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Department of Preschool and Primary Education

Evdokimova Olga Nikolaevna
Acting Associate Professor Position
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Scientific degree


  • 1989-1993 Kostanay Pedagogical College, specialty 0308 – Education in preschool institutions, awarded the qualification "Preschool educator" Russian Russian Language and Literature Teacher.
  • 1993-1997 Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov, Faculty of Russian Philology, specialty "Teacher of Russian language and Literature".
  • 2002-2005 Ural State Law Academy (base of the second higher, correspondence form of study, Faculty of Law, specialty "lawyer".
  • 2006-2008 South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk), postgraduate degree in the specialty 13.00.08 – theory and methodology of vocational education (diploma, decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 20, 2009). Research topic: "Formation of skills of tolerant interaction among students of a technical university".

Subjects taught

  • Children's literature with a workshop on expressive reading
  • Methods of teaching oratory
  • Pedagogical rhetoric
  • Methods of teaching literary reading
  • Methods of teaching fiction
  • Pedagogy of family education with a workshop on family counseling
  • Development of critical thinking of younger schoolchildren

Work experience

  • 2016 – present Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education of A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University (U. Sultangazin Pedagogical Institute), Head of the Department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (from September 2016 to May 2021).
  • 2003 August 2016 Associate Professor, Academic Secretary, Head of the Department of the Assembly the People of Kazakhstan of M. Dulatov Kostanay University of Engineering and Economics,
  • 2001-2003 lecturer at the Kostanay branch of the Ural Stock Market Institute.
  • 2000-2001 teacher, head of the lyceum of Kostanay Pedagogical College.
  • 1997-2000 teacher of Russian language and literature at secondary school No. 7 in Kostanay. 

Certificates of professional development 

  • Extended meeting of the Mediation Center on Conflict Prevention and Resolution "Mediation as an institution of social harmony and strengthening of civic identity". At the end of the seminar, she received an international certificate that allows her to act as a mediator and teach students the basics of mediation. (August 6-7, 2015, Astana).
  • Training seminar "Development of mediation in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (September, 2016).
  • Training seminar "Mediation competence in conflict resolution" (2017).
  • Training seminar "My name is Kazakhstan", Republican Public Association "Mediation Development Center" (August, 2018).
  • Professional development courses for non–professional mediators (July, 2018).
  • Training seminar "Mediation in the interfaith sphere" (2018).
  • Participation in the round table "Mediation - alternative conflict resolution" (February, 2019)Organization of educational work with students with special educational needs (Organizer - Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University), 28.11.2019 - 12.12.2019, 72 hours.
  • Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions within the framework of the updated content of education (Organizer - "National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu") 20.05.2019 - 21.06.2019, 260 hours.
  • Courses on the educational program of advanced training of teaching staff of universities that train teaching staff within the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed by the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" Organized by AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools", a branch of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence in Kostanay) 24.02.2020 – 28.02.2020, 80 hours.
  • On-line program for the development of special skills of teaching staff in an uncertain learning environment, 27.05.2020 – 12.06.2020, 72 hours.
  • Seminar "Methodology and technology of webinars and videoconferences (Etutorium, BBB)", A. Baitursynov KRU, 10.12.20 – 20.01.21, 36 hours.
  • Advanced training course at the Institute of Advanced Training and Supplementary Education of L.Gumilyov ENU "Scientific support and methodological support of the sphere of interethnic relations: new approaches in the activities of the APK departments", 72 hours (December 04, 2020 – June 05, 2021).
  • "Elementary school. Foreign practices" Organizers: Scientific and Methodological Institution "National Institute of Education" Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus Educational online platform SKLAD, March 11 – 25, 2021, 72 hours.
  • Seminar "Fundamentals of working in Moodle. Introductory course", A. Baitursynov KRU, 05.01.21 – 10.04.21 year, 36 hours
  • Seminar "Designing a training course in Moodle", A. Baitursynov KRU, 05.01.21 – 10.04.21 year, 72 hours
  • Seminar "Test design in the Moodle distance learning system", A. Baitursynov KRU 05.01.21 – 10.04.21 year, 36 hours

Membership in professional organizations

  • Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Expert Group of the Kostanay Regional Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.
  • Deputy Chairman of the Council of Mediators at the Kostanay Regional Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

Awards and prizes

  • Letter of thanks from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For a significant contribution to strengthening national unity and social harmony, consistent service to humanistic ideals of goodness, spiritual development of society" (May, 2015).
  • Letter of thanks from the Secretariat of the Regional Assembly of People of Kazakhstan "For active participation in the implementation of the mega-project "Road Map of Peace and Harmony" within the framework of the celebration of the Year of the APK" (November, 2015).
  • Letter of thanks from the Rector of KSPI "For high professionalism and sincere interest shown during classes at the School Mediation and Public Diplomacy" (April, 2017)
  • Letter of Thanks of the APK "For high service to the humanistic ideals of goodness, spiritual harmony, strengthening friendship and interethnic unity" (August, 2018), (signed by L.A. Prokopenko, Deputy Chairman of the APK)
  • Letter of Thanks of the APK "For high service to the humanistic ideals of goodness, spiritual harmony, strengthening friendship and interethnic unity" (December, 2018)
  • Letter of thanks from the APK "For high service to the humanistic ideals of goodness, spiritual harmony, strengthening friendship and interethnic unity" (August, 2019), (signed by Tuimebayev Zh. Deputy Chairman of the APK).
  • Letter of thanks for active participation in the Republican scientific and practical conference "The role of mediation in the modernization of civil society and personal contribution to the development and strengthening of the Institute of mediation in the legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (Head of the Secretariat of the APK of Nur-Sultan, August 2019).
  • Jubilee medal for the 25th anniversary of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan (September, 2020).
  • Diploma of the III degree for participation in the competition of scientific projects dedicated to the Kazakh model of social harmony and national unity of N.Nazarbayev. Topic of the work: "Formation of a multi-cultural orientation and spiritual revival of youth" Organizer of the competition: Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (November, 2017).
  • Diploma of the III degree for participation in the competition of scientific projects dedicated to the Kazakh model of social harmony and national unity of N.Nazarbayev. Topic of the work: "Formation of a multi-cultural orientation and spiritual revival of youth" Organizer of the competition: Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (November, 2017).
  • Diploma 1st place for participation in the V– th International competition of scientific and creative works "Socialization, upbringing, education of children and youth". The topic of the presented work: "School of Mediation and Public Diplomacy". Organizers: Izhevsk State Technical University and NGO "Vyatka Center for Cooperation and Development" (December 2018 – January 2019).
  • Competition of scientific projects dedicated to the Kazakh model of social harmony and national unity of N.A. Nazarbayev. Topic of the work: "Teaching mediation technologies as a way of conflict resolution in the educational space of a modern school", Author: Anna I. Zaiko, student of the State Pedagogical University, 2nd year, OP "Fine Arts and Drawing" of the U. Sultangazin KSPU, November 5, 2020.

Activities in the service sector

  • Member of the Regional Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.
  • Member of the Association of Departments of the APK at the L.N. Gumilev ENU.
  • Head of the School of Mediation and Public Diplomacy.


  • Monograph "Pedagogical conditions for the development of the language of tolerance of interaction", Publishing House Laplambertacademicpublishingsaarbrücken, Germany, 2015.
  • Collective monograph "Actual problems of interethnic relations: current state and prospects of development (based on materials of Kostanay region)". Author's section: "From the experience of the APK Department on the formation of tolerance among students as the spiritual basis of the mentality of the people of Kazakhstan." According to the results of the republican contest of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan for the best scientific project on the Kazakh model of social harmony and national unity of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Leader of the Nation N. A. Nazarbayev received the GRAND PRIX. ISBN 978-601-210-233-8 (2016).

Training manuals

  • Educational and methodical manual "The formation of a polyethnocultural orientation is the basis of the national idea "Mangilik El". ISBN 978-601-336-276-2 (June, 2018).
  • Bio-bibliography of the members of the scientific expert group of the Kostanay Regional Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan ISBN 978-601-210-281-9 (2018).