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Department of Preschool and Primary Education

Li Elena Dmitrievna
Head of the Department Position
Candidate of pedagogics Scientific degree


  • Higher pedagogical education; primary school teacher.

Subjects taught

  • Professional guidelines
  • Methodology of scientific and pedagogical research
  • Pedagogical skills
  • Preschool pedagogy

Work experience

  • 1994-2002 - Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin (full-time).
  • 2000-2002 - Secondary school number 7 in Arkalyk – school psychologist, educator at the «Sunrise» summer health camp (part-time).
  • 2002-2004 - Kostanay Social Academy, teacher.
  • 2004- present - A. Baitursynov KRU.

Certificates of professional development

  • Educational programs for advanced training of teaching staff in primary school subjects within the framework of updating the content of secondary education, developed by the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools". Astana 2016 April-May-120 hours.
  • "Organization of educational work with students with special educational needs" 12.12.2019-72 hours.
  • Organization of educational work with students with special educational needs" November, 2020 - KazNPU named after Abaya - 72 hours.

Awards and prizes

  • Letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2015).
  • Medal "For the development of the University" (2019).
  • Gold medal of the winner of the international competition "Master" in the nomination "Methodology" (2018).

Activities in the service sector

  • As a lecturer at IPK "Orleu".
  • As the chairman of the jury in school Olympiads for primary classes in the FML of Kostanay.
  • As a developer and expert of test tasks on pedagogy for the National Testing Center (2012, 2018).
  • As an expert in the NC "Textbook" (2017).


  • Theory and methodology of formation of the future teacher's readiness for the development of creative activity of the younger student. Monograph. Latvia, 2018.

Training manuals

  • Development of creative competence of preschool children. Methodical manual (in co-author. with Kalashnikova T.M.) – Kostanay, 2013.
  • Theory and methodology of teaching natural science in elementary grades. Educational and methodical manual (in collaboration with Ibashova A.B., Kubieva V.A., Khanina N.N.) – Kostanay, 2017.


  • On the use of innovative technologies in the pedagogical process of the University (in collaboration with Baizhanova S.A.) Bulletin of the EGI - Astana, 2018.