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Sports club "Sunkar"

Ogienko Igor Vladimirovich
Acting Associate Professor Position


  • 2002 Graduate of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports, has a basic higher education in the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports", with a specialization in "management in sports and tourism".

Subjects taught

  • Technique and tactics of active types of tourism
  • Organization of active tours in the tourism business
  • Technique of tourism and rock climbing with teaching methods
  • Active and extreme types of tourism
  • Instructor training in the field of active and sports types of tourism
  • Skiing with teaching methods
  • Tourism and winter sports with teaching methods
  • Sports tourism

Certificates of professional development

  • 2019 Refresher course on the topic "successfully completed refresher courses on the topic: "Technology of Empirical Research for Writing a Research Paper". (KSPU - Bulgaria), April (90 hours).
  • Training course on the rules of first aid in case of emergency 02.04-28.04 2018 (96 hours) Organizer - Kostanay branch of the Red Crescent Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • 2019 Advanced training courses "Distance learning, massive open online courses: development, promotion and application", October (72 hours) KSPU.
  • "Methodology and technology for conducting webinars and video conferences (Etutorium, BBB)" 14-12-2020 10-04-2021 (36 hours) A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University.
  • Advanced training courses on the program "Modern information technologies in physical culture, sports and tourism" 05.02 -17.02 2018 (90 hours) Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism.
  • Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region: "Organizational and methodological foundations and content of active leisure activities of students in the framework of the implementation of the system of additional education" - 03.04 - 20.04, 2021. (72 hours) KSU "Regional center of physical culture and youth tourism".
  • "Ensuring the safety of the educational, educational and training process, sports and entertainment events in the organization of physical culture and sports activities in a higher educational institution" April 2021 (40 hours) A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University.
  • Quality assurance processes of Technology Enhanced learning 10/19/21 - 02/19/22 (95 hours) KUTEL-Kazakh Universities to foster quality assurance processes in Technology Enhanced learning Rome, Italy.

Awards and prizes

  • September 13, 2003 awarded with the sign "Honored Instructor of Tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan" of the Sports and Tourism Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • In 2007, he was awarded a gold medal for 1st place in the Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in sports tourism (mountain trips of the highest 6th category of complexity - class "A").

Аctivities in the service sector

  • Judge of the national category for sports tourism. Engaged in active social activities in the federation of sports tourism and orienteering of the Kostanay region.