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Department of Physics, Mathematics and Digital Technology

Dauletbayeva Gulsim Bajsultanovna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Natural Sciences, specialty "Informatics" Academic degree
  • 1993 - 1997 Kostanay State University named after. A. Baitursynova, specialty "Mathematics", teacher-mathematician.
  • 2008-2010 Kostanay State University named after. A. Baitursynova, specialty "Informatics", Master of Natural Sciences.
  • 2017-2019 Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after U. Sultangazin, specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages", Bachelor of Education.
Subjects taught
  • Methods of teaching computer science
  • Professionally oriented foreign language
  • Information Communication Technologies
  • Arduino programming
  • Education robotics
  • Teacher's professional areas
  • Primary school informatics
  • Mathematical basics of programming
  • Technology of creating educational Internet resources
  • Basics of robotics
  • Primary school robotics Methods of teaching ICT
  • Methods of teaching computer science in high school
  • SMART technologies in education
Work experience
  • 2007 - present senior lecturer at Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after U. Sultangazin MES RK / Kostanay Regional University A. Baitursynova MES RK (formed after the merger of universities).
  • 1998 - 2007 Lecturer at Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov MES RK.
Certificates  of professional development 
  • 2021 Participating in UNT's STEM Workshop on Scientific Teaching in the U.S. University of North Texas, KRU.
  • 2021 courses "Actual problems of modern science and education", Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2020 English language courses within the framework of the project 610170-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP "Creation of training and research centers and development of courses on big data mining in Central Asia" ELBA.
  • 2020 Online course "School of Advisors", Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2020 Courses "Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education", Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2020 Seminars “Methodology and technology for conducting webinars and video conferences (Etutorium, BBB)”, “Basics of working in Moodle. Introductory course "", "Designing a training course in Moodle", "Designing a test in the distance learning system Moodle", A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University.
  • Training "Development of curricula and curricula".
  • 2020 On-line program for the development of special skills of teaching staff in an uncertain learning environment.
  • English language courses on the basis of the KSPU multilingual center.
  • 2019 Courses "Organization of educational work with students with special educational needs" Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after Umirzak Sultangazin (Organizer - Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay).
  • 2019 Courses "Distance learning, massive open online courses: development, promotion and application".
  • 2019-2020 English language courses conducted by the KSPU multilingual center, passed the test of the appropriate level (Pre - Intermediate).
  • 2018, Springer Agency Courses: “Springer Resources for Authors from Kazakhstan”, Kostanay, November, 2018.
  • 2018 Seminar on the topic "ACADEMIC WRITING", held by Smetanova E. 12/19/2018, with a certificate.
  • 2017 Educational program of advanced training courses for teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities "Modern Pedagogical Technologies" (240 hours) Republican Institute for Advanced Training of Managers and Scientific and Pedagogical Workers of the Education System of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Orleu", Almaty.
  • 2017-18 English language courses on the basis of the KSPU multilingual center.
  • 2018 English language courses, summer language school on the basis of the KSPU multilingual center.
  • 2016-17 English language courses on the basis of the KSPU multilingual center.
  • 2016 Advanced training course "Modern trends in education" (Associate Professor of the West-Hungarian University M. Freshli).
  • 2016 Advanced training course "Multimedia didactic environment: the use of innovative technologies in teaching" (Associate Professor of the University of Guglielmo Marconi of Rome M. Tramonti).
  • 2016 Training courses for trainers who train pedagogical personnel according to the program developed on the basis of level programs for advanced training of pedagogical personnel of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Center for Pedagogical Excellence of NIS JSC, Astana.
  • 2016, Courses "Modern directions in education", conducted by KSPI, November (72 hours).
  • 2016, Courses "Multimedia didactic environment: how to use innovative technologies applied to teaching", conducted by KSPI, December (72 hours).
Awards and prizes
  • 2020 Diploma of the rector "For conscientious work, professionalism, high-quality and responsible performance of official duties and in connection with the celebration of Independence Day".
  • 2019 Letter of thanks from the rector of the Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after U. Sultangazin, badge.
Activities in the service sector
  • Member of the research group of the project: "Forming the readiness of future teachers for the development of technical creativity of schoolchildren using distance learning technologies" of the competition for grant funding of scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects.
  • A member of the research groupAugust 2020, she was hired for a temporary job as a member of the appeal commission and the developer of test items for the Republican State State Enterprise "National Testing Center" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • October 2020 was hired as a temporary expert of test items for the Republican State Enterprise "National Testing Center" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Member of the jury of city and regional competitions of scientific projects of students in Informatics, robotics.
  • In order to improve professional skills, he participates in the work of scientific and practical conferences and scientific and methodological seminars of the institute, faculty and department, in international scientific and practical conferences.
  • Management of student scientific projects.
Training manuals
  • Ersultanova Z.S., Aitbenova A.A., Dauletbaeva G.B. “Information and communication technology. Part 2”: Textbook in English.- Kostanay: KSPU, 2019.- 176 p.
  • Introduction to ICT: study method. manual on ICT in English. language / K.T. Tobylov, G.B. Dauletbaeva, V.V. Danilova. - Kostanay: KSPI, 2017. - 160 p.
  • Dauletbaeva G.B. “Screenshot of zhasau bagdarlamalary” oku kuraly - Kostanay .: KMPI, 2014. - 96b.
A brief listing of new professional, developmental developments, authorship or co-authorship in scientific or developmental developments
  • Developer of the bachelor's program "Computer Science", "Computer Science, Robotics and Design"