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Department of Physics, Mathematics and Digital Technology

Yersultanova Zauresh Sapargalievna
Acting Associate Professor Position
Сandidate of technical sciences Scientific degree
  • 1984–1989 Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, qualifications “mechanic”, “applied mathematician”.
  • 1998-2001 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, candidate of technical sciences (doctor PhD).
 Subjects taught
  • Information and communication technologies (in English)
  • Fundamentals of creative design and control of mobile robots
  • Circuit Engineering, Android Application Development (in English)
  • Computer Game Programming
  • High-Level Programming
  • Robot Control and Programming
  • Artificial Intelligence and Neural Systems
  • Basics of organization of research activity at school
Work experience
  • From 2013 to the present, Associate Professor of the Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after Sultangazin, eaten with the Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov MES RK
  • 2002–2013 senior leacher at Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov MES RK
  • 1998 - 2002 Senior leacher, Rudny Industrial Institute
  • 1989–1998 senior teacher of Kostanay state pedagogical institut
Certificates  of professional development 
  • 2020 Refresher courses on the topic "Online program for the development of special skills of teaching staff in the uncertainty of the learning environment", June 12, 2020, KSPU, Kostanay. (72 hours)
  • 2019 Researcher: Successful scientist with extensive publications / international methodological training seminar. KAZGUU, Astana February 4-9, (72 hours).
  • 2019 English language courses, Upper Intermediate level, KSPU, multilingual center, September 2018 - May 2019 (90 hours).
  • 2019 advanced training courses "Educational Robotics" - KSU named after A. Baitursynov, Kostanay, June (72 hours);
  • 2019. Courses on the educational program for advanced training of teaching staff of higher educational institutions within the framework of inclusive education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Organization of educational work with student swith special educational needs" Certificate KRNTD 00520 was received. The courses are organized by the Kazakh State Pedagogical University named after Abai. December 12, 2019. (72 hours).
  • 2019 "Distance learning, massive open online courses: development, promotion and application." 19.10.2019. KSPU named after U. Sultangazin, Kostanay. (72 hours)
  • 2020 online course Coaching technologies at the university. KRU named after A. Baitursynov, 72 hours
  • 2020 Moodle Course Design. KRU after A. Baitursynov, 72 hours
  • 2020. Training seminar 3 "Designing a test in the distance learning system Moodle" . KRU after A. Baitursynov, 36 hours
  • 2020. Training seminar 1 "Basic work in Moodle. Introductory course" KRU named after A. Baitursynov, 36 hours
  • 2021 Actual problems of modern science and education. Lithuania, Kaunas, 72 hours
  • 2021 "Pedagogical education of the 21st century: new challenges and solutions".Sklad, Minsk, R. Belarus, 72 hours
  • 2022 Formation of inclusive competence of a university teacher. KRU named after A. Baitursynov, 72 hours
  • 2022 Fundamentals of Functional Science Literacy. Kaznpu named after Abai.
Membership in professional organizations
  • Corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization (Kazakhstan) since 2007.
 Awards and prizes
  • Letter of thanks from the rector of KSPU Abil E.A., Kostanay, 2019.
  • Letter of thanks, participation in the jury of the Republican competition of students in the Regional Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn", 2020.
Activities in the service sector
  • In 2020, a jury member of city and regional competitions of scientific projects of students in technological disciplines worked at the Regional Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn".
  • In 2019 she reviewed scientific and methodological, diploma works, master's theses of KSU named after A. Baitursynov, Rudny Industrial Institute.
  • A distance seminar was held for university teachers "The use of distance technologies in the study of the discipline" ICT ", April 20, 2020.
  • Organized a regional student scientific and practical conference. "Development of the encyclopedic thought of al-Farabi in the works of young scientists" / April 22, 2020.
  • The collection of articles of the regional student scientific and practical conferences "Development of the encyclopedic thought of al-Farabi in the works of young scientists" was compiled and published on the university website, May 11, 2020, ISBN 978-601-7601-34-8.
  • A master class "Robotics for all" was held on the open day of the Faculty of Natural Sciences . January 24, 2020.
  • Member of commissions for the ethical evaluation of dissertation research. NAO "Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov, Order No. 3 dated February 3, 2021.
  • Moderator of the Master class "Using Internet resources for online learning" for teaching staff of KRU, 04/01/2021.
  • Moderator of sections No. 4 “Trends in modern education: personalization, digitalization and development of the national cultural code”. International scientific and practical conference "Baitursynov Readings - 2021" on the topic "Independent Kazakhstan: achievements and successes as a reliable basis for building a dynamically developing state of the XXI century". NAO “Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov. 04/30/2021.
  • Member of the expert commission on SML of NAO "A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University, 2022.
Training manuals
  • Yersultanova Z.S. , Aitbenova A.A. Information and communication technology. Part I, Kostanay, KSPU -150 p., 2018.
  • Yersultanova Z.S., Aitbenova A.A., Dauletbaeva G.B. Information and communication technology. Part II, Kostanay, KSPU -164 p., 2019.
  • Yersultanova Z.S. C ++ object-oriented programming language.-Kostanay, KSPU, -90 p, 2020.
  • Yersultanova Z.S. Designing information systems in UML. Kostanay, A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University - p. 104, 2021. ISBN 978-601-356-053-3.
  • Yersultanova Z.S. Circuitry. Teaching aid - Kostanay: Kostanay Regional University. A. Baitursynova, 2022. - 80 p. ISBN 978-601-356-200-1.
  • Yersultanova ZS. Dynamics and optimal control of rotor system motion with taking into account of the dynamic characteristics of engine. / Monograph / -Kostanay, KSPU -79 p., 2020.


  • Yersultanova Z.S. The role of computer technology in teacher education. Moldova pdf: studii economice revistă ştiinţifică an. 9, nr. 2, 2015, 296s.,. Issn 1857-226x, pp. 252-256.
  • Yersultanova Z.S. Problems of formation of students' research skills in pedagogical higher education. –Almaty, Bulletin of KAZNPU named after Abay №3-2016, P. 90-95.
  • Yersultanova Z.S., Aitbenova A.A. The use of multimedia tools in the teaching of computer science courses // Materials for the 12th International Scientific-Practical Conference, "Innovation for advanced science", - 2016. Volume 13. Mathematics. Physics. Modern information technology. Building and architecture. Sofia. BYAL GRAD-BG OOD - 72 C. 22-25.
  • Yersultanova Z.S., Urazova E.K. The relevance of the introduction of computer networks in the educational process of the school with the use of advanced features of the emulator NetEmul. 53-60
  • Yersultanova Z.S., Sabit, Z.S.Usage of classroom for training and testing of the knowledge on informatics. Vestnik KGPI 2019, С.4 С. 78-82
  • Dauletbaeva G.B., Yersultanova Z.S. Learning strategies in Clil format. "Vestnik" KGPI 2019, С.4 P.74-77,
  • Yersultanova Z.S., Tsyganova A. D , Aitbenova A.A.Methods of teaching the discipline «Information and communication technologies» in pedagogical education. Bulletin of the KGPU (in response to new requirements in English), №2, 2020, P.94-101.
  • Yersultanova Z.S. The impact of the Erazmus Academica project on the educational process // materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Digital Technologies in Education". Conference within the framework of the Program for the modernization of public consciousness "Rukhani Zhangyru" - Uralsk. 09.12.2021
  • Yersultanova Z.S., Angurov Sh.T. Integration in the teacher training system in the educational process of the university // Integration in science, the system of higher education: Section No. 1 // Trends and prospects for the development of psychological and pedagogical education: Collection of scientific papers of the III Republican Conference with international participation "Trends and prospects for the development of psychological and pedagogical education." – 05/11/2022. - OP PiP / ed. S.T. Isalieva. - Almaty: KazNPU named after Abay: 2022. -p.40-45.
  • Yersultanova Z.S. Teaching graphic information at the universityimproving computer literacy // Integration in science, the system of higher education: Section No. 1 // Trends and prospects for the development of psychological and pedagogical education: Collection of scientific papers of the III Republican Conference with international participation "Trends and prospects for the development of psychological and pedagogical education." – 05/11/2022. - OP PiP / ed. S.T. Isalieva. - Almaty: KazNPU named after Abai: 2022. -p. 208-212.
International projects
  • “Accessibility and harmonization of higher education in Central Asia through the modernization and development of curricula” - “Academica”, co-financed by the Erasmus + program of the European Union (January 16-28, 2017) as a member of the pilot group.
  • "Quality Assurance of Technology Enhanced Learning" (95 hours), Rome, Italy. as a member of the pilot group.
Regional projects
  • Leader of the initiative theme: Yersultanova Z.S."Application of intelligent information systems and technologies for solving intellectual problems in distributed computing environments" State registration number 0117РКU0118.