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Department of Natural Science Disciplines

Baimaganbetova Bibigul Burkatovna
Lecturer Position
Master of Geography 6N0116-Geography Academic degree
  •  2005-2009 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Bachelor of Education, specialty “050116-Geography”. (Diploma with honors).
  •  2009-2011 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Master of Geography “6N0116-Geography”. (Diploma with honors).
Subjects taught
  • Physical geography of Kazakhstan
  • Geomorphology
  • Basics of topography and cartography
Work experience
  • At KSPU named after. Sultangazina has been operating since 2011.

Certificates of professional development
  •  May 2019, Institute of Soil Science, Leibniz University Hannover and Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after U. Sultangasin. Refresher courses on the topic “Current trends in the assessment of global and local changes in natural ecosystems and teaching disciplines of the biological and geographical cycle” - 72 hours (certificate).

Activities in the service sector
  • Member of the jury of city and regional competitions of scientific projects and student Olympiads in the subject of geography.

Training manuals
  • Baubekova G.K., Baimaganbetova K.T., Zagorulko V.V., Zhusupova A.U., Baimaganbetova B.B. «Physical geographydantapsyrmalar men zhattygularzhinagay»/«Collection of tasks and exercises on physical geography», Adistemelikkural/Methodological manual, – Kostanay, 2018. – 74 p.
  • Akhmetova E.B., Baimaganbetova K.T., Baimaganbetova B.B. «Paidalykazbalar ken oryndarynyngeologysy men geographysy», Workshop, Kostanay, 2019.-95 b.
  • Akhmetova E.B., Baimaganbetova K.T. «Physical geography of large parts of the world»: oku-adistemelikkural. - Kostanay, 2023. - 65 b.
  • G.K. Baubekova, K.T. “Collection of exercise problems in Physical Geography” - Kostanay, KMPI, 2018. - 74 p.
  • “Paidaly kazbalar ken oryndarynyn geologysy men geography”: Workshop / Akhmetova E.B., Baimaganbetova K.T., Baimaganbetova B.B., Kostanay, KMPI, 2019. - 95 p., ISBN 978-601-7601-03- 4.