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Department of Physics, Mathematics and Digital Technology

Zharlykasov Bakhtiyar Zhumalyevich
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Natural Sciences Academic degree
  • 2004-2009, Kostanay State University named after V. I. Abramovich. But.Baitursynova. - 5B070400-Computer Engineering and Software, Bachelor's degree
  • 2009-2011, Kostanay State University. But.Baitursynova, – 6M060200-Computer Science, Master of Natural Sciences
  • 2015-2018 Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University (RGPPU), MoscowYekaterinburg, specialty 09.06.01 Informatics and Computer engineering, postgraduate study
Subjects taught
  • Computer architecture and computer networks
  • Information and communication technologies (in English)
  • Artificial intelligence and neural systems
  • Internet technologies( in English)
  • Computer control in Robotics
  • Fundamentals of Computer Graphics
  • C/C++ object-oriented programming
  • Fundamentals of Creative design and Control of Mobile robots
  • Robot Manufacturing Workshop
  • Circuit Engineering
  • Virtual Laboratories in a school computer science course
  • Architecture of parallel computing systems
  • Machine learning
  • Information technologies in criminalistics( in English)
  • Microprocessor complexes and systems
Work experience
  • 2009-2011 Technical Support Engineer, Information Technology Center. g.Kostanay
  • 2011 – 2013 teacher, KRU named KRU named after Akhmet Baitursynov
  • 2013 – 2019 senior lecturer, KRU named after Akhmet Baitursynov
  • 2019 - present with junior teacher KRU named after Akhmet Baitursynov
Certificates of professional development 
  • December 3, 2021, Master for creating tests in the Moodle SDS, CHPO"TSPO Lan"
  • Graduated from the course "Typography" of the professional online school LIDER Z, December 11, 2020.
  • Certificate of Advanced Training No. 0285800 dated 08.12.2018, "Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions within the updated content of education", JSC "National Center for Advanced Training "ORLEU", Kostanay.
  • Certificate "Organization of sign language communication". University of Management "Thisby." April, 2018
  • Certificate "Innovative technologies of training in higher education institutions". Khakass State University named after V. I. Abramovich. N. F.Katanova. February, 2018
  • Graduated from the course " Software Testing. Level 2 " GeekBrains group. January 10, 2017.
  • Graduated from the course" Fundamentals of software testing " GeekBrains group. September 21, 2016.
  • Certificate "Application of elements of distance learning technology in full-time education, knowledge of the design of an electronic course in MOODLE 2.6" Kostanay State University named after A. A. Abramovich.Baitursynova, RussiaKostanay, 2015
  • Certificate "PC repair and modernization". A course of 72 hours. Komapnia "ICE Computers", MoscowKostanay, 2014
  • Certificate «Heterogeneous Parallel Programming, CUDA architecture and programming environment», Education and Research Centre, г.Dubna, Russian Federation, 2013г.
Membership in professional organizations
  • Member of the expert group on e-learning publications, KRU named after Akhmet Baitursynov
Awards and prizes
  • Thank you letter from the managerKSU " Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" Department of Education of Kostanay city", 2021.
  • Certificate from the rectorKostanay Regionalого Universityа named after Akhmet Baitursynov, 2019.
  • Certificate from the head of the State Corporation "Education Department of Kostanay city Akimat", 2017.
  • Letterof appreciation from the Rector of Kostanay State University named after A. A. Abramovich.BaitursynovaPubl., 2016.
  • Diploma of Kostanay Regional Committee of Physical Culture and Sports
Activities in the service sector 
  • Member of the jury of city and regional competitions of scientific projects of students in technological disciplines.
  • November 2020-20 yeara was accepted for temporary work as проверяющего a test task supervisor for the Republican state-owned Enterprise "National Testing Center" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • February - March21 2021, she was hired for a temporary job as a developer of test tasks for the Republican State-owned Enterprise "National Testing Center" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Preparation of students for regional and republican Olympiads in the Regional Scientific and Practical Center "Қостанай дарыны».
Training manuals
  • Textbook "Fundamentals of Parallel Computing", 2017, ISBN 978-7933-28-9.
  • Shumeyko T. S.Bozhevolnaya N. V.Zhikeev A. A. Zharlykasov B. Zh. Zubko N. N., To the problem of forming the readiness of future teachers for the development of technical creativity of schoolchildren by means of distance technologies, Bulletin of Pavlodar State University.With. Toraigyrova. (Pedagogical Sciences), 20212021 From 207-221.
  • Shumeyko T. S., Bozhevolnaya N. V., Zharlykasov B. Zh.,Possibilities of software tools in the implementation of remote technology for the development of technical creativity of schoolchildren, Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University of Abay. 4 (Dec. 2021), from 239-253.
  • K. Amanzhol, B. J. Zharlykasov, S. K.Atanov, N. T.Abatov, WheelMekana as a platform for remote research, Theory and practice of modern science, 517-520 p.
  • S.Maulenov, B. J. Zharlykasov, and E. V. Chubarkova. PhD Sparse representation of images in recognition problems using the idea of the Monte Carlo method Modern science: actual problems of theory and practice. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences. No. 2. Scientific Technologies Limited Liability Company. 35-38 p. 2019
  • Zh.Zharlykasov, E. V. Chubarkova. candidate of Pedagogical sciences. Using the brightness histogram method to solve the problem of detecting the movement of objects at unregulated pedestrian crosswalks            Modern science: actual problems of theory and practice. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences. No. 2. Scientific Technologies Limited Liability Company. 31-34 p. 2019
  • Zharlykasova A. N.,Muslimova A. Z. Ph. D., Zharlykasov B. Zh. Remote management model using the MQTT protocol          Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference "New Information Technologies in Education and Science NITO-2018", MoscowYekaterinburg, 2018, 485-491 p.
  • Maulenov K. S.,Zharlykasov B. Zh. Image recognition for search and identification tasks Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference "New Information Technologies in Education and Science NITO-2018", MoscowYekaterinburg, 2018. 538-543 p.
  • Amanzhol M. K. Zharlykasov B. Zh. Remote control equipment for RC models     International Scientific and Practical Conference "Baitursynov Readings-2018" April 19-20, 2018, MoscowKostanay
  • Aimbetova D. T., Zharlykasova B. Zh.,Muslimova A. Z. Face image recognition for personal identification         International Scientific Conference Actual scientific research in the modern world. g.Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky December 26-27, 2017. 164-168 p.
  • Umarova T..A.,Zharlykasov B..Ж The model of access control system in the enterprise based on Arduino    Economy and society. Institute of Management and Socio-Economic Development", No. 12 (42), 2017, 1925-1928 p.
  • Zharlykasov B. Zh.,Kudubaeva S. A. Development of systems for determining geometric parameters in surface recognition on the central and graphics processors, VestnikKazNTU 2015, Technical Sciences, Issue # 2, pp. 326-330.
National projects
  • Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Formation of readiness of future teachers to develop technical creativity of schoolchildren using distance learning technologies".
Short list of new professional projects, authorship in scientific or development projects
  • Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright NIIS No. 3830 dated" 3 " June 2019.
  • Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright NIIS No. 3826 dated" 3 " June 2019.