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Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Special Education

Utegenova Bibikul Mazanovna
Acting Professor Position
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Scientific degree
  • 1987-1983 Kostanay Pedagogical Institute named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR, specialty "Russian language and literature, methodologist for educational work"
  • 1990-1993 Targeted full-time postgraduate study at CHELSPU according to the code 130000-Theory and History of Pedagogy, thesis defense for the degree - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, awarded by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated August 25, 1995 (Protocol No. 5)
  • 2010 Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Associate Professor (Associate Professor), awarded by the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 23, 2010 (Protocol No. 4)
Subjects taught
  • School pedagogy
  • Methodology of teaching pedagogy
  • Modern educational technologies
  • Methodology and methodology of scientific and pedagogical research
  • Pedagogy of higher education
  • Methodological culture of a teacher-psychologist
  • Management of innovative processes in a university
  • Methodology of innovative forms of education in a university
  • Fundamentals of reflexive culture educational psychologist
Work experience
  • 1983-1987 Secondary school of Chistopol district of Kokchetav region, teacher of Russian language and literature, organizer of educational work at the school.
  • 1987-1989 Kostanay Pedagogical Institute named after the 50th Anniversary of the USSR, Department of Pedagogy, teacher.
  • 1989-1990 Scientific internship at Kurgan State Pedagogical University, Department of Pedagogy.
  • 1993-1995 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy of Kostanay State University.
  • 1995-2004 Head of the Department of Ethnopedagogy and Ethnopsychology of the A. Baitursynov KSU, later renamed to the Department of National Pedagogy, then to the Department of Pedagogy.
  • 2004-2019 Head of the Department of Pedagogy of KSPI, Associate Professor.
  • 2019-2020 Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of U. Sultangazin KSPU.
  • 2020 and up to the present - Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Special Education, Pedagogical Institute named after U. Sultangazin, NAO "Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynuly
Certificates of professional development
  • 18.03.2019 to 29.03.2019 on the course “Tools for Innovative Transformation of Teaching Practice in the Higher Education System” in the amount of 72 hours (certificate attached).
  • October 2019 “Updating the content of correctional and pedagogical work in inclusive and special classes of an educational institution”, in the amount of 42 hours.
  • September 2019 Under the academic mobility program, advanced training courses and a scientific internship at the State Humanitarian and Technological University of Moscow (Russia). • 01.04.2019 to 22.04.2019 on the course "Coaching as an innovative approach to the implementation of the master's educational program" in the amount of 108 hours within the framework of the International educational project "Pedagogy of the 21st century" at the International Center for Training and Development Insight (Astana, Kazakhstan).
  • 18.03.2019 to 29.03.2019 on the course "Tools for innovative transformation of teaching practice in the higher education system" in the amount of 72 hours (certificate attached).
  • October 2019 "Updating the content of correctional and pedagogical work in inclusive and special classes of an educational institution", in the amount of 42 hours (certificate attached).
  • 2020. Criteria bagalau zhuyesi (36 pp.) National Academy Y. Altynsarin MES RK (certificate).
  • 08/29/20-09/01/2020 Management in TVE organizations (36 hours) National Academy Y. Altynsarin MES RK (certificate).
  • 08.24-09.01.2020 Tekhnikalyk zhane kasiptik bilim take uyimdaryndagy management (36 p.) National Academy Y. Altynsarin MES RK (certificate).
  • “Online program for the development of special skills of teaching staff in the conditions of uncertainty of the learning environment” 72 hours - advanced training courses of the invited scientist-trainer Nazarbayev University at KSPU May-June 2020.
  • International educational online platform SKLAD “Pedagogical education of the 21st century: new challenges and solutions / Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, November 10 - December 1, 2021 (72 hours) - certificate included Between.
Membership in professional organizations
  • Member of the Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the examination of the competition of scientific projects for grant financing of JSC NCNGTE.
  • Member of the working group of the KRU named after A. Baitursynuly for the competition "The best teacher of the university".
  • Member of the Regional Educational and Methodological Council for the examination of creative works of teachers of the region for RUMS.
  • Member of the Certification Commission under the Education Department of the Akimat of the Kostanay region for the certification of teachers.
  • Permanent chairman of the jury for competitions in the system of additional education, Republican Scientific and Practical Center Kostanay Daryny of the Education Department of the Akimat of the Kostanay region.
  • Member of the Republican Commission of the Pedagogical Olympiad and the competition "Talented teacher to a talented student" annually.
Awards and prizes
  • 2019 Badge of Y. Altynsarin Medal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • 2020 Letters of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Akimat of the Kostanay region, Education Department of the Kostanay region.
  • 2020 Badge of the Best Teacher of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • 2024 Title of "Honorary Professor of the University" dated October 29, 2024 (Protocol No. 15)
Аctivities in the service sector
  • Member of the Republican Competition of the Regional Round of Scientific Projects and Subject Olympiads for Schoolchildren (Zerde).
  • Chairman of the Regional Competition for Additional Education "Best Teacher of Additional Education", "Best Methodological System of Additional Education".
  • Member of the competition "Best young teacher of KSPU named after U. Sultangazin" in 2019.
  • Member of the intra-university competition "Best University Teacher" - 2019, 2020.
  • 2016-2020 - scientific consulting of school students in NOU (specialized school-gymnasium-boarding school named after Y. Altynsarin, school-lyceum No. 1, 2, primary school-gymnasium 24A).
  • Expert of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on advanced training programs from 2023 to the present
  • Temporary member of the Dissertation Councils for the defense of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of training 8D011 - "Pedagogy and Psychology" (specialty 6D010300 - "Pedagogy and Psychology") - L. Gumilyov ENU ("Astana"), Toraigyrov University (Pavlodar)
Training manuals
  • Pedagogical studies. 5B010300-"Pedagogy and Psychology" is a master's degree. -Kostanay: KMPI Baspasy, 2015. -155 b ISBN 978-601-7198-93-0.
  • In all cases, I take technology. 5B010300 "Pedagogy and psychology" Mamandygyna arnalgan oku kuraly.-Kostanay: KMPI baspasy, 2014. -127 b.
  • Innovative processes at school: Textbook for students of pedagogical specialties B.M. Utegenova., T.S. Shumeiko., A.B. Shalgimbekova., V.V. Danilova - Kostanay: Kostanay memlekettik pedagogikalyk institutynyn baspasy, 2016. - 354 b. ISBN 978-601-7839-48-2.
  • Professional guidelines for a teacher. Teaching aid. compilers V.V. BezhinaN.A. Solovyeva, B.M. Utegenova //Recommended by the UMO RUMS of the Republic of Kazakhstan Minutes No. 10 of 06/12/2019 of the meeting of the Presidium of the Council of the Educational and Methodological Section for the group of specialties “Foreign Languages” on the basis of the Kazakh Educational and International Language Institute named after Abylay Khan. – Kostanay: KSPU, 2019. -82s.
  • Gylymi - pedagogikalyk zertteu adіsnamasy zhәne adіsterі: dәris zhinagy. Pedagogical institute studentsterge arnalgan oku kuraly. –Kostanay, KMPI. – 2010 -170 b.-ISBN 9965-754-29-2.
  • Pedagogy of tarikha darisinen logicalyk-kurylys keste (pedagogical institutes studentsterine arnalgan oku kuraly. – Kostanay: KMPI baspasy, 2012. – 64 b. ISBN 978-2-7105-3853-1.
  • Pedagogics about education and science (5В010300 – “Pedagogy and psychology” for students) – Kostanay: KMPI baspasy, 2012. -151 b. ISBN 978-601-7198-93-0.
  • Formative assessment: self and peer assessment: Method. rec. to help teachers/. comp.: E.A. Onishchenko, B.M. Utegenova – Kostanay, 2014. – 48 p. ISBN 378-601-7305-87-1.
  • Kazirgi Belim I take technology materials “Pedagogy and Psychology” by Mamandygyna Arnalgan Oku Kuraly. – Kostanay: KMPI Baspasy, 2014. -127 b. ISBN 978-601-7305-47-5.
  • Learning goals according to Bloom's taxonomy / A.E. Murzagalieva, B.M. Utegenova. Astana: JSC “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” Center for Pedagogical Excellence, 2015. – 58 p. ISBN 978-601-732-05-11-6.
  • Ardabaeva B.K., Utegenova B.M. Reflection is important for the purpose of retina. // Mugalimderge arnalgan adistemelik nuskau – Kostanay, 2015. -35 b. ISBN 978-601-7305-47-5.
  • Organization of educational work in a pedagogical university. – Methodological manual on the organization of the educational process in a pedagogical university. – Kostanay: KSPI, 2015. – 64 p. ) ISBN 978-601-7305-12- How to develop the skills of a leader.
  • Fostering Ethnotolerant Competence in Senior Schoolchildren. Monograph – Utegenova B., Daumova B. Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH&Co.KG, Heinrich-Boecking-Str.6-8, 66121 Saarbruecken, Germany, 2013, 157 p. ISBN 978-3-659-22956-5.
  • Pedagogy of Tolerance. Monograph/R.Ch. Bekturganova, B.B. Daumova, B.M. Utegenova, V.A. Tsymbalyuk. – Kostanay, 2013, 154 p. ISBN 978-601-7371-87-6.
  • Problems of Education and Upbringing Development: Theory and Practice. Book 3 [Monograph] - Moscow: Pero Publishing House, 2015. -102 p. (Chapter 1.2) ISBN 978-5-906835-50-5
  • Continuous education in higher education. [Collective monograph]. - Moscow: "State Humanitarian and Technological University". Publishing house of GGTU Orekhovo-Zuyevo.-2020. -308 p.
  • Basic techniques of reflective listening in pedagogy classes.//MSPC, Altynsarin readings "Problems and new guidelines for the integration of a pedagogical university and a school in improving the quality of education" - Kostanay, KSPU, 2019. - P. 158-164.
  • Pedagogical opportunities for developing students' research skills. - Humanitarian sciences: Khalykaralyk gylymi-practice conference materials - Nur-Sultan: Eurasia humanitarian institutes, 2019. – 370 b. //
  • Vectors for the development of teacher research qualities. //Regional Research and Production Complex together with a branch of the Center for Medical Education. - Kostanay: Center for Medical Education and KSPU, 2019. – 41-4
  • B.M. Utegenova1, U.B. Serikbaeva 2, Zh.B. .Erzhanova3. Value-semantic guidelines in professional education of students of the humanitarian pedagogical direction Series "Pedagogical Sciences" KOKSVON, 2023.
  • Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of conscious self-regulation of students of a pedagogical university. Kostanay: KRU named after A.Baytursynuly, 3I "Pedagogical Sciences", - 2023.-№2.-P 225-234. together with Smagliy T.I., Demisenova Sh.M., Shalgimbekova K.S.
  • Scientific and pedagogical consulting as a tool for supporting the professional development of teachers: experience, problems and directions. Kostanay: KRU named after A.Baytursynuly, 3I "Pedagogical Sciences", - 2023.-№2.-P 225-234. together with Shalgimbekova K.S., Smagliy T.I., Utegenova G.M.
  • Trends and factors of ensuring the quality of education in higher education. "Innovative technologies in modern education: strategies, tasks, implementation. - Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference, February 23, 2024. I and 2 Book. - Kostanay: Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov, 2024.
  • Pedagogical argumentation: research problems and experience of formation. together with Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Berezhnova E.V. Bulletin of VlSU, Russia, Publication of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia, K2. 2024. - No. 3. Series Psychological and Pedagogical.