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Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Special Education

Begezhanova Raikhan Karymzhanovna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of pedagogical Sciences Academic degree
  • 2012-2016 Kostanay state pedagogical Institute Academic degree: bachelor of education in 5B010500-Defectology.
  • 2016-2018 Karaganda state University named after E.A. Buketov Academic degree: master of pedagogical Sciences, specialty 6M010500-Defectology.
Subjects taught
  • Inclusive education
  • Special methods of teaching mathematics to children with special educational needs
  • Basics of speech therapy
 Work experience
  • Since 02.09.2018 – currently a senior lecturer at the Department of special education of Kostanay regional University named after A. Baitursynov.
 Certificates/certificates of professional development
  • Certificate of passing the course "Technology of Empirical Research for Writing a Research Paper" (36 hours, April 26, 2019).
  • Certificate of passing the course "Organization of educational work with students with special educational needs" (72 hours, December, 2019, certificate number: КРНТД 00505).
  • Certificate of participation in the training seminar "Report on preparation for the higher educational institution within the framework of specialized accreditation" (Kostanay, 16.01.2020, registration number: №А-0084).
  • Certificate of participation in the seminar of the Higher School of education of Nazarbayev University "Curriculum and Syllabus design" (February 27-28, 2020, registration number: 2020GSE2175).
  • Certificate of passage of the course "Online program for the development of special skills of faculty members under the conditions of ignorance of the teaching environment" (72 hours, June 2020, registration number: 342).
  • Certificate of passing the language course "English language proficiency: Intermediate" (90 hours from September 2019 to May 2020).
  • Certificate of passing the course "Active methods of teaching English language" (45 hours, June 2020, registration number: 170).
  • Certificate of the participant of the online seminar "Kazakhstan on the way to the SDGs 16.2. Teaching children Human Rights. Bulling. Safety of children in the network "(16 hours, June 2020, registration number: EW-0021/2020).
  • Certificate of passing the course "Providing psychological and pedagogical support to children with special needs in general education schools (in the conditions of inclusive education)" (72 hours, August 2020, registration number: 5045).
  • Certificate of completion of the course "Development of students' subject competencies in the learning process" (Autonomous non-profit professional educational organization "Multidisciplinary Academy of Continuing Education", Omsk; April 2021, 72 hours).
 Awards and prizes
  • Diploma for preparing students for the XI Republican student subject Olympiad. Karaganda, 2019.
  • Letter of thanks from the rector of KSPU. Umirzak Sultangazin for conducting classes at the summer school of additional education on the module "Psychological and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs". Kostanay, 2019.
  • Diploma of the First degree of the winner in the III Republican contest "Best young teacher-2020" (28.02.2020, registration number: KSLQ).
  • Diploma of the Second degree of the winner in the III Republican contest "Best young teacher-2020" (28.02.2020, registration number: TCL8).
  • Winner of the Republican contest, holder of the badge "Uzdik Zhas Maman-2020" (Nur-Sultan, 2020, registration number: 20-1020040).
  • A letter of thanks from the Rector of the A. Baitursynov KRU for the Teacher's Day, Kostanay, 2021.
  • Begezhanova R.K., Kurmanalinova R.B. Health-saving technologies in intensive work with children with severe intellectual disabilities / Scientific worker on materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Part III. Belgorod, 30 November 2018, P. 65-70.
  • Begezhanova R.K. Inclusive Education: Foreign experience / Materialy XIV Miedzynarodowej naukowi-praktycznej konferencji, "Wykształcenie i nauka bez granici - 2018", 07-15 grudnia 2018 roku po sekcjach: Pedagogiczne nauki. Psychologia i socjologia, P. 79-82 (Przemysl, Poland 2018).
  • Begezhanova R.K. Educational process in the system of special education / materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference "personality formation of young leaders of ethno-cultural associations". Karaganda, 2019, P. 181-184.
  • Begezhanova R.K. Development of tolerance of children of adolescent age as an urgent problem of inclusive education / materials for the XV international scientific practical conference, which should be held from the light to science - 2019, 15-22 December 2019: Sofia."Byal grad-BG" - 2019 P. 82-87.
  • Begezhanova R.K., Kanaly M.K. Tutoring support for students with special educational needs as a pedagogical phenomenon/ Bulletin of KSPU named after U. Sultangazina-April, No. 2(54), 2019-P. 123-129.
  • Begezhanova R.K. Special methods of teaching mathematics to children with disabilities. Training manual, KSPU, 2019, 153 p. ISBN 978-601-7934-84-2.
  • Begezhanova R.K. Professional competence of a teacher in the system of inclusive education / Bulletin of KSPU named after U. Sultangazina - April, No. 2(58), 2020 – P.117-122.
  • Begezhanova R. K. Correctional and educational opportunities of using information and communication technologies in special education / «3i: intellect, idea, innovation» 2, 2021, A. Baitursynov KRU, Kostanay, ISSN 2226-6070, P. 30-37.
  • Begezhanova R. K. Distance education for children with special needs in education in the conditions of Inclusive Education / Bulletin of KGPI 2021 January – April, No. 1-2 61-62, A. Baitursynov KRU, Kostanay.