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Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Special Education

Daumova Batima Beksultanovna
Acting Associate Professor Position
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Scientific degree
  • 1977-1981 Kostanay Pedagogical Institute named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR in the specialty "teacher of mathematics".
  • 2011 Academic degree "Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences", Omsk, Russian Federation.
  • 2014 Recertification of the diploma of Doctor of Philosophy PhD in the specialty 6D010300 - "Pedagogy and psychology" in the SAC of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Subjects taught
  • Pedagogy
  • Psychology of management and management at school
  • Ethnopedagogy
Work experience
  • 1988-1995 Headmaster of Kalinin Secondary School, Novonezhenskaya Secondary School, Auliekolsky district.
  • 1995 Specialist, leading specialist, chief specialist, Deputy head of the Department of Education of the Auliekolsky district.
  • 2008  Head of the Department of Education of the Auliekolsky district.
  • 2008-2011 The head of the city of G.Kostanay.
  • 2011-2016 Head of the Department of Education Control.
  • 2016-2018 Head of the Department of Education of Kostanay region.
  • 2018-2021 Director of Kostanay Industrial and Pedagogical College.
  • 2021 - currently Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kostanay Regional University named after A.Baitursynov.
Certificates/certificates of professional development
  • 2021 Advanced training courses "Development of students' meta-subject competencies in the learning process", 72 hours, from 1.04.2021- 30.04.2021, Russia, ANPOO "Multidisciplinary Academy of Continuing Education", certificate No.000390;
  • 2021 Training seminar "Designing a training course in Moodle", 72 hours, Kazakhstan, Kostanay, A.Baitursynov KRU, certificate No. 3326;
  • 2021 Training seminar "Fundamentals of Moodle. Introductory course", 36 hours, Kostanay, Kazakhstan, A.Baitursynov KRU, certificate No. 3366;
  • 2021 Training seminar "Methodology and technology of webinars and videoconferences (Etutorium, BBB)", 36 hours, Kazakhstan, Kostanay, A.Baitursynov KRU, certificate No. 3299;
  • 2022 International scientific internship: "Primary school in the system of continuous pedagogical education", 36 hours, from 02/14/2022 to 02/27/2022, Russia, State University of Higher Education of the Moscow region "State University of Humanities and Technology", certificate No. 26714.
Awards and prizes
  • Medal "Veteran Truda" - 2021.
  • "30 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" 2021.
  • Postal certificates, grace period of the Republic of Kazakhstan, akimat of the Kostanay region, education management of the Kostanay region.
Аctivities in the service sector
  • Member of the jury in the Regional competition "The best school scientific society of students" in the schools of the region, 2022
  • Даумова Б.Б., Бектурганова Р.Ч., Утегенова Б.М., Цымбалюк В.А. Педагогика толерантности. Монография – Костанай: Изд.отдела образования акиматаг.Костаная: 2013, 154с.
  • Даумова Б.Б., Айдналиева Н.А. Самоактуализационный профиль студентов специальности «Педагогика и методика начального обучения». //Наука и жизнь Казахстана - Алматы, 01.01. 2020, №5-1. – С. 108-111
  • Даумова Б.Б. Менеджмент саласындағы коммуникативтік құзырлығын дамыту мəселелері. Алтынсаринские чтения - 2021. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 180-летию Ы. Алтынсарина «Непрерывное образование Республики Казахстан в контексте современных вызовов к образовательной системе,Костанайский региональный университет имени А.Байтурсынова, 2021. – С. 421-425, кн 1.
  • Даумова Б.Б., Абдиркенова А. К., Тулегенова А. Б. Болашақ мамандардың заманауи білім беру үрдісіндегі медиа сауаттылығының рөлі. «Непрерывность педагогического образования – залог успешности современных педагогов»: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции, 11 февраля 2022 года. I Книга. – Костанай: Костанайский региональный университет имени А.Байтурсынова, 2022. – 580 с, С.78-80