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Department of Physics, Mathematics and Digital Technology

Kalzhanov Marat Umirbekovich
Acting Associate Professor Position
Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Scientific degree


  • 1979-1982 Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute, specialty teacher of mathematics and physics.
  • 1982-1985 Karaganda State University, specialty "qualification" mathematician. Mathematics teacher»
  • 1989-1993, Institute of Cybernetics. V.M. Glushkova, city, Kyiv received a degree - candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, passed noostification in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Subjects taught

  • Theory of probability and mathematical statistics
  • New technologies in teaching mathematics
  • Professional Russian language
  • Introduction to functional analysis
  • Theory of random processes
  • Visual environment for mathematical calculations and constructions Matchad

Work experience

  • 1993 - to the present time Associate Professor of the Pedagogical Institute. U. Sultangazin, Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 1989 – 1993 Trainee, post-graduate student of the Institute of Cybernetics named after. V.M. Glushkov, Kyiv, Ukraine.
  • 1988–1989 Laboratories of computer technology of the Kostanay Pedagogical Institute named after. 50 years of October.

Certificates of professional development

  • 2017 Refresher courses on the topic "Modern pedagogical technologies". (JSC "National Center for Advanced Studies "ORLEU" - Almaty), October 21 (240 hours, registration number No. 0216785)
  • 2019 Advanced training courses "Distance learning, massive open online courses: development, promotion and application", KSPI, October 19 (72 hours, registration number No. 10) KSPU.
  • 2021 Advanced training courses "Actual Problems of Modern Science and Education", December 9 (72 hours, registration number No. 3577) Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania together with A. Baitursynov KRU - Kazakhstan. 

Training manuals

  • Kalzhanov M.U. "Mathematical Methods in Psychology". Tutorial. - Kostanay, 2016. - 101 p., ISBN 978-601-7839-24-6.
  •  Kalzhanov M.U. "Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics". - Kostanay, 2018. - 141 p., ISBN 978-601-7934-50-7.


  • Kudubaeva S.A., Ryumin D.A. Kalzhanov M.U. Support vector machine for recognition of sign speech using the KINECT sensor - Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Bulletin of KazNU ISSN 1563-0285 Index 75872; 25872 No. 3 (91) 2016, pp. 86-96, Almaty.