanced training of civil servants of the Kostanay region akimat, 2015.
  • Member of the TC for standardization "agro-industrial complex-Agribusiness" on the basis of the Kazakh agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin. Order No. 147 of 02.04.2019
  • Expert of NCE RK "Atameken" in the development of the National qualification system (by industry, chemical industry)
Awards and prizes
  • Gratitude of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev.
  • Certificates of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Regional Akimat, the Regional Council of Trade Unions, the Department of Education of Kostanay region.
  • Nominee of the I Republican Chemistry Teachers Competition.
Activities in the field of services 
  • Member of the Technical Committee TC-44 "Technologist", the International Technical Committee MTK 534 "Ensuring the safety of agricultural products and food raw materials based on the principles of HACCP" for the development and approval of GOST standards, ST RK (on chemical and product safety indicators)
  • Corresponding member of the International Academy of Agrarian Education (Moscow, MAAO, 18 March 2011)
  • Certificate of accreditation as a subject of scientific and scientific-technical activity. MK series No. 002808, Astana, September 27, 2012
  • Member of the Educational and Methodological Council of the KGKP "Regional Center for retraining and advanced training of civil servants" of the Akimat of Kostanay region, 2015
  • Member of the TC (Technical Committee) according to the standardization of "Agro–industrial complex - Agribusiness", created on the basis of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin. Order No. 147 dated 04/02/2019
  • Expert of NCE RK "ATAMEKEN" by industry (in the development of the National Qualifications System)
  • Expert of the Independent Kazakhstan Accreditation Center, 2022.
Activities in the service sector 
  • Teacher-consultant of KSU "Gymnasium School No. 18 of the Department of Education of the city of Kostanay of the Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region";
  • Member of the jury and Chairman of city and regional competitions of scientific projects of students in chemical disciplines.
  • Member of the jury and Chairman of the city and regional Olympiads at the Regional scientific and Practical Center "Kostanai Daryny".
  • Chernyavskaya O.M. Pedagogical foundations of the formation of environmental responsibility of the individual: Monograph / Kostanay: KInEU named after M.Dulatov, 2013. - 102 p. ISBN 978-9965-851-57-5
Training manuals
  • Fundamentals of chemical ecology: studies. a student's manual. universities / O.M. Chernyavskaya. - 2008. - 102 p.: ill. ISBN 9965-851-16-16.
  • Environmental responsibility as a goal of education: studies. a student's manual. universities / O.M. Chernyavskaya. - 2008. - 90 p.: ill. ISBN 9965-851-15-8.
  • Laboratory workshop on analytical chemistry: textbook. a student's manual. universities / N.M. Snegovskikh, O.M. Chernyavskaya. - 2010. - 90 p.: ill. ISBN 9965-851-15-8.
  • Chemistry: studies. a student's manual. universities / O.M. Chernyavskaya, N.M. Snegovskikh, - 2013. – 140 p. ISBN 978-6965-851-55-1
  • A course of lectures on analytical chemistry: studies. a student's manual. universities / N.M. Snegovskikh, O.M. Chernyavskaya. 2013. 106 p. ISBN 978-9965-851-56-8
  •  Vazheva N.V., Chernyavskaya O.M. Practicum on biochemistry of physical culture and sports: textbook / N.V. Vazheva, O.M. Chernyavskaya. – Kostanay: Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after Umirzak Sultangazin, 2020. – 130 p. ISBN 978- 601-7601-22-5
Participation in the development of Regulatory documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • Biochemical Characteristics Of Triticale Flour Formed From Separate Fractions On Grinding Grain Of Kazakhstan Selection / Karina Zhanabayeva1,*,Dinara Zhamalova2, Galiya Ruchkina3, Olga Chernyavskaya3, Nurlaim Ongarbayeva// Jourof Adv Researchin Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol.12, Issue-06, 2020 (Журнал индексируемый)
  • Student-centered learning as a system-forming factor in higher education / O.M.Chernyavskaya, G.A. Ruchkina //Kazakstan gylymy men omiri - Science and life of Kazakhstan - Science and life of Kazakhstan / International Scientific Journal: Almaty. - 2020. - №4/1 - C. 261-268 ISSN 2073-333X (Журнал, рекомендованный КОКСОН)
  • Technology of attracting pretenders to educational programs of the University / Ruchkina G. A., Chernyavskaya secondary school //materials of the International Scientific and methodological conference"Innova-2021": Kostanay industrial university named after A. Baitursynov, Kazakh, Russian 2021. - 309 P.-P.229-232 ISBN 978-601-7640-87-3, UDC 001, BBC 72 / "Innova - 2021": materials of the international scientific and methodological conference – Kostanay regional university named after A. Baitursynova: Kazakh/Russian Yaz.2021-309 с. - С.229-232 ISBN 978-601-7640-87-3, УДК 001, ББК 72
  • SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics 55 (3) 864-876. PRODUCTIVITY ASSESSMENT OF VARIOUS PLANT COMMUNITIES AT URANIUM MINE SITES IN CENTRAL KAZAKHSTAN / Assessment of the productivity of various plant groups at the sites of uranium deposit mines in Central Kazakhstan,. A. Bugubaeva1,2, a. Kuprijanov 3 v. Chashkov1*, s.kuanyshbaev1, k. Valiev1, s. Mamikhin6, a. Shcheglov6,  Nugmanov6, a. Bulaev4 g.sultangazina1 k. Nanbayev5 o. Chernyavskaya1 g. Baubekova1 g.ruchkina1 o. Safronova6 m. Uxikbayeva1 , and y. Sokharev7. 864 -876. 2023 г. (Журнал индексируемый)
  • Amir Zh.A., Zheksembai A.K., Afanasyev N.V., Chernyavskaya O.M., Urymbaeva A.A. Research and development of components of gas-generating compositions based on sodium nitrate to increase safety in the destruction of artificial objects// Occupational safety in industry. - 2022. — No. 10. — pp. 7-14. DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2022-10-7-14 Monthly scientific and production journal ISSN 0409-2961 (Print)  ISSN 2658-5537 (Журнал индексируемый)
  • Introduction of technologies of pedagogical support " scaffolding "in the process of training shkolnikov //Bulletin of Abai Kaznpu series" Pedagogical Sciences", No. 4(76), 2022 Chernyavskaya O. M., Kolesnikova a.m., Kolesnikov B. S.// Vestnik kaznpu im. Abaya, series "pedagogical science", №4(76), 2022 – Almaty, - P. 216 – 229. ISSN 2959-5754 (Журнал, рекомендованный КОКСОН)
  • Formation of an educational functional diploma as an indicator of the effectiveness of educational programs of an educational institution / Okhrimenko S. V., Chernyavskaya O. M. //"continuing education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the modern context of the modern education system": February 19, 2021.materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 180th anniversary of altynsarin. Book I. – Kostanay: Kostanay regional university named after A. Baitursynov, 2021. – 726 P. / "undisputed education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of modern challenges to the educational system": materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to 180-year-old Y. Altynsarina, 19 February 2021 year. I Book. - Kostanay: Kostanay regional university named after A. Baitursynova, –726 с. – С. 608-612  ISBN 978-601-7640-88-0 УДК378 (574), КБЖ74.48 (5Каз).
  • Development of functional certificates of study in the process of studying chemistry in the 9th grade/ Zhanabayev A. T., Chernyavskaya O. M.// materials of the international scientific and Practical Conference of students and undergraduates "generation of Independence: value orientations and prospects"-Kostanay: Kostanay regional university named after A. Baitursynov, 2021. – 792 P./"increasing independence: costostny Orient and perspective" material of the international scientific and Practical Conference of students and undergraduates – Kostanay: Kostanay regional university named after A. baitursynova,2021. – 792 с. ISBN 978-601-7640-89-7 УДК378:001, ББК48:72 (5 Каз) – С. 342 – 346.
  • Study of chemistry in English language in the conditions of distance learning/ Naimanbayeva A. B., Chernyavskaya secondary school // science: theory and practices – 2021: international scientific conf. checkmate. - Science: theory and practice – 2021: sat. "I don't know," he said. nauch. conf. = Proceeding sinternational scientific conference: Science: theory and practice – 2021. – Nur-Sultan: Center "Bilim Innovations Group", 2021. – 447 P. – Kazakh, Russian, English. – pp. 209-214. ISBN 978-601-08-0388-6, ӘОЖ 001, КБЖ 72
  • Individualization of teaching chemistry in conditions of integration with English language in remote educational process format / Naimanbayeva A. B., Satbekova zh.m., Chernyavskaya secondary school //"continuing education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the modern context of the modern education system": materials of the International Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 180th anniversary of I. Altynsarin on February 19, 2021. Book I. – Kostanay: Kostanay regional university named after A. Baitursynov, 2021. – 726 P. /"undisputed education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of modern challenges to the educational system": materials of the international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to 180-year-old Y. Altynsarina, 19 February 2021 year. I Book. - Kostanay: Kostanay regional university named after A. Baitursynova,2021. –726 с. – С. 588-592.  ISBN 978-601-7640-88-0 УДК378 (574), КБЖ48 (5Каз).
  • Chemical composition of wheat and rye bran of Kostanay manufacturers/ Dryuk O.V., Kanatchina A.В., Chernyavskaya O.M. // 3I: Intellekt. Idea. Innovation - Интеллект, идеи, иннова­ции / Многопрофильный научный журнал:  КГУ имени А. Байтурсынова. – - №1, март. –  C.  51-57. УДК 664.662. ISSN 2226-6070.