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Department of Preschool and Primary Education

Khasenova Zhanat Omarovna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Education Sciences Academic degree


  • 1993-1995 Zhetykol Pedagogical College, specialty primary school teacher.
  • 1998-2003 Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynova, specialty "Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature in schools with a non-Kazakh language of instruction", qualification "Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature".
  • 2014-2016 Omsk State Pedagogical University, master's program "Pedagogical innovation" in the direction of "Pedagogical education", received an academic degree - master of pedagogical education.

Subjects taught

  • Kazakh language with the teaching methodology in elementary school
  • Russian language according to the methodology of elementary school
  • Kazakh language with the teaching methodology in preschool educational organizations
  • Methods of teaching the Russian language in a preschool educational institution
  • Pedagogical rhetoric
  • Theory and methodology of educational work in elementary school

Work experience

  • 2007 Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, Institute. O. Sultangazina, Senior Lecturer, Department of Preschool and Primary Education.
  • 2004-2007 Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynova, Social and Humanitarian Institute, laboratory assistant of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology.
  • 1995-2004 Kostanay region, Auliekolsky district, s/z im. Turgumbaeva Tselinnaya secondary school, primary school teacher.

Certificates of professional development

  • Republican Institute for Advanced Training of Managers and Scientific and Pedagogical Workers of the Education System of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Orleu" October 9-21, 2017, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
  • Professional pedagogical, language courses, international online internship "Pedagogical education in the 21st century: new challenges and solutions" 72 hours November 10 - December 1, 2021 Minsk, Belarus.
  • Preschool education: the introduction of pedagogical methods in the professional activities of the teacher of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. Educational Institute 72 hours, May 3-13, 2022 Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Training manuals

  • Educational tool "Introduction to speech therapy" KSPI, 2015.


  • Article "Pedagogical conditions for formation of bilingual skills of junior high school students" International scientific and practical conference, Novosibirsk, 2016.
  • Article "The three pillars of languages" VI International scientific and practical conference "Advanced scientific-technical and social-humanitarian projects in modern science", Penza, 2022.