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Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Special Education

Lemekhova Vera Konstantinovna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Special (Defectological) Education Academic degree
  • 2014 - 2016 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute.
  • 2016-2019 South Ural State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University.
Subjects taught
  • Inclusive education
  • Methods of teaching mathematics to children with disabilities
  • Special methods of teaching the mother tongue in a special school
  • Social and household orientation
  • Professional and labor training
  • Practical speech therapy
  • Speech therapy work on correction of violations of written speech
Work experience
  • 2016-2019 KSU "Rudny Special School for Children with Special Educational Needs" UOAKO.
  • 2019 - up to the present Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynova.
Certificates of professional development 
  • 2019 Advanced training course on the topic "Organization of educational work with students with special educational needs." (KSPU). December 12 (72 hours).
  • 2018 Advanced training courses "Updating the content of correctional and pedagogical work of a special (correctional) organization", August 16 (42 hours) Academic Center "Start".
  • 2018 Advanced training courses "Prevention of speech development deviations in young children", May 30 (72 hours) "Workshop speech therapist" LLC.
  • 2020 Professional development course on the topic “Organization of psychological, pedagogical and social assistance to children in educational institutions. Fundamentals of neuropsychology and neuropedagogy as conditions for accompanying children with developmental problems ”. February 21 (72 hours) Academic Center "Start".
  • 2020 Refresher course on the topic “Neuropedagogy. Practical application of neuropsychological exercises in group work with children. With the right to conduct the author's course on the development of intellectual abilities, Kaverina N.G. "Teaching without torment." February 21 (4 pm) Academic Center "Start".
  • 2020 Refresher course on the topic "Online program for the development of special skills of teaching staff in the uncertainty of the learning environment." June 12 (72 hours) KSPU.
  • 2021 Advanced training course on the topic "Development of students' meta-subject competencies in the learning process". April 30 (72 hours) Autonomous non-profit professional organization "Multidisciplinary Academy of Continuing Education".
  • 2021 Advanced training course on the topic "Speech therapy massage in a comprehensive system for overcoming speech disorders in children and adults". June 23-July 23 (72 hours) ANO DPO "Speech Therapist plus" - Training Center "Speech Therapist plus".
  • 2021 Advanced training course on the topic "Innovative technologies for launching and developing speech in speech-free children". April 7 - June 7 (72 hours) ANO DPO "Speech Therapist plus" - Training center "Speech Therapist plus".
  • 2021 Advanced training course on the topic "Methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children". August 16 - 31 (72 hours) SKLAD.
  • Lemekhova V.K. Neuropedagogical methods in the correction of speech disorders in preschoolers / Bulletin of the U.Sultangazin KSPU - April, No. 1, 2021 - pp. 8-13.