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Department of Preschool and Primary Education

Kasabolat Aigul Zhaparbekovna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Pedagogical Sciences Academic degree


  • 2005-2009 Taraz State Pedagogical Institute, specialty: 5B010700 "Fine Arts and Drawing", Bachelor.
  • 2011-2013 Zhambyl Humanitarian Technical University, 6M010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology", Master's degree.
  • 2018-2021 N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 6D010300 –"Pedagogy and Psychology", doctoral studies.

Subjects taught

  • New approaches to teaching and assessment at school
  • Innovations in preschool education
  • Methods of teaching "artistic work" in primary school
  • Workshop on the theory and methodology of visual activity and design
  • Organization of theatrical activities in kindergarten.

Work experience

  • 2009-2010 Teacher of fine arts and drawing, T.Ryskulov Secondary School.
  • 2010-2013 Teacher of fine arts and drawing, secondary school gymnasium named after D. Konaev.
  • 2013-2018 Senior lecturer of the Department of Arts, Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute.

Certificate of professional qualification

  • Ways of developing students creativity in the subjects of Fine Arts and drawing in the context of the transition to the 2012-2013-year education system. 72 hours. The Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Orleu National Center" . White: Reg. № 0057707.
  • 2016 certificate of participation in seminars organized by the Association of Kazakhstan on the project for the development of Critical Thinking Through Reading and writing 86 hours Reg. №019959.
  • 2017 modern pedagogical technologies the educational program of advanced training courses for teachers of pedagogical maians of the university is 240 hours. The Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Orleu National Center". White: Reg. № 0204542.
  • 2019 the socio-psychological personality development of children of the younger school age in the conditions of implementation of modern FGOS of the Russian state social university certificate. Participation in the scientific and practical seminar.
  • 2021 opportunities for integration and innovation of the Unified educational process 72 hours Nur-Sultan A. Baitursynova Academy of education institution Reg №1/002.

Awards and prizes

  • Diplom of the first step, awarded to the project" best young students – 2020 among scientific and educational institutions of the CIS; № 147.
  • Diplom dean of the Faculty of history and research.
  • Letter of thanks from the rector of the Kyzylorda University "Bolashak" 2020.
  • Diplom of the Department of education of the akimat of Zhambyl region in 2010.

Activities in the service sector

  • 2019 She completed a scientific internship at the Russian State Social University.


  • Future Teachers’ Opinions on Preparation and Use of Interactive Materials in Teaching Table of Contents-iJET International Journal: Emerging Technologies in Learning. Vol. 15, No. 23, 2020. 121-131p. Scopus % 62 Q2.
  • Development of the project competence of the future teacher as the basis of project activity. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Pedagogy and psychology. Scientific and methodological Journal. 2019 №4 (41) 61-70p.
  • Designing Life Strategies in the system of professional self-development of personality reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education 2019 №3 194-203b.
  • Bulletin of Pedagogical Heritage. Science and life of Kazakhstan. No. 9, 2020. S. 141-150.
  • Features of the organization of group work in the design of the educational process. Science and life of Kazakhstan. 2020 No. 9/1. pp. 145-151.
  • Philosophical Foundations of Preparing Future Specialists for Project Activities. "Innovation Management and Technology in the Era of Globalization": Materials of the VII International Scientific-Practical Conference. London, 2020.92-100.
  • Features of the social project "Ainalayyn" in the socialization of orphaned children. III reading the memory of V. T. Lisovsky. Youth in the intellectual potential of the country: expectations and problems of self-realization. Moscow 2020 190-198 p.
  • Some issues in developing students' critical thinking skills in instructional design. Pedagogy and modern aspects of physical education. Collection of scientific works of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Kramatorsk 2021 397-401.