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Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Special Education

Nurova Asemgul Kazihanova
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of pedagogical Sciences Academic degree
  • 2002 Graduated from Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov with a degree in psychology, qualified as a psychologist, teacher of psychology.
  • 2020 Graduated with honors from the master's degree program at Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov, specialty 6M010300 - "Pedagogy and psychology", awarded the qualification of master of pedagogical Sciences.
Subjects taught
  • Special psychology
  •  Special pedagogy
  •  Clinical features of children with OOP
  •  Social orientation
 Work experience
  • 2005-2009-teacher of the Department of pedagogy and psychology, Social and technical University named after him. Academician Z. Aldamzhar.
  • 2009-2017 teacher of the Department of preschool, primary and special education of KSPI.
  • 2017-2020 senior lecturer of the Department of psychology and defectology of the KSPU named after U. Sultangazin.
  • From October 2020 to the present, senior lecturer of the Department of special education of the A. Baitursynov KRU.
Awards and prizes
  • Gramata of the rector of KSPU named after U. Sultangazin E. Abil. 2018.
Аctivities in the service sector 
  • Member of the jury of city and regional competitions of scientific projects of school students in psychology.
Training AIDS
  • Nurova A. K.,Kozhanova D. K., Sultanbekova zh.H.psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children with disabilities. Educational and methodological support. - Kostanay: KGPU, 2015. - 70 p.
  • Alipbayeva G. A., Nurova A. K. Methods of teaching the surrounding world. Educational and methodological support. - Kostanay: KGPU, 2019 – 135 p.
  • "Inclusive Bilim take gysn msales" Internauka: electron. scientific. journal 2019, no. 19 (101), pp. 36-37.
  • "Inclusivti Bilim Beru zhagdayynda Bolashak pedagogtardy dayarlau mselesi", international scientific and practical conference "Baitursynov readings-2020": "the teaching of the people of the great steppe and new opportunities for modernizing Kazakhstan's society: education, science and spirituality in the context of globalization", 24.04.2020.