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Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Special Education

Berkenova Gulnar Seitzhanovna
Acting Associate Professor Position
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Scientific degree
  • Higher education, Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, specialty "Biology and Chemistry"
 Subjects taught
  • Higher school pedagogy
  • Modern educational technologies
  • Fundamentals of pedagogical skills
  • Pedagogical acmeology
Work experience
  • 1992 Тeacher of the Department of Pedagogy.
  • 2004 Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology.
  • 2016 Head of the Department for educational work KSU named after A.Baitursynov.
  • 2019 Director of the Department of youth policy KRU named after A.Baitursynov.
Awards and prizes
  • Diploma «Кұрмет» MES RK.
  • Diploma KRU named after A.Baitursynov.
  • Grant КазАЧ.
  • Diploma KRU named after A.Baitursynov.
  • Diploma of the Kazakhstan Branch Professional Union of Education and Science Workers.
  • A.Baitursynov Medal.
Membership in professional organizations
  • Member of the International Literacy Association (ILA).
  • Coach of an international educational project «RWCT».
  • Participant of the meeting of the Eurasian Committee ILA, Istanbul, 2010.
  • Member of the editorial board of the journal ESSN «Voice and vision» («Голосивидение»).
  • Branch lecturer Joint-stock company "Natsional'nyjtsentrpovyshenijakvalifikatsii "Orleu" Institute of Advanced Training of Teaching Staff in Kostanay region.
  • Introduction to the theory and methodology of the transition to Latin graphics.- "Pedagogy and psychology in the modern world: theoretical and practical research" -No. 5 (23) - Moscow, 2019.
  • The role of legal literacy of students in the formation of an anti-corruption culture of the individual.- Bulletin of the KSPI.- No.3 (55) – Kostanay, July 2019.
  • The influence of music on the problem of ethno-cultural tolerance of students. - International Scientific and Practical Conference. "Pedagogy and psychology in the modern world: theoretical and practical research". - Moscow, 2020. - No. 4 (34). ISSN 2541-9862.
  • Organization of educational work with students in the conditions of transformation of the educational process.- International Scientific and Practical conference. Altynsarin readings "Innovations, knowledge, experience – vectors of educational tracks", - Kostanay, 2023.