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Department of Arts

Supataeva Aida Ilyasovna
Senior Lecturer Position


  • In 1995-1999, she studied at the Kazakh State Institute of Theater and Cinema named after T. Zhurgenov, graduated with honors.

Subjects taught

  • Fundamentals of stage movement and stage speech
  • The basics of acting
  • Stage wrestling
  • Acting
  • Organization of theatrical business
  • The history of costume and makeup
  • Fundamentals of musical and rhythmic education

Work experience

  • 2000-2020 North Kazakhstan regional Kazakh Musical Drama Theater named after S. Mukanov, actress of the highest category.
  • 2006-2020 Teacher of the discipline "Acting" "stage language" "History of Theater" at the Peter and Paul College of Arts.
  • Since 2021, Kostanay Regional Kazakh Drama Theater named after I. Omarov, an actress of the highest.

Certificates of professional development

  • 2023-Kostanay. A. Baitursynov Regional University "designing a training course in the Moodle program".
  • June 19-June 27, 2023. advanced training at the Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture under the program "Modern methods in the theatrical and educational process" (72 hours).
  • October 02-10, 2023."fundamentals of work in the Moodle distance learning system. Introductory course " (72 hours).KRU named after A. Baitursynovich.
  • October 23-November 17, 2023. training at the seminar "methodology and technology of webinars and video conferences (Zoom, BBB)" (36 hours). KRU A. Baitursynovich.
  • October 11-November 10, 2023. training at the seminar "fundamentals of creating a distance learning course in Moodle" (72 hours). KRU named after A. Baitursynov.

Awards and prizes

  • 2003 She was awarded the "Certificate of Honor" of the Department of Culture of the North Kazakhstan region.
  • In 2005, she was awarded the "2nd degree Award" by the Akim of the North Kazakhstan region.
  • The year is 2016. She was awarded a "Letter of Thanks" by the akim of the North Kazakhstan region.
  • In 2010, she was awarded the "Certificate of Honor" by the Akim of the North Kazakhstan region.
  • In 2010, she was awarded the badge "Madeniyet kayratkeri" of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • 2020 awarded the "Certificate of Honor" of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • The year 2023. She was awarded a letter of thanks from the State Institution "Department of Culture" of the Akimat of Kostanay region " For services to the development of culture and art.
  • The year 2024. She was awarded the badge of the "Gift" of the Union of Theatrical Figures of Kazakhstan.

Achievements from festivals

  • The year is 2014. At the I Republican theater festival "Abish Alemi" in Aktau, A. Kekilbayev took part in the play "tower of love" in the nomination " for acting searches.
  • 2018At the II Republican Theater Festival named after R. Esdauletov, M. Zhumabaev took part in the play "the sin of Sholpan" "Best Performance".
  • in 2018. She was nominated for the international theater festival in the nomination "female supporting image" for the role of Marzhan.
  • 2019 at the VI International Festival of Experimental performances "Balausa" in Aktobe, M. Zhumabaev took part in the play "the sin of Sholpan" "The best performance".

Roles played

  • S. Shaimerdenov "the jockey is coming" the role of Maria.
  • A. Kekilbaev's steppe ballad "the tower of love" the role of the maid.
  • M. Zhumabaev drama "the sin of Sholpan".
  • 4.A. Perevozchikov "A. L. J. I. R."requiem the imprisoned woman.
  • T. Minnullin. The comedy "Aldermesh Almanacs" in Zhanalyk role, etc. more than 30 roles have been cast.